In fact, shes sometimes too loyal, tending to give her heart to a man long after the relationship shows signs of deteriorating. Your email address will not be published. :). The first thing that makes us extremely attractive is that we are really rare. Shell start to share them with you when shes ready and believes she can trust you completely. I actually go into depressions frequently because of this. The woman who has the patience and maturity to wait until the right man comes along is much more likely to find the match she seeks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What are the Key Characteristics of INFJ Women? INFJ women usually have strong values and beliefs. INFJs are good at communication which leads to relationships that are honest and deep. In order to be fully supportive and giving to the people they love, the INFJ needs to recharge their internal batteries. My english is bad but I wanted to contribute. I have found an INTP man. If you were ugly or even just average you would mainly just have the personality that most probably won't notice to begin with. Truity offers a free personality test based on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI assessment. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ejike Umesi is the owner of Personality Hunt. The deep passion INFJ women often feel can result in some headstrong women. If shes out there, just by herself, the chances are that the right man will find her if theres one around. Dont talk about cars, sporting events, politics, or money, unless one of these topics interests her particularly. In conclusion, INFJs are attractive because we're intelligent, creative, and compassionate people. INFJ woman is a good pair with INFJ man. This makes them more empathetic. INFJ's are attractive to others because they want to understand your soul. Omg! . Things just began to stagnate toward the end. Contrary to the above comments, I answer phone calls pretty much soon. So need some advice, I recently met an INFJ woman online and feels like she is perfect match. She is drawn to the opposite sex, but few of them turn out to be long-term partners because theyre the wrong type. I always struggled to find out what type of person i am, how to describe myself not to others but to myself, after overthinking for days i decided to take MITB personality test and i came out to be INFJ, so when i started to search about this type further and started gathering information, i found this blog and now i am 127% sure that i am INFJ, i always liked loyalty and i always wanted to be a perfectionist. Its a mystical experience, worthy of her fullest attention and skill. Couldnt agree with you more. If the INFJ female decides to door slam you, it can take a herculean effort to get them to change their mind. However, do not forget that INFJ women are also intuitive, spend a lot of time in thought, and take a structured approach to life. These imaginative, thoughtful people are as attracted to humanity as humanity is to them. I did like people who are about looks not getting to know somebody on a deeper and personal level. For many people, this type of mysterious air might be a pretense, but for INFJs, the enigma is real. Suddenly people notice me. With just a little effort to get past their distrustful and often shy outward appearance, friends and would-be romantic partners of INFJs will be surprised to see just how much their INFJ blossoms over time. Originally Answered: What is attractive about INFJ's? As an Infj female, I married someone who I believe is an INTP with a very strong feeling function. When trust is broken, we get defensive, and may blame ourselves for not predicting how things would play out. Shell appreciate this more than anything else he can do. They want to show compassion and warmth towards the people they love, and are extremely supportive individuals. If she finally meets a man with a compatible personality and finds him moderately attractive, the connection usually strengthens. I'm not saying to manipulate people, lead people on, or wrap people around your finger. INFJ women want to make the world a better place, and the health care field offers plenty of opportunities to do that. I am an INFJ woman and still waiting for my twin soul to appear in my life but I doubt if he will live upto my expectations as people always disappoint me and misunderstand me. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Along with their mysterious attitudes, INFJs can also come across as more complex and less direct than other personality types. Writing is a career path that attracts many INFJ women. While analyzing someones Myers and Briggs personality type wont necessarily lead you to find your soulmate, knowing what traits a particular type finds appealing leads to better understanding all round. INFJ women spend a lot of time introspecting and listening to their feelings. However, once an INFJ does dedicate themselves to a friendship or relationship, they are truly committed. INFJ females also have this gift on default. He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible. This only happens when the INFJ realizes that this person is never going to change, and they have simply run out of chances. You cant make a statement about one that you know,and apply it to all- that is asshole behavior as well. This is known as the INFJ Door Slam, and might even make them appear rather harsh at times. I feel like the pairing is so good its almost unbelievable. I was touched and saddened by your post regarding a previous INFJ relationship. Thanks so much for your lovely words, Emily, youmade my day! Im so very happy for you that you found someone who gets you. In these circumstances you may feel physically stressed . This could be because you have constantly offended them or hurt them. People are shallow, but as you get older and have fewer social opportunities within your peer group you can start to focus on people with common interests who will be more concerned with what's going on in your mind than your body. It was the running part that led me to start volunteering for a local homeless shelter. People might misunderstand this behavior, and make the wrong assumptions about the INFJ female in their life. Watch Firefly and be inspired by Inara and the Companion profession. Thus, they are always on the lookout for the right partner. Steve has worked with diverse populations and in variety of a settings, from community clinics to SF General Hospital. Because they are usually private people, INFJs can give off a sense of being mysterious. My powerful and uncanny sixth sense helps me understand others but no one seems to understand me. Please be courteous. Here are, It's Black History Month, and were highlighting trailblazing Black women who use their innate gifts to remind us w, When a relationship ends, it can be hard to let go and move forward, especially for INFPs. Attentiveness can also mean giving an INFJ your full attention, without distractions or interruptions. Shes interested in things that feed her curiosity and broad intelligence, that engage her emotions as well as her intellect. They want to have meaningful conversations with their partner. Infj supposed to be rare, I cant tell. They love to focus their thoughts on concepts and ideas instead of details & facts (iNtuitive). 2022 Sarah Kuhn | INFJ Woman | All Rights Reserved |. My dream guy is Shawn Mendez . Just a lot of guys are immature mentally and emotionally . Wanting to change the world can lead to some ridiculously high expectations. If you are dating an INFJ female, you should value and respect these opinions. Fortunately my teens were before the age of social media really took off- what a world today's youth needs to navigate, where every one of their mistakes has the risk of being posted online for all to see, while simultaneously they are being pressured to craft a perfect attractive online identity (in addition to their in-person identity), which they'll then be judged for. We may have a chaotic mind, but we still need structure in our lives. It is true. It means someone who supports you and makes an effort to truly understand you. She works as a freelance writer covering all things mental health, and psychology related. INFJs are naturally warm people, who possess very large and beautiful hearts. I feel like its a curse being such a rare personality. I think the dichotomy of "attractive" and "unattractive" excludes a middle point between the two. If those beliefs are spiritual, then INFJ females will be especially drawn to religious careers. All have failed family and friends. TL;DR I agree! : INFJ women can put their creativity and drive to good use in an art-focused career. Even though they are loving people, they also have a flipside to their personalities. It keeps them guessing and coming back for more. This kind of passionate, idealistic drive makes INFJs attractive to others. INFJ women are also caring and supportive. Leave your android or iPhone in your car or inside pocket. Because of her adventurous, passionate nature. I cannot emphasize enough how insanely fulfilling it is to do work that serves and supports other people's needs or just contributes to the well-being of others. I agree and feel what you said completely. Use this time in your early adulthood to begin practicing the skills that geishas and socialite hostesses and so many people before you have perfected. Required fields are marked *. INFJs are attractive because we love to help people. They might be tender and loving, but they have a very dark side as well. I just found out he to is an INFJ. She would much prefer to spend time alone, often diving into the things that she is most passionate about. I am all about peoples inner selfs not their outer selfs. If i may call it that. Thanks for the informative article. Now, there are various types of honesty ranging from "avoiding out-and-out lies" to "the truth and nothing but the truth, in actions, words and intention." They are introverts and will need time to recharge. It's annoying to be hit on. Of the 16 personality types outlined in the Myers-Brigg personality schema, INFJ is the rarest. Responding in kind isnt necessary, although she appreciates it. I met a lot of INFJs who took a while to recognize the presence of other INFJs in their lives. I started taking advanced courses, and excelling in them. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. More often then not I tell them to look for somewhere they can serve or help others while they figure out what they want for themselves. INFJ females also use the door slam. They can end all interactions with people because of this particular reason. Here are some of the things about passion and idealism that make INFJs attractive: Many personality types exhibit passion and ideals, but INFJ personalities combine the unique ability to envision their goals as well as the executive dedication to see projects through to a successful result. The Five Love Languages is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with this site. Takecare of yourself. A rich INFJ might feel guilty for having money, but on the other hand they can leverage it to propagate the idealism they're inbuilt with. Manage Settings So, we appreciate someone who can take that burden from us and who isnt afraid of being transparent and sharing their feelings. Focusing on other people's problems, and being around others who were trying to actually help and understand people, started to ground me. They will often become drained, and this leads to needing a lot of time by themselves. Good times. My advice? God bless you both. Rather, find intimate, reassuring settings that are in good taste but not exceedingly pricey. Unfortunately, it is one of the rarer types, especially amongst men. Responsibility is an attractive trait to many people. Extraverted Feeling is their auxiliary function, which means INFJs try to connect in a gentle way, and appreciate those who can do the same. We are often told by others how much they love being around us even though it sometimes feels like a lot for them cant keep up with our thoughts or desired conversation topics. And by the time I went to college, I could actually go back to enjoying dressing up occasionally and not feeling worried that it would define who I was. You think maybe some of you are wrong in your self diagnosis, 1% of our population is 78 million people. Because we are both extroverted introverts who work a lot, we generally need time to decompress at the end of the day. I very dislike player type of guys. Dont give up! They can easily get drained from constant communication with others. That has all the different ways to change your words into cooler things, like italics and hyperlinks. Just like the INFPs, INFJ women love the idea of romance and falling in love. If you could listen to women complaining to each other about bad kissers, this is one of the first resentments youll hear. People sometimes underestimate the INFJ woman, seeing them as simply emotional and nurturing types. INFJ-T and INFJ-A- Whats the Difference? What do INFJ's find attractive in people? We are also told that were very good listeners, which is something people really appreciate. This will allow them to interact with people and touch their lives to a greater extent. INFJ women may be a rare personality type, but they certainly make the world a better place! Heres a summary of the strengths, weaknesses, and overall characteristics of INFJ women: This table is just a basic breakdown of what can be expected with the INFJ personality type. I work with a lot of young cute college women that have the same complaint. This also makes them empathetic to how others are feeling. Dont let any of your moves come as a surprise to her. I knew an INFJ woman who was the worst bitch I ever knew. They want it for everyone they meet, too. INFJ women are the idealists who can make things happen! How do you know if you're a Sensor? Enjoy it while it lasts. INFJs make incredible friends and companions, but they are often fearsome enemies. I recognize myself at 100%, incredible. As INFJs absorb so many of peoples emotions themselves, they value those who understand that the INFJ has her own emotional needs. They can be difficult to get to know and are not likely to make friends quickly. You are not a victim of your own good looks. I started reading great literature and philosophy, and accepted that I was an introvert. I still can't keep my hands off of her, and I have no intention of trying (within the constraints of respect for her space). So when people zero in on what they think is attractive, it has almost no value to me. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. She aims to please. We truly complete one another in the deepest, must life-affirming sense. INFJ females have healthy boundaries. Shell pick up on it, and your relationship will suffer from then on. You are simply looking at the downside of something that is largely positive. This is where being an INFJ can become trouble. I have never found anyone who gets me.. now I know why. Especially as an INFJ, or NF in general. They are drawn to things that have depth and meaning, without much desire for shallow activities. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Christina :). As if you didn't have enough to be anxious and insecure about, now you doubt yourself in all kinds of fun ways. I am an INFJ man and i just came in contact with INFJ woman and we can just understand eachothers thought process and we love to share our Vivid imagination. They often need large amount of alone time, which isnt always something that fits into the stereotypical view of women. We love hard and we love fierce. Dont lie to her about anything, even little things. Just takecare of eachother. When the woman initiates French kissing, its OK to respond in kind, but slowly, tentatively. Myers-Briggs and MBTI are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. If the read you are getting off these people is that they have some kind of ulterior motive going on, then that's not the kind of person you want to be meeting anyway. I am an INFJ personality, and I've found that I'm attracted to intelligence, maturity, kindness, and determination. she keeps getting sidetracked by the wrong kind of man. Most people find us too deep or intense. I took the online test again as part of a teambuilding session at my new job and came out INFJ. I can totally relate to the above content. INFJ women are a unique breed, with warm hearts and unbelievably vivid minds. Your last line is so true. When this happens, she struggles with herself. Or: What's your problem, it's not like you're supermodel gorgeous, get over yourself. 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