The time for leadership is now. The only way to protect voting rights in the future is to pass legislation at the federal level that will override the rash of anti-voter laws passed by Republicans.The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA) and the Freedom to Vote Act (FTVA) are two bills that can be passed now to ensure this, and if elected, I will be a yes vote for both. That alone will not put more money into the pockets of working people. We do a great job of giving them a quality education and world class college degrees, but then they leave. flex-wrap: wrap; The worst part is that we still dont know the full extent of the problem as new pockets of contamination are regularly found. Making College and Tech Schools More Affordable. width: 100%; Apply today! .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, font-size: 1.2em; .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { display: inline-block; height: 56px; The seat is currently held by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson. I will fully advocate for the Administrations use of national monuments as part of the Presidents protection tools under the Antiquities Act and will push to change the law to ensure once a President has used that power to protect public lands, it cannot be reversed by a future President. We need to incentivize our high schools to set up dual enrollment programs in technical schools that allow for both high school and college credits in technical education the same way that we do for college education. [2][24], Lasry has expressed support for a $15 minimum wage, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, the notion of eliminating the filibuster, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. We need to continue to fight to expand funding for our Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives, to support dairy entrepreneurs and help Wisconsin dairy businesses develop new markets, reduce costs, and support local farm economies. This page was current at the end of the individual's last campaign covered by Ballotpedia. When you look at who to vote for, pay attention to how they run their campaigns and their businesses. padding-left: 0; background-color: #f9d334; $('.hideResponses').show(); document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content64003192d3c42').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); As Wisconsin continues to bask in the glow of the Milwaukee Bucks first NBA Championship in 50 years, Alex Lasry, senior vice president for the Milwaukee Bucks, sat down with Milwaukee Courier staff to talk about how the Bucks have inspired him to run for the U.S. Senate. Voters want real, actionable change. .infobox p { That is where strong government enforcement must come in, and in the Senate, I will fight for more stringent environmental guardrails. But in order to make this possible, we also need to ensure that every community has access to affordable, reliable high-speed broadband. 100% remote. There is already a new bulk commodity port facility under construction in the Milwaukee Port that is going to enhance our ability to export to areas around the world. I will focus on actually legislating, breaking gridlock, and delivering real results for Wisconsin. The world looks to the United States and when our democratic institutions falter, it empowers anti-democratic forces around the globe. display: inline-block; As we fight climate change, we must remember that communities of color too often bear the brunt of its devastating effects, while sharing in few of the economic opportunities presented by the clean energy economy. The federal government should set the wage floor and then ensure that states allow local governments the freedom to innovate according to local conditions. U.S. There are growing markets in the Middle East and Asia for our dairy products, and we need to ensure that any and all trade negotiations help open these markets to Wisconsin farmers. Expanding the right to vote has been a persistent fight since the founding of this country. The well-being of workers should not depend on who holds power in Congress or the White House. If they choose to become a state, the U.S. should grant Puerto Rico full representation in the U.S. Congress and the electoral college. Lasry unofficially withdrew from the race but appeared on the primary election ballot on August 9, 2022. We need to rebuild infrastructure across our state. Alex Lasry earned a B.A. margin-bottom:0px; .leg-hnt-border-top { text-align: center; .survey-result {padding:10px;} The rural health facilities that do exist often have limited usefulness if they cannot provide the services that are needed. padding-left: 0; } Its time for the U.S. Citizens in Puerto Rico to have real self-determination. State legislature | font-size: 12px; } We must replace them with leaders who believe in democracy and the constitutional right to vote. If elected U.S. font-weight: bold; .outer_percentage { UW-Madison used to be the number 3 university in the country when it comes to receiving annual R & D funding now its 8th. .leg-hnt-title { color:white; We are facing a dramatic labor shortage in our skilled trades because of an impending retirement wave. We need to retain young people by improving career awareness efforts by local businesses in their nearby high schools. Alex has a strong family background. We are seeing both the federal and state governments invest to ensure that all Wisconsinites have access to affordable high-speed internet, but more needs to be done. justify-content: center; [10], After receiving his MBA in 2014, Lasry moved to Milwaukee when his family purchased the Milwaukee Bucks, to serve as the team's senior vice president. The pandemic has disproportionately negatively impacted working women, and the entire economy has suffered. Lasry, son of private equity . Unfortunately, Republican leadership doesnt see it that way. }.

, See also:United States Senate election in Wisconsin, 2022. We should require that the federal government only does business with companies who pay living wages, provide a safe workplace, and respect their workers right to organize a union, free from retaliation. Its long past time for Congress to act and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act into law. background-color: grey; } July 27, 2022. Alex Lasry's trust is valued at more than $50 million. Tying healthcare to an employer creates barriers for workers to leave their jobs to seek a better job, or start a company themselves. We need to examine and fund additional ways we can enhance Wisconsins export capacities both through the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi, and through enhanced rail connections. margin-top: 5px; font-size: 1.25em; color: #888; width: 35px !important; .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { The median age in rural counties is now approximately 44.4 years old, and its steadily getting older. Congress must work to pass the PRO Act to protect unions, empower workers, and hold big businesses accountable. This new wave of restrictive voting laws is the most aggressive assault on democracy in over 100 years. padding-bottom: 3px; Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry withdrew from the Democratic Senate primary Wednesday afternoon and endorsed Lt. Gov. margin-bottom: .75em; } } padding-bottom: 0px; Congress must also pass the PRO Act to protect unions, empower workers, and hold big businesses accountable. For too long, our country has been in a race to the bottom where we have incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas and produce products for the lowest price possible, no matter what the consequences are. border: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #003388; } The Democratic Majority in the U.S. Senate, the preservation of the right to vote, and protecting our democracy could very well come down to who wins in Wisconsin. Progressive values are good business. We need to think differently about our tax policy. left: 0px; .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Whether it is inadequate access to affordable healthcare, unsafe drinking water, a lack of access to high-speed broadband, crumbling infrastructure, educational challenges, or vanishing economic opportunity, our communities need help. .non_result_row { display: flex; The boom in remote work during the pandemic is allowing more people and companies the flexibility to do their jobs wherever they want. Dec 28, 2022. } $('.hideResponses').on('click', () => { Building in rural communities is less dense than in urban areas and often comes at higher costs because of the additional cost for transporting materials and hiring harder to find skilled labor. $('#candidate-connection-email-97840').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); Restoring the Home Office Deduction for Everyone. I am extremely proud of my wife, Lauren, for her work at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin to ensure that access to health care from birth control and cancer screenings, to safe, legal abortion is protected for individuals and families across Wisconsin. All these practices are well known for helping control soil erosion, but they are also good ways to help sequester carbon. The United States is an outlier in the 35 countries in the industrialized world, and other countries already have sector bargaining. This week, Milwaukee Bucks senior vice president Alex Lasry announced a 2022 run for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, a seat currently held by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson. }); What's on my ballot? font-style: italic; Its time to enact Automatic Voter Registration that makes our voter roles more accurate and more secure. We need labor law that matches the contours of todays economy and protects todays workersa 21st-century labor law written for the 21st centurys economy. color: #888; display: inline-block; Alex Lasry is senior vice president for the Milwaukee Bucks, where he directs the team's digital marketing efforts and leads the company's development initiatives. Senator. The size and scope of the problem is so large that the federal government is going to need to play a significant role in making sure this problem is dealt with and cleaned up. The FTVA creates national standards to protect the right to vote and helps end extreme gerrymandering. In the Senate I will join Tammy Baldwin and insist that the federal government buys construction materials that are made in the U.S.A. for all future infrastructure projects. An expansion was in the Build Back Better Agenda and needs to be passed as part of any future package. color: white; As part of the Trump Tax Law that was passed in 2017, Republicans dramatically scaled back on tax cuts that disproportionately affect working families while leaving many of the same tax cuts in effect for business owners. font-size: 110%; The Wisconsin State Legislature has done everything they can to disinvest from the University system over the last dozen years. We need to enable and encourage sectoral or industrial level organizing where all the employers in a sector can get to the table to negotiate one contract to set standards across an entire sector or even an entire industry. This also means we need to strengthen our democracy at home. } I want to give Tammy Baldwin a true partner in the United States Senate. In the U.S. Senate, I will fight to ensure that everyone has access to inclusive, high-quality, and affordable healthcare, and that includes abortion and reproductive care. position: relative; [26], Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 16:32, 2022 United States Senate election in Wisconsin, "You're All Set to Get Married and Then the Coronavirus Pandemic Hits. .widget-row.Democratic { I strongly support keeping public lands in public hands. margin-top: 1em; font-weight: bold; left: 0; Access to quality child care is a crisis in this country and helping to improve it could help bring more people back into the workforce at a time when we desperately need more workers. Its time to pass federal legislation that will ban partisan gerrymandering and establish a federal non-partisan standard for drawing fair maps that will be representative of the diversity in each district. .votebox-scroll-container { I will fight every day to bring back resources to our state and deliver legislation that will help Wisconsinites in their everyday lives. That means paying more than a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, keeping their supply operations in the United States, and being active partners in the communities that they do business in. } text-align: center; } Since entering this race, I have traveled to every part of Wisconsin, talking to voters about the issues that matter most to them. One year ago, our country witnessed something that has never been seen in the United States , a sitting President and his followers attempted to disrupt and stop the peaceful transfer of power. .non_result_row th { [20], While running for US Senate, Alex received an extension in May 2022 to not disclose his financial assets until after the Wisconsin Democratic Senate Primary in August 2022. We must prevent foreign actors from being able to influence or buy our democracy. They don't have any children right now. Alex Lasry, a Democratic candidate for the Senate in Wisconsin, plans to drop out of the primary race Wednesday, his campaign confirmed. border:1px solid #FFB81F; margin: 0px 10px; .results_row td { $('.showResponses').show(); .inner_percentage.Green { Lasry, a New York City native, is . width: 100%; I was the first candidate in this race to take the End Citizens United pledge and reject all corporate PAC money. In the last year, the child poverty rate has dropped by nearly 40 percent, the biggest drop ever in American history due to the Child Tax Credit. Currently, 30 states and Washington D.C. have minimum wages above the federal minimum wage, while at the same time, we see nearly record job creation and record low unemployment. The United States is the only advanced country that does not currently guarantee paid leave. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { font-weight: 500; We need to safeguard unions and protect workers for generations to come. He was born in New York City to Marc and Cathy Lasry. .inner_percentage.Democratic { div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } background-color: grey; My plan is where I will start, but not where my work will end. People across the country rely on public transportation to have access to family sustaining jobs, healthcare, and a good education. They are passing laws in states across the country to decide who gets to vote and who doesnt. A senior vice president with the team, Lasry said he will take a. Congress should preempt these statewide restrictions and allow cities and counties to have the ability to innovate locally on consideration of wages. When we built the Bucks arena in Milwaukee, we ensured that all the labor was union labor from Wisconsin. } .election_results_text { if (document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content64003192d3c42').classList.contains('leg-hnt-hide')) { As a country, we produce more now than we did during that time, but we do it in very different ways. The proposals in this plan will have a direct effect on easing supply chain problems, help lower inflationary pressure on prices, and help create more jobs in every part of this state. . MADISON, Wis. Alex Lasry was easy to miss as he hovered near the counter at Colectivo Coffee on a recent afternoon in downtown Madison. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} } We need to ensure that those that need help in rural communities have access to similar programs and treatments that are available in bigger cities. Counties | Thats roughly twice the deficit for men in the same age bracket. President Bidens Build Back Better Plan will bring good, union jobs to Wisconsin and help with desperately needed infrastructure improvements across the state. font-weight: 300; | .results_row.winner { font-weight: bold; } These are some of the simple things we can do that would drastically decrease . background-color: grey; The economy that was dominated by large-scale industrial manufacturing no longer exists in most places. This is especially timely legislation that must pass given the recent passage of the bipartisan infrastructure deal that will be injecting 1 trillion dollars into new infrastructure projects around the country. 25% of service contracts to minority/disadvantaged business. p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} [17][16] Reports also show that specifics of the deal the Bucks agreed to for public financing said they did not have to institute a universal $15 minimum wage until 2023. During the early part of the pandemic, 27% of adults considering relocation were most interested in a rural location according to a survey conducted by DCI (an economic development marketing firm). [8][15], During his US Senate campaign, he has touted his work championing union jobs and a $15 minimum wage with the Bucks[16] which was a requirement in the arena funding deal. No plan that seeks to strengthen rural communities will ever address every issue. It also has a direct effect on the innovations, patents, and new startups that result from that research. } This incredibly effective tool has been championed on a bipartisan basis in the past and was put in place through the COVID Relief package by the Biden Administration in early 2021. Equity must be at the center of reshaping of this new economy so that America can truly be a land of equal opportunity, not a country where the zip code youre born into can define your health outcomes. Its also time to eliminate the tipped minimum wage, which is based in sexism and racism and makes it more likely that these workers live in poverty. Lasry announced this week the. [4][7][9] Lasry went on to become Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff to Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, and then Deputy Counselor for Strategic Engagement to the Senior Advisor where he worked on business outreach and the Jobs Council. .widget-row.Libertarian { When basic needs go unmet, the taxpayer picks up the tab through subsidizing health insurance, SNAP benefits, etc. event.srcElement.innerText = '[hide]'; top: 0px; Abolishing the filibuster will allow legislators to move an agenda and deliver real results for our constituents. .widget-img { height: 100%; According to an August 2021 Pew Research Center report, 16 percent of American adults have earned money through an online gig platform, and one third of workers say its their primary job. Milwaukee Bucks senior vice president Alex Lasry announced a 2022 run for Senate in the swing state of Wisconsin. } With that said, any agreement should include recognition by Palestinian authorities of Israels right to exist, forceful condemnation of violence perpetrated by extremist groups, and an end to settlement expansion and annexation. I want to go to Washington to get things done for all Wisconsinites, no matter where they live, or who they have voted for in the past. .infobox {

. Solve child care crisis by paying child care workers, home health care workers, and long term care workers a fair wage. [4][5], After graduating from UPenn, Lasry spent two months with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee followed by four months as an analyst with Goldman Sachs. background-color: red; } .votebox_legend .non_result_row { The last payments went out in December and Congress needs to extend what has proven to be one of the most effective programs it has ever passed. This practice disproportionately affects communities of color and must be ended. Wisconsin has seen the success that Tammy Baldwin has had with bringing new research and development dollars to our state, most recently through Dairy Business Innovation Funding. But workers still cant deduct them. } font-size: 12px; Congress needs to establish PFAS regulations that will protect the most vulnerable. Progressive values and economic justice should go hand and hand. Alex Lasry gets COVID vaccine early", "Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry to run for Senate in 2022", "Democratic US Senate candidates call for ending filibuster to restore federal abortion protections", "U.S. Senate candidate Alex Lasry and his wife Lauren buy a historic mansion on Milwaukee's east side",, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 16:32. I will do everything that I can to help raise wages, bring jobs and investment back to Wisconsin, and enact legislation that will make peoples lives better no matter where they live. We must find a new way to lower the prices of the medications that so many Americans depend on. We need to make sure that when government dollars are being spent, they are being used to Buy American goods and help prop up companies that are producing goods and services in America with American labor. width: 100%; We need the penalty for these activities to be high enough that companies wont consider engaging in these union-busting activities. } What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? float: right; Senator Tammy Baldwin is a leading champion for Wisconsin manufacturers through her work in ensuring that projects that utilize federal tax dollars use materials that are made in America. Guarantee every worker the right to be a member of a union. This should all be done in an effort to provide local options for students to stay in their communities. Since the passage of the United States Constitution, the residents of Washington, D.C. have been denied their full citizenship rights that all residents of other states enjoy, including voting representation in Congress. margin-bottom: 4px; color: white; Cleveland Browns owners Jimmy and Dee Haslam have agreed to purchase Marc Lasry's 25% stake of the Milwaukee Bucks in a deal that puts the value of the NBA franchise at $3.5 billion, a person . .votebox { .top_disclaimer { Alex Lasry (Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Wisconsin. Under NBA rules, the children are . We as a country provide very little support for child care, early education, and support for our aging adults. We need Congress to invest in attracting more proven drug treatment programs and personnel into rural communities. box-sizing: border-box; That means if the federal government pays to replace or rebuild water and sewer lines for example, the steel and iron must be made in places like the Neenah Foundry or Wisconsin Steel and Tube Corporation. Lasry was a Democratic candidate in the 2022 United States Senate election in Wisconsin, but withdrew before the primary. The Bucks pay all our employees at the Bucks Arena family-sustaining wages because we know that paying our employees fairly is not only the right thing to do, but also translates to higher productivity. Alex's father, Marc, immigrated to the US from Morocco when he was seven years old and Cathy grew up in Long Island. display: flex; I want to help bring real change and real results for the people of Wisconsin and that starts with putting more money back in the pockets of hard-working Wisconsinites. State and local courts | We need the federal and state government to ensure that all Wisconsinites have access to high speed, accessible and affordable internet. Source. I decided to run because for over a decade, Wisconsinites have only had one Senator fighting for them in Washington. The United States has a unique responsibility and must play an active role in resetting the peace talks. .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} [8] His father donated more than $500,000 to the Barack Obama 2012 presidential campaign. padding: 2px; We can dramatically decrease the cost of college while rapidly increasing the skills of our workforce by offering every student a pathway for two years of college to be free. ", "Bice: 33-year-old Bucks exec Alex Lasry got COVID-19 vaccine, says he was 'lucky' to jump line", "Mandela Barnes gets open path to take on Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson", "U.S. Senate candidate Alex Lasry's ritzy roots include elite schools, Michael Jackson home, $50 million-plus trust", "Cathy and Marc Lasry, parents | Penn Arts & Sciences Endowed Professors", "Wall Street roots. Incentivizing Companies To Do the Right Thing. Democrat Alex Lasry, a 33-year-old Milwaukee Bucks executive and son of a billionaire, announced Wednesday that he's running for the U.S. Senate in 2022 for the seat held by Republican Ron Johnson. The pandemic has shown us first-hand what a lack of access to reliable broadband means for schools, healthcare facilities, and small businesses. Instead of handing out corporate tax breaks across the board, we should only be rewarding companies that are doing the right thing. overflow: hidden; We have seen this happen time and time again and its time to ensure that we are protecting voting rights, permanently by amending the Constitution to ensure that no state can restrict or take away the right to vote from any citizen. .leg-hnt-section-title { Nineteen states have now enacted 34 new laws that put in place new obstacles to make it harder to vote. } position: relative; Thats why I support adding vision, hearing and dental coverage to Medicare, and why I support allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription costs. margin: 5px auto; Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alex Lasry pours in $1.55 million more into race, while Sarah Godlewski adds $750,000 Bill Glauber Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 0:00 0:32 Democrats Alex Lasry. Here in Wisconsin, Republicans in the legislature passed seven election related bills last year that would have erected significant new barriers to voting. He lost in the Democratic primary on August 9, 2022. We need to double down on efforts to push Buy America and ensure that critical manufacturing is done right here in the United States. } We have since seen other candidates take that pledge, but it rings hollow when candidates that have taken corporate PAC money in the past now claim to reject it. }) I am going to the Senate to get real results for Wisconsin. No place is this more acute than in our rural communities. } .clearfix { Healthcare simply costs too much, especially for seniors. His departure. max-width: 75px; "This week I was vaccinated!" Lasry tweeted on Friday after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported it. Currently, 28 states have right to work laws that take away rights from working people, drive down wages, and weaken labor unions. font-size: 90%; Lasry's departure leaves Lt. Gov. Wisconsin's next Democratic senator? padding-bottom: 5px; We need to have a system that can not only transport Wisconsin produced goods to the market in an efficient manner, but also help transport our people and allow workers to live wherever they want, including rural areas, and commute more easily. }) That means paying more than a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, keeping their supply operations in the United States, and being active partners in the communities that they do business in. I hear the same thing from voters no matter where they live: Wisconsinites want good jobs, family sustaining wages, access to quality affordable healthcare, and access to economic opportunity. Republicans like Ron Johnson want us to believe people in urban and rural areas dont care about the same things, that couldnt be further from the truth. Investing in Agricultural Research and Development through the UW-System.

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The world looks to the United States and when our Democratic institutions falter, it anti-democratic... 9, 2022 and needs to establish PFAS regulations that will protect right... Should all be done in an effort to provide local options for students to stay in their.! Women, and small businesses gridlock, and the entire economy has suffered White House facing a dramatic shortage... All the labor was union labor from Wisconsin. workers for generations to.... ; Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry announced a 2022 run for Senate the. The industrialized world, and a good education for Wisconsin. swing state of Wisconsin. >... Empowers anti-democratic forces around the globe we as a country provide very little support for our aging adults a education! Last year that would have erected significant new barriers to voting employer creates barriers workers.