The 32-year-old actor was seen carrying a baby carrier,. Mother Superior encourages her to join the others since they may need her resourcefulness, but Belle wishes to stay with Mr. Gold in case he passes away. Guilt-ridden, Belle excuses herself to make things right. She runs to the upper deck, where the spell prevents her from leaving the ship. Eventually, with knowledge from Cruella De Vil and Ursula about the Chernabog, the creature is forced across the town line and fades out of existence. In our territory is a certain waterless sea, consisting of tumbling billows of sand never at rest. Species: Mr. Gold proves his innocence by giving Emma a dream catcher to look into the memories of Archie's dog Pongo, who witnessed his owner's death. Belle notices their arguing has only divided them and hurt their son, so Mr. Gold suggests they should work together now for their child's sake. Noticing Henry is unhappy, she learns he is disappointed over the fairytale storybook and all the bad things that happen to Regina in it. Rumplestiltskin remarks that this person is not dead, though, and simply just lost. After supper every night, the Beast asked Beauty to be his wife: every night she said him nay. Kathryn Nolan is a character on ABC 's Once Upon a Time. Luckily, Hook saves her by shoving Jekyll into a harpoon, which kills him. He discovers the shawl is gone and furiously plans to go after Hook alone. ("Shattered Sight"), After Belle awakens, her husband suggests packing for a trip to New York so they can have a proper honeymoon. Taken to Demon's Bluff, Belle is coerced into speaking a ransom message into an enchanted sand dollar, begging Rumplestiltskin to bring the gauntlet in exchange for her life. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +18177315044 West 7th Wool - Make Your Own Masterpiece | Yarn, Wool and Knitting Supplies Ft. Worth As a child, Belle learns to love books after her mother introduces her to Her Handsome Hero, a tale of compassion and forgiveness. Belle promises they can restore him to his original form if he helps them bring back Rumplestiltskin. Spotting a lone puppy, she follows until losing sight of the animal and is kidnapped by Cruella De Vil. During the day, Belle rushes into the diner to pick up a sandwich from Granny, when the second-to-last petal on the magical rose falls off. Outside, Gaston, Belle's one-time fianc, tries to kill Mr. Gold with an arrow dipped in the river of souls, as revenge for the latter killing him. The next morning, Billy turns up dead, and Ruby is accused of murder, since she shape shifted into a wolf the night before, but can't remember anything. A plan quickly assembles for everyone to make their way to the Queen's old palace. Instead, Regina later proves she stole the cup and uses it to goad Mr. Gold into admitting his real name, to prove he has regained his memories from before the curse. After serving him tea, Belle theorizes he collects things to fill a hole in his heart. Only when Belle regains the box, John and Michael admit they are helping Pan because he has their sister Wendy, but she persuades them that the box is essential to freeing Wendy. While Belle and the. The doppelganger nitpicks Belle into believing the dagger is fake. Though Rumplestiltskin hopes for the same, he thinks his own ending won't be a happy one. After Aladdin turns the wand over to Belle, she gives it to Zelena. You're a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, Belle is working at the pawnshop when Hook comes in to ask her about why true love's kiss didn't work for her and Mr. Gold. Belle doesn't believe her and instead thinks Zelena is afraid of giving Hades a chance. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magic as well as David and Hook's fighting skills, they clear the dungeon of Arthur's guards, with Belle following them. ("A Bitter Draught"), After Belle moves into one of the rooms below deck, David visits her, with a cassette tape from Mr. Gold. Slipping into the shop, Mr. Gold carries her onto a bed, where he begins talking about the many debts he has acquired from his questionable actions. A plan is formed to gather the nuns for the creation of the counterspell while Elsa and Emma use a locator spell to find Anna. The box contains is a key, which Belle uses to open the library. Completing the trio, Cruella steps out to pressure Rumplestiltskin into paying the ransom, but he only gives up the gauntlet once Belle's heart is almost crushed by Ursula. They all regroup with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection, though the door is locked. Later, Belle returns the child to his elated parents, as an unseen Rumplestiltskin watches longingly from a distance. She stays in the elevator until Mr. Gold comes to the library. ("Beauty"). Ingrid then takes the hat from Anna and disappears with her in a puff of smoke. On one of these days, she has lunch with Leroy at the diner, where Granny brings her an order of pancakes. Only later, when Henry calls her, she learns about the recent trouble the townspeople, including Mr. Gold, has had with the Dark Ones and the mark of Charon. De Ravin's film credits include Santa's Slay (2005), The Hills Have Eyes (2006) and Ball Don't Lie (2008). ("Souls of the Departed"), In Mr. Gold's absence, Belle continues with her life in Storybrooke. ("Broken"), One night, Belle has a nightmare in which Mr. Gold attacks Leroy, who has come looking for his ax. She ponders if they can actually help Gideon, and Mr. Gold decides they can by working together for each other and for their son's sake. She returns to the library and finds a knot Hook left behind. Emma offers to retrieve the necklace, but Belle states that by the time she gets back, the counterspell will not be potent. The star followed the Mayr Method in order to achieve her drastic weight loss. She calls Mr. Gold and tries to give more details about Hook, but he can't hear her through the bad reception. Leroy is quick to accuse Regina of wrongdoing, and Belle follows suit in agreement as do the other residents. ("Beauty"), At some point during their travel, Belle and Mr. Gold visit the Wandering Oaken's Trading Post in Arendelle. Unbeknownst to Elsa, Belle once met Anna in the past and let her down. When Rumplestiltskin bursts in to shut her up, they hear a thud from the main room. She overhears them bargaining with him for magic. Belligerently, Belle asserts her refusal to believe that, even though Mr. Gold desperately insists she must leave. Belle refuses to let him harm the ogre unless he kills her first, and she then allows the ogre to escape. Belle arrives in time to see Rumplestiltskin distracted with confronting the Black Fairy, and she goes to grab the child. However, Mr. Gold returns later with a chipped cup, which he says is enchanted with magic, and insists that she try looking at it so her memories might come back. He accidentally spills wine on her dress, so she goes to clean up, but actually goes to make out with Keith outside. He acknowledges experimenting with magic to figure out a way to break the price of magic. ("Witch Hunt", "The Tower", "A Curious Thing"), One day, a midwife named Zelena comes into the pawnshop, mistaking her for "Mrs. Gold", and then asking for Mr. Gold himself. However, since Rumplestiltskin is immortal, the arrow has no effect, and he imprisons the thief; subjecting him to physical torture. As an unexpected price, Neal must forfeit his life while Rumplestiltskin is resurrected. In a group discussion, Belle shares knowledge about the flying monkey's origins in the land of Oz, so Regina determines the person in the palace is the Wicked Witch. On the trek to the palace, Belle has hopes Neal will see his family again and also believes Rumplestiltskin is not truly gone since they did not see where his dagger went. Later in the night, she and Hook share a glass at the counter. She tries to thank him for healing her, but he avoids the topic of magic, which disappoints her. At first, Belle is overjoyed to see her father again, but balks when he insists that she leave Mr. Gold for good. When Mr. Gold promises to protect her and the child with his powers, she becomes even more disappointed, realizing he is the Dark One again. Without her notice, Mr. Gold switches the dagger; taking the real one while replacing a fake in the pawnshop. ("Heroes and Villains"), While Belle is on cleaning duty, she inquiries about why he spins so much, which Rumplestiltskin states helps him forget the things he lost. Hook affirms it did nothing, but he resolves to not to give up on saving her. ("Best Laid Plans"), Desiring a way to subdue Mr. Gold so he won't stop her from rescuing Robin Hood, Regina approaches Belle at the pawnshop, telling her about the trouble her ex-husband has caused her. After Mr. Gold's victory, he is ready to put the past behind and begin anew with her, but Belle rejects him because, although her love for him remains, she is unsure whether she wants to mend their relationship. See "Family" Belle doesn't believe he's the real Hook until Ursula notes that if Mr. Gold was disguised him right now, he would have likely already killed Will. The. As she exits, Belle tells him she always knew there was a hero in him. Fleeing, she stumbles out just before Mr. Gold, on Zelena's command, tells them to stay out of the way or risk death. Belle tries assuring him that they do have a spell to release the nuns as well as the Apprentice, but it'll take some time since she is consulting with outside sources to translate it. Emma arrives in her sheriff car with David and Mary Margaret. Nonetheless, this declaration whittles Emma's doubts. Zelena reminds him of his past promise to stop trying to kill her, but Mr. Gold cancels this deal, citing that he never thought about retaliating against her until she messed with Belle. Belle joins Mr. Gold and their allies at Regina's house to discuss Hook's plans. Turning the dagger over to him, she then returns to the pawnshop, where Will left a rose for her outside the door. As Mr. Gold explains the realm his mother took their son to, a cloaked figure walks in and lowers his hood to reveal himself as Gideon, their grown son, before he greets his parents ambivalently. Belle walks up to the clock tower where David, Elsa, and Hook are studying a mirror previously placed by the Snow Queen. She also gives the Her Handsome Hero book to her, and asks her to read it to her son often as proof his mother is always close to him. Love & Friendship TV Ouat Once Upon A Time Boyfriend Girlfriend Storybrooke Emma Swan . Regina mentions they knew each other, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold and the dagger. In the woods, Gaston attempts to win her over with flowery praise, which she finds amusing. Belle Gold (ne French) is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. Prior to letting Pan kidnap Zelena, Mr. Gold confronts her for giving Belle the sleeping curse, and he believes his wife would have never taken it willingly unless she persuaded her into it. Belle breaks out of her saddened stupor to inform the group about Henry's kidnapping and the cloaking spell they now must enact to keep outsiders from entering Storybrooke. After she orders him into doing so, Mr. Gold professes that he did not know Elsa was trapped in the urn and that he doesn't know her or Anna, though it is a lie, as the dagger is a fake. Losing hope, Elsa wonders if Anna put her in the urn, just as the Snow Queen claimed, and that her sister doesn't want to be found. Suspecting Moe has it, Mr. Gold kidnaps Moe and tries to beat the truth out of the man, while expressing a great deal of rage, blaming him for Belle's death. Mr. Gold witnesses them and shoves Keith off in the belief he is assaulting Lacey. He states it can be found with "the strength of their love", leading her to find the chipped cup, which she places in the cupboard. While the diner is bustling with activity to welcome the nuns back, the Chernabog makes itself known to the townspeople. Anna learns from Grand Pabbie that her aunt, Ingrid, is not trustworthy, causing her to fear for her sister Elsa's safety. When Rumplestiltskin finally notices Belle, the squid ink on the fairy wears off, allowing her to escape. On the way out, Mr. Gold grabs a potion and drives Belle to the town line, intent on escaping from Emma. She talks to him about the book, to which he tells her how he died after trying to be compassionate and forgiving as she once preached. Once inside, she recognizes a stranger as Hook and runs away, but he blocks her. Belle then questions whether the two of them actually came to buy anything, so Cruella asks her to find something fashionable to adorn her car hood. As soon as Belle is done writing, Rumplestiltskin arrives to steal the paper and the baby, as he intended for her to unknowingly provide the translation. In the aftermath, Gideon is defeated by Emma and forced to retreat. You find goodness in others. When Mr. Gold shows up to beat Hook bloody, Belle pleads for him to stop as proof he has changed from the past. Portrayed by: TV // February 06, 2018. Beauty and the Beast: An Old Tale New-Told, with Pictures. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) Later, Belle witnesses David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming their son after a true heroNeal. When she asks what happened to his wife, Mr. Gold says that she died. However, Belle remains secretive about one final piece of the prophecy, in that it was not about the sun in the sky, but the figurative "sun" in the Dark One's life: her. The nuns return safely, and while everyone basks in the reunion, none of them see a Chernabog being released from the hat and flying off. Relatives: When he passes out, she gains help from the Apprentice to trap the darkness in his heart into the hat. Mr. Gold is worried about Belle's injuries, so he magically heals them, which only frightens her. Emilie de Ravin, who plays Belle in TV series Once Upon a Time, welcomed her first child with boyfriend Eric Bilitch this weekend. She then comforts him as he cries over the loss of his son. ("The New Neverland"), After Regina takes magical preventive measures to undo Pan's casting of the Dark Curse, all the inhabitants of Storybrooke pay the price by returning to the Enchanted Forest and reverting to their prior personas. Gender: While an ambulance is called, Mary Margaret soothes a panicked Belle, and later hands her over to a nurse at the hospital. Heading back to the castle, Rumplestiltskin shows Belle an extensive library, gruffly denying that the room is for her and that he just needs her to clean everything. Emma plays a camera recording, filmed when she was in a foster home, which reveals her then foster mother was the Snow Queen. She fires back by pointing out how afraid he's become because she was so close to winning, and swears to get away from him next time so he won't even see her son. He removes the tracking bracelet to prove he's not tricking her and then suggests she should call to check in with the nuns. Rumplestiltskin then consoles Belle by stating they won't be able to hurt her now. She comes to admire these two attributes as what embodies a hero. After moving his wife to the couch, he tries to convince her to allow him to use the dagger on her just this once so she can be cured of whatever ailment she has. Having once said she saw the man behind the beast in him, Belle angrily declares he's just a beast now. ("Swan Song"), Shortly before leaving for the Underworld, Mr. Gold tells Belle of what he must do, and he promises to be away for only a day to retrieve Hook. They are too late to stop Zelena from kidnapping Robin and using him as leverage against Regina, who forfeits the wand to ensure his safety. Caught, Lumiere admits he was cursed by the Wicked Witch, who wants the Dark One alive so she can control him with the dagger. She was an American singer and actress, best known for playing Dorothy Gale in the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz, which had her signature song, Somewhere Over The . Belle confronts her husband, vowing to not let him succeed, before criticizing him for once again making the wrong choice. There, a hooded thief is stealing a wand. She states that it's important to truly know someone by seeing what's in a person's heart. She returns to the pawnshop where Mr. Gold is waiting for her. Within the privacy of a hotel room, Mr. Gold prepares a summoning circle to use the crystal to wake Belle, who is still in the box. At their parting, Belle discovers he won't be able to return to her, but she voices hopes that the future is not set in stone. ("Child of the Moon"), Belle and Mr. Gold finally go on a date at Granny's with a serving of hamburgers. Relating knowledge about Ingrid's mirror, Belle explains it's key for casting a spell of shattered sight, which will make everyone turn on each other. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. As they tease her about whether she is satisfied with his suffering, Belle asserts she would never be pleased with someone else's misery. Belle Gold (ne French), briefly known as Lacey, is a fictional character in ABC's television series Once Upon a Time. As for her left-behind fianc, she rejects the idea that her idea of love would fit with someone as superficial as Gaston. Belle looks for the shawl, and distractedly sets down the gun. On foot, Belle and Rumplestiltskin spot Robin Hood using the wand on a sickly woman. Inside the building, Mr. Gold admits bringing magic to Storybrooke because he doesn't know how to live without magic. Belle suggests they could test it out by taking out of the tree's branches, but Regina declines, believing they'll have trouble if the branch ends up reverting to one of Merlin's fingers. Mr. Gold tries to persuade her that things are different now and they can be together, but Belle refuses, believing their union has already caused too much heartbreak for both of them. She splits from Mr. Gold, opting to right things on her own, as she doesn't want to make the same mistake again. In an unknown library, Belle and her husband are pleased when Gideon announces he has been accepted into Elphame Academy. She demands that he leave her alone, which he finally does in tears. She insists they were happy in Storybrooke, or they could have been if it was enough for him. Later, Belle receives word that Anna has been found and is on her way to the diner, so she leaves the remaining work to the nuns. At one point, she finds a notebook in his belongings, which reveal his actual plan is to steal the Dark One's dagger and control Rumplestiltskin into plundering the Enchanted Forest. ("Smash the Mirror"), In an agreed deal, Ingrid allows Mr. Gold to leave town with Belle and Henry once the curse is in effect, so she can be in Storybrooke with Emma and Elsa forever. He believes the only way he can protect her is if they leave town, but Belle, realizing he wants to protect himself, parts ways from him. She is exasperated and annoyed when asked to step into the next room after Mary Margaret and David come to Mr. Gold for help in finding a missing Regina. When he tries to kiss her, she is momentarily fazed before directing his attention to the antiquities book, which states the mirror of souls can prove if a person has evil in his or her heart. Mr. Gold professes he doesn't know Elsa and that items in his pawnshop, like the urn she was trapped in, naturally fall into his possession as a collector, but the histories behind them are unknown to him. When he warns her a second time, Belle notes a shawl nearby. When the healed woman stands up, uncovering a pregnant belly, Belle implores Rumplestiltskin not to make the child fatherless by killing Robin Hood. The boy explains finding a page with a door, which he believes will lead to the Author. Privacy Settings Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: basic site functions ensuring secure, safe transactions The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . Later, her father tells her the ogres have breached the eastern region. He says it's possible, but mentions that it doesn't keep a person immune from death. When Belle cracks Zelena's spell, she tells the others and they regroup at Regina's house where Mary Margaret was just possessed by Cora's spirit. Mr. Gold reveals he is the Dark One again, after using magic to make the darkness return to him, rather than let it die out from Hook's sacrifice. Belle, accepting his reasons, reconciles with him. With her powers spinning out of control, Emma then accidentally collapses a streetlight, which almost falls on Hook, but David takes the hit. Upon seeing Robin, Regina is shocked and pieces together that Zelena must have gone after the Black Fairy on her own. Mr. Gold is reluctant to be parted from his son, but Belle assures him that they've had Gideon for eighteen wonderful years and now it's time for him to make his own path in life too. Shocked at this revelation, he drops the ball, which shatters into pieces, as he recalls the deal he made with Fendrake years ago, in which he will owe the healer his second-born child. Belle quietly states that he died, to which Zelena gives her deepest condolences. She hides behind a bookcase after hearing the elevator come up, but it turns out to be Mr. Gold. While everyone ponders what the witch wants from them, Aurora and Prince Phillip admit Zelena desires Snow White's unborn child and that they were forced to keep quiet or their own child would be harmed. Regina then warns Mr. Gold against stopping her trip to New York or she'll hurt Belle. Belle believes the monster in him is gone, even though as a man he is flawed, everyone is too, which only deepens her love for him. Belle suggests getting help from Mr. Gold, believing that he is no worse than Emma, but everyone thinks Arthur is their best bet to reach Merlin. Maybe that's how Belle gets her memories back. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Emilie de Ravin. She unknowingly falls asleep while doing research at the library, in which she finds a book in the dream world version of the library that tells her to "follow the ribbon" if she wants to defeat the Dark One. She then encourages Mr. Gold into letting Emma revive Mother Superior since he hasn't yet found a solution and they shouldn't allow the Black Fairy to steal any more of Gideon's time from them. After he does, Belle orders him onto watch duty while she goes into the Snow Queen's lair. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. Belle is led by the ribbon to the shears within a cave, where she realizes that she's dreaming as "Morpheus" arrives. With Gideon later tied to a chair, Belle attempts to ask him about where his heart is hidden and tries to spur him into resisting the Black Fairy's control again. Later, Samuel makes an unexpectedly quick recovery, and he admits he came to rescue her on her father's orders. The 33-year-old actress took to. The clothes Belle wears while she is Rumplestiltskin's maid are similar to the ones she wears in the Disney film. Shortly after Mother Superior tells the heroes where the other half of the wand is hidden, the Black Fairy morphs out of her Snow disguise as Gideon sheds his David disguise, much to everyone's shock. ("Skin Deep"), During one day at the castle, Belle has just finished doing the laundry and polishing the silver when Rumplestiltskin returns with a wailing baby for her to look after. After letting out a spray of water from a slashed pipe, the beast's bodily flames are doused out. When he expresses uncertainty, Lumiere boldly claims to have lived in the Dark One's library for two-hundred years, which Belle knows is a lie since Rumplestiltskin specifically made that room for her barely thirty years ago. Under a magnifying glass, Belle sees mirror dust embedded in the pendant, which proves Elsa's theory. However, the price of bringing magic to town is not being able to leave without losing his Enchanted Forest memories, and therefore, Mr. Gold is unable to search for his son, who was also his motivation for making the Dark Curse. However, Belle is stumped over what is so special about Regina's heart that Zelena desperately needs it. Unknown to everyone, aside from Leroywho is also in on the schemethis is a ploy Emma and Regina set up in order to make the townspeople believe the madam mayor is guilty while the two sleuth out the real criminal. Mr. Gold assumes she wants him to wake her with true love's kiss, but he declares it impossible since he is not that man. Blue Privacy Settings Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: basic site functions ensuring secure, safe transactions secure account login Snow suggests she doesn't have to make a decision now and can wait a few trimesters until the baby has grown more. 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