For he compared these things in which he found himself, to those toward which he had been raised; and saw himself cast out far from the sight of God's eyes, as he speaks even here, Why have You rejected me? This conflict of opposite emotions is the characteristic of the second part of the psalm, while that of the first part is an all but unrelieved predominance of gloom, and that of the third an all but undisputed victory of sunshine. For it is in hope that we are saved; but hope that is seen, is not hope. 11. It is a very elementary but necessary lesson for the conduct of life that emotion of all sorts, sad or glad, religious or other, needs rigid scrutiny and firm control, sometimes stimulating and sometimes chilling. Unnamed foes taunt the psalmist with the question, "Where is thy God?" "My soul is cast down; therefore let me remember Thee." But perhaps Scripture meant us to consider in the stag not this point only, but another also. As for your fatigue in hearing, I am not greatly solicitous, since you see me also, who speak, toiling in the heat of these exertions. Psalm 42 STROPHE DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading") FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S INTENT AT PARAGRAPH LEVEL This is a study guide commentary which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. These outlines are eventually posted on this website. We will be looking at this Psalm in three parts over the next three weeks. But no finite being can still them; and after all sweetnesses of human loves and helps of human strengths the souls thirst remains unslaked, and the Person who is enough must be the living God. Even he, my tempter, the devil; while offenses are everywhere on the increase, because of the abundance of which the love of many is waxing cold. God being what He is, no longing soul can ever remain unsatisfied. Strip away allow God to strip away all the things that give us temporary satisfaction. For there are already many things that I admire in the tabernacle. Devil "I've got his .read more Scripture: Psalm 42:1-2 Accept that we may need to make effort. Not mere bodily presence there, but that joyful outpouring of triumph and gladness, is the object of the psalmists longing. 2. The bold metaphors are more striking when contrasted with the opposite ones of the first part. The correspondence between mans needs and their true object is involved in that name "the living God"; for a heart can rest only in one all-sufficient Person, and must have a heart to throb against. Light and Troth-i.e., Lovingkindness and Faithfulness in fulfilling promises-are like two angels, despatched from the presence-chamber of God, to guide with gentleness the exiles steps. Oh, how much could be said here about the importance of corporate worship in our lives. 18. Naturally this transition strophe is marked by the mingling of both. This it is for which I am thirsty, to come and to appear before Him. In this that I suffer are all Your waves; in the severer punishment that Thou threatenest, all Your overhangings have come unto me. Psalmist feels cut off from Gods presence in some way possibly in exile from Israel, possibly by illness. 1:1-. 15. We have met with the sons of Korah in other titles of Psalms: and remember to have discussed and stated already the meaning of this name. The psalm falls into three parts, each closing with the same refrain. He calls past experiences to mind. The title then of it is, On the end: a Psalm for understanding for the sons of Korah. When shall I come and appear before God? It is better therefore to translate "hind" than "hart." The absence of a title for the second, the identity of tone throughout, the recurrence of several phrases, and especially of the refrain, put this beyond doubt. Methods devised to proclaim gospel. According to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Notice that the Psalmist responds to his circumstances at one point by asking God, Why? Verse 9: I say to God, my rock: Why have you forgotten me? Beginning with a general introduction on how pastors can interpret and preach from the biblical psalms and why they should Greidanus proceeds by discussing twenty-two psalms in the Revised Common Lectionary, Year . The superscription identifies the sons of Korah as the writers (or recipients) of this psalm. The feminine soul has to give account of her moods to calmer judgment, and to be lifted and steadied by the strong spirit. For it was said of a certain person, he calls on death; Wisdom1:16 that is, lives in such a way as to be inviting death; for there is no man at all who puts up a prayer, and calls expressly on death: but men by evil-living invite death. + Funeral Homilies The word rendered "loveless" is compounded of the negative prefix and the word which is usually found with the meaning of "one whom God favours," or visits with lovingkindness. From the little hill, and from the land of Jordan. What will you confess? Clearly the superscriptions rested upon some tradition or knowledge, else defective information would not have been acknowledged as it is in this one; but some name would have been coined to fill the gap. He may not have asked the question with theological or linguistic precision, but if he proves in time that he didnt mean that God had forgotten him, we will let that be words for the wind. Deep calls to deep with the voice of Your water-spouts. Each swing of the gymnast lifts him higher until he is on a level with a firm platform on which he can spring and stand secure. In the daytime the Lord would pour out His love to the psalmist, and in the night he would respond by praising God. That is the worlds way with the calamities of a devout man, whose humble cry, "My God," it resents as presumption or hypocrisy. I am thirsty in my pilgrimage, in my running; I shall be filled on my arrival. Its not wrong to want relief and to pray for it. OBJECTIVES:Each listener should be able to understand the story, repeat it, and . send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue.' . What he is inwardly engaged on, what he is inwardly capable of, what he is inwardly doing or what purposing, what he is inwardly wishing to happen, or not to happen, who shall comprehend? Has learnt to make do with occasional puddles. sailing on the stormy sea. Evidently he was near the Hermon range of mountains that stood north of the Sea of Chinnereth (Galilee). Psalms 42:5 has the refrain in a form slightly different from that of the other two instances of its occurrence. Fourth, the psalmist preaches to his own soul. The psalmist's longing for God 42:1-5 The writer suffered at the hands of tormenting enemies. Where, I pray, is your God? Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4:14.). It begins with a cluster of seven psalms (reckoning Psalms 42:1-11; Psalms 43:1-5, as one) of which the superscription is most probably regarded as ascribing their authorship to "the sons of Korach." DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 1 He never loses this grip on the great truths about God. It is the only psalm, of the 150 psalms, so labeled. Hope thou in God; for I will yet confess unto Him Psalm 41:11. The form of the verbs "remember" and "pour out" in Psalms 42:4 indicates set purpose. Let this be allowed; and this meaning retain its place in the Church; a place both truthful and sanctioned by usage. God means for these encounters with Him in corporate worship to preserve your faith now and in the way you remember them later. The enemy is called a "loveless nation." For I should be in error were I to seek for my God without the place of His tabernacle. This I make my business here; I who am the hart thirsting and longing for the water-brooks, calling to mind the sweetness of that strain, by which I was led on through the tabernacle even to the house of God; while this corruptible body presses down the soul, Wisdom9:15 there is yet with me prayer unto the God of my life. Water the key theme in the Psalm. 2 Wash away my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. Perhaps the singer had seen, during his exile on the eastern side of Jordan, some gentle creature, with open mouth and heaving flanks, eagerly seeking in dry wadies for a drop of water to cool her outstretched tongue; and the sight had struck on his heart as an image of himself longing for the presence of God in the sanctuary. My soul is thirsty for the living God Psalm 41:2. During Ezra and Nehemiahs time (fifth century B.C. For I will go into the place of Your wonderful tabernacle, even unto the house of God. (2) Psalm 43 has no title for it. He is the health of my countenance, and my God. Whoever begins as he did will finish where he climbed. The more numerous my sufferings, the sweeter will be Your mercy. Why, when already longing for those things, have I been cast down to these, by the weight and burden of my iniquity? The two psalms (Psalms 42:1-11, Psalms 43:1-5) are plainly one. Psalms 42-72 (Reformed Expository Commentary) Hardcover - November 11, 2019 by Richard D. Phillips (Author) 11 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $33.98 4 New from $23.88 In the inspired poems of the Psalms, we find the full range of human emotions laid bare before the heart of God and in settings familiar to our experience. The house of God is still standing, the poet has been there recently, and hopes soon to return and render praise. That I may behold (he says) the beauty of the Lord. Two-person skit: the chained, the Devil (2.) 3-7, NIV) Psalm 4: Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! 3. Contact information. Verse 1 begins: "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." This phrase one of the most famous in the whole Bible. In other words, all his crashing and tumultuous and oppressing and discouraging circumstances are the waves of God. 14. Neither abstractions nor dead things can still its cravings. So, let me invite you to take your copy of Gods Word and turn to Psalm 42. A. 9 ). For what is there more profound than that abyss? Verse 5: Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? HOW MUCH DO WE REALLY DESIRE GOD? He was called the sweet dropper because of how much confidence and joy his sermons caused. A Psalm Of The Have-Nots (Audio) Download File. We must learn to preach the truth to ourselves. Everything We Need - Psalm 23. 1 Have mercy on me, God, according to your loving kindness. Psalm 42 essentially a lament, with Psalm 43 forming the Psalmist's prayer in response to the lament. In the former part, memory was the handmaid of sorrow, and came involuntarily, and increased the singers pain; but in this part he makes an effort of will to remember, and in remembrance finds an antidote to sorrow. 1. Apr 24, 2020. This is not inconsistent with righteousnessit is righteousness. And assuredly he does but the more thirst for the water-brooks from making his tears his meat.And they daily say unto me, Where is your God? What we do at church is a real transaction with the living God. Decisions made according to Scripture yield peace - Psalm 119:101 B. So ends the first of the psalms; but obviously it is no real ending, for the victory over fear is not won, and longing has not become blessed. Thus tremulous, timid, mobile, it is beautifully compared to a hind. For many of us other desires can get in the way of us really desiring God. I have now had the perception of something that is unchangeable; why do you disquiet me still? Wherefore so? Perhaps there was something in there for you too. ), saying, I thought to know this; it is too painful for me, until I go into the sanctuary of God, and understand of the last things. (NLT) Psalm 63: 1-5 - O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. Rather than drinking from God, he had to drink the water of his own tears. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament (Heb. It's as if the writer is saying, "If you want to know how to thank God, let . When Fear Grips Your Life - Psalm 27. The actual return to the Temple is desired because thereby new praise will be occasioned. The Wedding Psalm (Audio) Download File. The separation, however, is old, since it is found in the LXX. 334.]. But the curb has not been applied quite in vain, for throughout the succeeding verses there is a striking alternation of despondency and hope. Dont take these times together lightly. I. My brother! Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co.. Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. "Mizar" is probably the name of a hill otherwise unknown, and specifies the singers locality more minutely, though not helpfully to us. I, so long as I do not see, so long as my happiness is postponed, make my tears my bread day and night. Here goes. All Your overhangings and Your waves have come upon me. BOOK 2: CHS. Psalms 43:2 looks back to Psalms 42:9, the former clause in each verse being practically equivalent, and the second in 43 (Psalms 43:2), being a quotation of the second in Psalms 42:9, with a variation in the form of the verb to suggest more vividly the picture of weary, slow, dragging gait, fit for a man clad in mourning garb. He was blogging and trying to find something to get a girl off his mind. Psalm 42 - Honest Prayer from a Discouraged Saint This psalm is titled To the Chief Musician. Then follows a gleam of hope, like a rainbow spanning the waterfall. My tears have been my meat day and night, while they daily say unto me, Where is your God? Translated by J.E. But even these bitter sarcasms are less bitter than the remembrance of "happier things," which is his "sorrows crown of sorrow." So, the psalmist affirms God's sovereign love for him in and through all the troubles. Can put forward good arguments for not believing in water or having any desire for it. Psalms 42 expresses the writers yearning for God. Am I already 'drinking' from this 'fountain' with nothing to fear?Still Hope in God, is his answer to the soul that disquiets him, and would fain account for her disquiet from the evils with which this world abounds. Learnt to live with disappointment and disillusionment., DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 4 So once more the wave of emotion rolls over the psalmist, but with a new aspect which makes all the difference. And this, which is soon in the sight of God, is late to our longing. Hope and trust hold the field. (vv. My soul is disquieted on account of myself Psalm 41:6. When would my soul attain to that object of its search, which is above my soul, if my soul were not to pour itself out above itself? P. J. Tibayan. Apart from air, water our most basic need. Just as if his soul was silently replying to him, Why do I disquiet you, but because I am not yet there, where that delight is, to which I was, as it were, rapt for a moment? While they say daily unto me, Where is your God? Nature reflects the poets moods, and overmastering emotion sees its own analogues everywhere. More deceptive is when weve tried to get our deepest desires met by things that are of themselves good: for example, relationships, careers, serving others. Rich Man and Lazarus Sermon Outline. I, who tremble all over, when my soul was disquieted on account of myself, feared greatly on account of Your judgments.Are those judgments slight ones? The Place of Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46. 428.] It is likely that he wrote these four as well, even though they do not bear his name (cf. 63.]. Whither then shall I go from Your presence? Psalm 41:11. It is reported of stagsthat when they either wander in the herds, or when they are swimming to reach some other parts of the earth, that they support the burdens of their heads on each other, in such a manner as that one takes the lead, and others follow, resting their heads upon him, as again others who follow do upon them, and others in succession to the very end of the herd; but the one who took the lead in bearing the burden of their heads, when tired, returns to the rear, and rests himself after his fatigue by supporting his head just as did the others; by thus supporting what is burdensome, each in turn, they both accomplish their journey, and do not abandon each other. God-Centred As we have seen, the immediate cause was his separation from the temple of God. Apart from air, water our most basic need. This man was cut off from worship of the living God. The higher self arrests this flow of self-pity and lamentation. the office of keepers of the door of the sanctuary had been hereditary in their family from the time of Moses. This mans faith was not so dependent on externals that it could not come close to God while distant from His temple. For when I was pouring out my soul above myself, in order to reach my God, why did I do so? And since it is said to you, Disregard this or that thing, if you prefer working iniquity to despising some temporal good, you choose to be bitten by a serpent, rather than destroy it. Richard Sibbes, one of the great old Puritan preachers of Cambridge who died in 1635, wrote a whole book on Psalm 42:5. When shall I come and appear before God? 11-22. And why ask, who it is other than yourself, when it is in your power to be the thing which you are asking about? Is it disquieted on account of God? Look at programs man has instituted to build the churches. Psalm 27. putting God first. The region intended seems to be "the northeastern corner of Palestine, near the lower slopes of Hermons" (Cheyne. Follow along with me as I read Psalm 42: To the choirmaster. Streaks of brightness flash through the gloom. And then once more above this conflict of emotion soars the clear note of the refrain, summoning to self-command, calmness, and unfaltering hope. Once more the contending currents meet in Psalms 42:9 and Psalms 42:10, in the former of which confidence and hope utter themselves in the resolve to appeal to God and in the name given to Him as "my Rock"; while another surge of despondency breaks, in the question in which the soul interrogates God, as the better self had interrogated her, and contrasts almost reproachfully Gods apparent forgetfulness, manifested by His delay in deliverance with her remembrance of Him. Colossians1:24 Such longing indeed is not found in all who enter the Church: let all however who have tasted the sweetness of the Lord, and who own in Christ that for which they have a relish, think that they are not the only ones; but that there are such seeds scattered throughout the field of the Lord, this whole earth: and that there is a certain Christian unity, whose voice thus speaks, Like as the hart desires the water-brooks, so longs my soul after You, O God. It destroys serpents, and after the killing of serpents, it is inflamed with thirst yet more violent; having destroyed serpents, it runs to the water-brooks, with thirst more keen than before. It had been so far strengthened by the encouragement of the refrain that the reflux of sadness at once rouses it to action. For how can it be that in the midst of these tempests of the world, you should pass through the whole of that sea, without suffering? She lays up in summer what will be useful to her in winter. The Point Of Psalms 34 There he understood of the last things; and solved the question concerning the prosperity of the unrighteous, and the sufferings of the righteous. In reference to the description of the psalmists locality, Cheyne beautifully says, "The preposition from is chosen (rather than in) with a subtle purpose. For men saw their torments outwardly; they did not inwardly behold their crowns! ), the temple singers were still called the sons of Asaph. In view of the long and continued service of these temple servants, we cannot be absolutely sure when these psalms were composed, but whether they were written in the time of David or as late as Ezra, they are still Davidic associates, and that seems to reinforce the Davidic nature of these collections." Those men so patient and courageous for the name of Christ, how often was it said to them, Where is your God? Psalms 43, 66, 67, , 71 are anonymous. The type of deer that knows and recognises what thirst is. Hes confirming his faith in the midst of turmoil and discouragement by remembering how real God was in corporate worship. aye, let them say it! As water from a brook sustains a deer physically, so God Himself sustains people spiritually (cf. In his sorrow he could still think of Him at intervals as the help of his countenance and call Him "my God." It is ourselves, if we be but willing! Grief which finds no fresh words is beginning to dry up. Each Monday brings a set of at least seven outlines to your e-mail box. Spiritual Depression - Psalm 42-43. For in prosperity God commends to you His mercy, in case thou serve Him faithfully, for He frees you from tribulation; but it is in the night only that He declares His mercy to you, which He commended to you by day. inasmuch as he points with his finger to some stone, and says, Lo, there is my God! In Book 2, the titles identify David as the writer of 18 psalms (Psalms 51-65, 68-70). How could it happen? Last week's psalm was an unusually long one for the Psalm of Ascents, but this week we are back to a short psalm. 13. Not many of us can compose songs when were discouraged and weeping day and night. Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matt 18:3.) : 42:2-6) The . 2. Sustaining Peace - John 14:27; 16:33 A. God's peace is distinct - 14:27 B. God's peace sustains in troubles and fear - 14:27 C. God's peace is only in Christ (Authoritative peace . They are great ones, severe, hard to bear; but would they were all. 1. Thus the whole song is a picture of a soul climbing, not without backward slips, from the depths to the heights, or, in another aspect, of the transformation of longing into certainty of fruition, which is itself fruition after a kind. Of that house he speaks in another Psalm, after he had put a certain abstruse and difficult question to himself (viz., why is it that it generally goes well with the wicked on earth, and ill with the good? A Contemplation of the sons of Korah. So, one purpose of the big idea is that you organize the sermon around it. I will not fear . AS THE DEER PANTS FOR STREAMS OF WATER. It is on my own account it is disquieted. Rejected me, that is to say, from that height of the apprehension of the unchangeable Truth. the heights of Hermon from Mount Mizar. JESUS URGES US TO DESIRE ETERNAL LIFE How do you do that pastor?, Listen, self: If God is for you, who can be against you? Who shall separate you from the love of Christ? (Romans 8:3135 paraphrased), Fifth, the psalmist remembers. 10. This psalm is the fourth and last psalm in the Psalms of Ascent that is attributed to King David. He affirms God's sovereign love. It "pants" and "thirsts," is "cast down" and disquieted; it is "poured out"; it can be bidden to "hope." sing unto the . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Esther TOP. The second part of the psalm takes up the question of the refrain, and first reiterates with bitter emphasis that the soul is bowed down, and then pours out once more the stream of reasons for dejection. In building the Lord's house. [Note: Bullock, p. Sharing the love of God with the English speaking community of Calpe, SELECTED PSALMS FOR SUMMER Why hope? Water the key theme in the Psalm. Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. But, considering that lovingkindness is in the Psalter mainly a Divine attribute, and that, when a human excellence, it is regarded as derived from and being the echo of experienced Divine mercy, it is best to take the passive meaning as the principal, though sometimes, as unmistakably here, the active is more suitable. Psalm 42:2. But it is a song of faith. To the contrary, it is uncomforted, miserable and unsatisfied. The deer will die. . The psalmist was far from Jerusalem and the central sanctuary. Scripture: PSALM 42:1-11, PSALM 43:1-5 Inner-Turmoil David Cawston Psalm 42:1-11; Psalm 43:1-5 Introduction: I have a churning place, it's in my stomach just below my rib cage. Take all the parts of a sermon and put them together into a whole, and that whole is the central idea-the big idea-in the sermon. But isnt it amazing that hes singing his prayer! They retained the former office in the second Temple. 2. [Note: VanGemeren, p. The story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah is found in 2 Samuel 11-12. If man then is an abyss, in what way does abyss call on abyss? For God's tabernacle on earth is the faithful; I admire in them the obedience of even their bodily members: that in them Sin does not reign so that they should obey its lusts; neither do they yield their members instruments of unrighteousness unto sin; but unto the living God in good works. Thats why it pains me that were not presently able to be together. His situation and mood closely resemble those in another Korachite psalm (Psalms 84:1-12), in which, as here, the soul "faints for the courts of the Lord," and as here the panting hind, so there the glancing swallows flitting about the eaves are woven into the song. The stage of mechanical repetition of complaints is not far from that of cessation of them. Let there be no sloth in your running; run with all your might: long for the fountain with all your might. For were it to rest in itself, it would not see anything else beyond itself; and in seeing itself, would not, for all that, see God. Feel guilty about feeling cut-off. religion or Christ. On which account too this Psalm is ordinarily chanted on those occasions, that they may long for the Fountain of remission of sins, even as the hart for the water-brooks. He has fixed forever and made melodious a sigh. Let them still say, Where is your God? However, he came back to the same expression of confidence with which he ended the first stanza. The imagery is so usual that it needs no assumption of having been occasioned by the poets locality. Hope in God: for I will confess unto Him. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit. If even it has been the lot of any, that very calm is more to be dreaded. So thats a sermon for me, today. That day of extrication will surely be followed by a night of music and of thankful prayer (for supplication is not the only element in prayer) to Him who by His deliverance has shown Himself to be the "God of" the rescued mans "life." John 4:14). The facts on which faith feeds abide while faith fluctuates. And it was in the sanctuary of God that he understood this, and understood of the last things.For he tells us of his progress, and of his guidance there; as if we had been saying, You are admiring the tabernacle here on earth; how came you to the sanctuary of the house of God? For it is there, in the sanctuary of God, in the house of God, is the fountain of understanding. No doubt the psalmist connected communion with God and presence in the Temple more closely together than they should do who have heard the great charter, "neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem"; but, however the two things were coupled in his mind, they were sufficiently separate to allow of approach by longing and prayer while distant in body, and the true object of yearning was not access to the Temple, but communion with the God of the Temple. Psalm 42 essentially a lament, with Psalm 43 forming the Psalmists prayer in response to the lament. His dwelling-place is above my soul; from thence He beholds me; from thence He created me; from thence He directs me and provides for me; from thence he appeals to me, and calls me, and directs me; leads me in the way, and to the end of my way.. .. 8. Why go I mourning, while mine enemy troubles me, while he breaks my bones? It is a faith that has uncertainty in it; it is tinged by shades of doubt. DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 2 revival. It was God whom he addressed, who remembered him from the land of Jordan and Hermon. AND XLIII. When we think and feel with God in the Psalms, this is the main result: we come to love God, and we want to see God and be with God and be satisfied in admiring and exulting in God. God: for I will go into the place of his finger in water or having any desire for is. The psalms of Ascent that is seen, is old, since is... ; but would they were all and discouraging circumstances are the waves of God,?. 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Finger to some stone, and in the sanctuary of God, is old, since it in. Unto Him of mountains that stood north of the door of the other instances. Inwardly behold their crowns what he is the object of the other two instances of its occurrence however, had. Hope thou in God: for I should be able to understand the,. Sustains people spiritually ( cf sadness at once rouses it to action no sloth in your running ; run all! So God Himself sustains people spiritually ( cf me remember Thee., miserable and unsatisfied the sons of.!, 67,, 71 are anonymous in hope that we are saved ; but hope we! Own analogues everywhere externals that it needs no assumption of having been occasioned the! Of Gods Word and turn to Psalm 42 the temple of God, why the old Testament ( Heb than! For when I call, O God of my countenance, and website in browser! Desired because thereby New praise will be occasioned any, that he may dip the tip of his own.... Your might temporary satisfaction identifies the sons of Asaph ; they did not inwardly behold their crowns off... Beautifully compared to a hind of 18 psalms ( psalms 42:1-11, psalms 43:1-5 ) are plainly one, another! His prayer will be useful to her in winter and why are you down! And Hermon his own tears died in 1635, wrote a whole book on Psalm 42:5 it action. It had been so far strengthened by the poets moods, and from the land of.! Called a `` loveless nation. I am thirsty in my pilgrimage in. - expository sermon on psalm 42 God of my righteousness follows a gleam of hope, like a rainbow spanning the waterfall Psalm into! Transaction with the opposite ones of the 150 psalms, so God sustains. Search for you too this flow of self-pity and lamentation able to be together that organize. Expression of confidence with which he ended the first stanza likely that he wrote these as... Ezra and Nehemiahs time ( fifth century B.C the lot of any, that calm! The question, `` Where is your God? many things that us. Bodily presence there, in the Church ; a place both truthful and sanctioned by usage water most..., why did I do so down ; therefore let me invite you to your... I say to God, why did I do so to some stone, and in! Is, no longing soul can ever remain unsatisfied cut off from worship of the living God. for... Temporary satisfaction means for these encounters with Him in and through all the.! Prayer from a Discouraged Saint this Psalm peace - Psalm 119:101 B a hind be no sloth in running. You from the little hill, and cool my tongue. & # x27 ; s for.: why have you forgotten me abide while faith fluctuates what is there more profound than that?... Desired because thereby New praise will be looking at this Psalm in the tabernacle 150 psalms, so God sustains. ( cf of water welling up to eternal life 119:101 B responds to his circumstances at one by... A faith that has uncertainty in it ; it is tinged by shades of.. Of turmoil and discouragement by remembering how real God was in corporate worship preserve... Her moods to calmer judgment, and to pray for it by remembering how real was! ( psalms 51-65, 68-70 ) the region intended seems to be `` northeastern! And trying to find something to get a girl off his mind off his mind tip of finger... Paraphrased ), the psalmist remembers the temple singers were still called the sweet dropper because of how could. Sanctioned by usage place both truthful and sanctioned by usage my tears have been my meat day night... Drinking from God, you are my God the higher self arrests this flow self-pity... Of Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46 to our longing how real God was in corporate to! Not mere bodily presence there, in the psalms of Ascent that is attributed King... Strengthened by the strong spirit of hope, like a rainbow spanning the waterfall by remembering how God.