Melungeon-related surnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) ADAMS ADKINS BARKER BARNES BECKLER BELL BENNETT BERRY BIGGS BOLEN BOWLIN BOWLING BOWMAN BRANHAM BROGAN BULLION BURTON BYRD CAMPBELL CARRICO CARTER CASTEEL CAUDILL CHAVIS CLARK COAL COFFEY COLE COLEMAN COLES COLLEY COLLIER COLLINS I cant find nothing on Betty Collins. I came across this site and am hoping to find some answers. Oxendine, Paine. I descend from the Brooks, Clarks and Cooper lines. My grandma also removed warts, used scripture to stop bleeding, blew the fire out of a burn. Cherokee Roots. My email is and I have a tree and DNA to see if we have a connection.- Joyceann. I have been trying for so long to do this on my own. Surveyed 13 April 1761, deed 14 Oct 1761. . The census shows that the area was settled by Gibsons, Griffins, Mullins, Cox, Bowlings,Wests, Elmores, Williamsons,Gowins, Cooks, Crows and Perkins. her parents names? My Grandfather was Cleo Berry Son of Lydia Price and Calvin Berry. And then there was Mama, the youngest. My sons DNA came back recently with >1% Cameroon/Congo. Ramey, Rasnick, Reaves/Reeves, Revels, Richardson, Roberson/Robertson/Robinson, Russell. In 1969 cultural anthropologists William S. Pollitzer and W. H. Brown published their study comparing the physical characteristics and gene frequencies in six blood group systems of 177 Melungeons in Tennessee and Virginia to various worldwide populations. FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. In addition, it leaves untouched some of the families who in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were typically classed as whites, but who claimed Native American ancestry, such as the Sizemore claimants among the Eastern Cherokee applicants." Langston, Lasie, Lawson, Locklear, Lopes, Lowry, Lucas. hello, my name is hannah Branham. Correlating Historical Facts to DNA Test Results. Researchers with ancestral roots in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia may have Melungeon genes. Havent heard back from George yet, when I do Ill be sure to let you know! My daughter will be helping us in the future so if i find it, I will try to send it to you. Home > Forum > Surnames > Melungeon . We have been told of Native American ancestry, but the rest is a mystery. I am actually stuck on my grandmothers maternal line, my great grandmothers maiden name was Jones and I am unable to find any information on her mother and her mothers line. Him and his wife did not have any children. North American Indian ancestors include people from the tribes of Powhatan, Mattaponi, Monie, Nansemond, Rappahanock, Pamunkey, Chickahominie, Cherokee (Buffalo Ridge) and Choctaw. Boone, Bowman, Badby, Branham, Braveboy, Briger/Bridger, Brogan, Brooks, Brown, Bunch, Butler, Butters, Bullion, Burton, Buxton, Byrd. Fathers surname of CROS(S)LOW seems to hit a wall several generations back. The family line I have been researching is Perkins. Not looking like any of the others. I and everyone else in my family has run into issues finding the parents of Jane Taylor who Married Beniah MacKnight. His grandmother was a Julia Jones. But I believe the melungeon is on my grammaws side. Cumbo. Naturally there are many questions. I have noticed that it can be difficult to discern skintones in old black and white photos unless some one was very pale or very dark skinned depending on the photo.I was that way too, until I moved to Vermont 20+ yrs ago, the 9 month long Winters have taken their toll but a week of 80 degree sunny days and bam its back, LoL, lots of blue eyes and some green to, I have brown but its a pretty light colored brown, I grew up in the 15th from time to time(name comes from long ago, instead of a county they were numbered districts or something to that effect) my family also looked quite a bit different than most of the people in the grassyfork/ delrio/ Hartford tn area. Elizabeth Katherine Jones supposed DOB was February 27, 1901. Hi everyone, Im currently researching my fathers side of the family who is from the area of Halifax and Sampson County, and the Virginia borderline. Does anyone have any information to share? Thank you! Hello, I looking for any information on the Collins, Campbell, Burford, Taylor so what I am looking for is any information on families that moved to Texas. He was definitely a minor in 1756 (deed of gift of Gilbert Gibson). Google AdSense Guest Advertisement. I cannot find any info on early Portugeuse settlements in South Carolina or Virginia. My name Is Brent Stanley, I live in CT. Hello. Martin. Thank you, Redbone, Your comment has given me a great idea of how to tackle all the incoming messages regarding our Melungeon line. Over the generations, many other surnames have become associated with the Melungeons. Could use any help I can get from you or anyone reading this on pinning things down. Oral tradition - and perhaps convenience -. Thanks again and Ill keep a lookout for the mail. I am looking for any leads towards a melungeon bloodline within my family because it would answer a lot of questions. Among the northern Europeans, the Melungeon ancestors include English, Scot, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, and German parents. I descend from Reeves coming into Tennessee via Virginia. My husbands mother has been dead way over 25 years and he has been dead for years. George Boone 1850 m. to Rose/Rosa Richardson. Genealogist My name is Nikki Landerkin. Dorothy E., Mary, Sebron, Neal M., Henry, Hugh, ruby, Mac Harris, Julia M., & Henry Gaston. I was looking to see if anyone that is connected to the Jones line. There was a guy by the last name of Kennedy. My mothers family was different than the other families around us in Mississippi. I wish I could prove anything but I know it is a long time family claim. I just came upon this site. My grandmother had straight dark hair and somewhat darker skin. There are many more on the list who are indirect ancestors surnames. There are a lot of Coopers in Eastern Kentucky, especially Somerset, Ky. MULLINS, NASH NELSON NEWMAN NICCANS NICHOLS NOEL NORRIS, PAGE PAINE PATTERSON PERKINS PERRY PHELPS His name was James Turner born 1791 in Russell, VA. Is it possible he was Mulugeon? Thank you for contacting me, how can I help? I have added links to certain names that I have more information to share. Surname is Turner. An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America. The surnames most associated with the Melungeons are the Irish name Collins, and the English name Gibson. But alot of these surnames are in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana AKA No Mans Land. I have family tree and dna to work with! Scott. Glad to see the name here. Historical records are sometimes sketchy and amorphous. Have there been anymore research into more names? My Clarks were Portuguese/Croatan. And for some not any death dates. Crooked pinky fingers, high cheekbones, lumps under my jawbone, ridiculously thick, curly hair, shovel teeth on SIX teeth. My dad was always told we had Cherokee in us. They were FPOC as early as the mid 1700s. Growing up I was told tales that on my dads side we had a definitive blood line to the Monacan Nation out of Amhurst County VA. On my moms side I was always told her family was Melungeon and my Greatgrand father having the name Woodrow Baker., The Lumbee Indians live down toward to coast of N.C. Carol Kaurish. That's what happened to Jack Goins, Hawkins County, Tn. The Bass family married into my Malone family, so if you need any info on that-I can help. Melissa, I too am from the Blevins family from Eastern Kentucky. From the Little Peedee in S.C. too Hancock Cty.,TN. Now a new DNA study in the Journal of Genetic Genealogy attempts to separate truth from oral tradition and wishful thinking. The following common Melungeon surnames occurring in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia were noted by Dr. N. Brent Kennedy during his research for The Melungeons: The Resurrection of a Proud People An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America. There is actually an unincorporated community named Goin that had a post office until the mid-sixties. Ive been researching for a couple of months when I first came across melungeons. The Bollings go all the way back to Eastern Virginia in the 1700s. Dad claimed their was Cherokee on his side but I have found no proof. Holler back! My great great grandfather was born in Hancock County, Tennessee He lived from 1852 to 1927 On the 1870 Census it says that he is Mulatto. Hendricks/Hendrix and Graham from Virginia and Kentucky are prominent in his heritage. I was told we were Jewish my entire life but never made more connection to it as kid, but more so as an adult. That never added up, because the neighbor lady was 100% Cherokee and she was lighter skinned than my mother. And I also did a dna test. They came into Tennessee via Virginia. Im a Brooks, Clark, and Cooper descendent. Thanks Ms. Gray! George Alvin Jr. 1787-1864 from N.C. to Illinois, Clark Co. You present a hard nut to crack but not impossible. Harris, Harvie. Grandson of John Snow Creek Taliaferro and Sarah Smith, both from Virginia. The surnames of the first recorded Melungeons included Collins, Gibson, Mullins, Goins, Bunch, Bowlin, and Denham. Im researching my Berry family from Hawkins /Tennesse and Virginia . Any suggestions? My great grandmother, born Dema Delph, was adopted by another family and we have no insight into her birth parents. Bryson Gibson was born between 1775 and 1782 Washington County, Virginia to Thomas and Mary Gibson. Would appreciate any comments/information you may be able to provide. I do not know if they would be of your lineage but you could check those out. Jack, a Melungeon descendant through several ancestors, expected that his Y paternal . I found the connection and sent it to her. I know that these roots come through my mothers family who I have traced back to when they came here to the U.S. linda mckee 12/16/08. The Melungeons were a people of mysterious origins who had swarthy complexions, straight black hair, black or gray eyes and were found by the first pioneers. Some of the more common surnames, or variations thereof, having been identified so far as having Melungeon origins are: Adams, Adkins, Allen, Allmond, Ashworth Connie Crosby 4/27/02 . As time permits my intention is to research as many of these families as I can. The core Melungeon families in Hawkins County, Tennessee are Bolin, Bolling, Bunch, Collins, Denham, Gibson, Goins, Goodman, Minor, Moore, Mullins, Sullivan, and Williams. I did find her husband and kids. The Clarks were said to be Portuguese. Ms. Lady Jae: Received some great information from you sometime ago for surname Goin. reaves/osteen/lawson. Her folks were from Pennsylvania. I am stumped here and cant seem to find much on them. As time permits my intention is to research as many of these families as I can. I was born and raised in Big Stone Gap Va I am of mulungeon descent. I suggest you try to gain access to her adoption records and get with a DNA expert who can help you with sorting through GEDmatch. I sent you that second email before I reread your origninal one, give me a bit of time and Ill see what I can find. Louise Ralston Brown 4/23/02. Various surnames traditionally associated with Melungeon identity were not included in the study. Hello my name is Melissa Blevins Nesbit. Best of luck and Merry Christmas! She died in 1906 during childbirth with my grandmother. The ones that I do not have in my lineage, my husband probably has a large number of the other names plus my son-in-law has a lot more of those other names. I took a DNA test a couple of years ago and many of these names have shown up amongst my cousin matches surname list, especially Bass, Adkins, Castill, Carter, Dyes, Driggers, Goins, Sheppard and so many others. The names of many Cherokees who did not leave North Carolina are found in: Blankenship, Bob. Change). Both of my maternal grandparents are from that area. If you have any information It would be extremely helpful. FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. This is seen in all generations that I know of in my family. We have always been told we are of cherokee and possibly Saponi descent. (LogOut/ Joyceann Gray passed your info to me because I have Bass matches. While I have some information, I would like to trace him back to Ireland, as my DNA shows over 70% Irish. They were FPOC as early as the mid 1700s. Barker, Barnes, Bass, Beckler, Bedgood, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Beverly, Biggs. I do not know much more than what is below, but my father (Jerry Lee Wood, son of Wyatt Wert Wood) who claimed Welch/Irish descent, had straight dark hair, turned nut brown in the slightest bit of sun, and had hazel green eyes. Hi. I have that genealogy somewhere but trying to find it is a different thing. Hi Brent, I just uploaded me DNA from Ancestry to Gedmatch Gensis. During Reconstruction, most southern states passed One drop laws. The Melungeon, who called their leaders "king" instead of "chief," intermarried with the Cherokee Indians and were considered a branch of the tribe. 2 vols. Most of my siblings and I have those chestnut color eyes like our mother and grandfather. From my mother Chapman. It is like her whole Jones line does not exist. I also have connections to various surnames on common Melungeon surname list and trace various branches back to the different areas moving E to SE in . But I still need help. Im now wandering if may have originally been a Custalow or Croston??? Also Mary Bolling 1720-1790 Wilkes NC m. Andrew Baker 1720-1779 Rowan NC. Where did they come from? On my grandmother side we are Callaway,Ray and Mitchell. Cooper. Someone told me a while back I had the Melungeon background. Turkish, Jewish, Italian, Syrian, Nigerian, My eldest cousin knows Great Grands maiden name. These were all Melungeon surnames. Little. " Do you need some help in your genealogy search? Thank you, CHAVIS CLARK CLOUD COAL COFFEY COLE COLEMAN COLES COLLEY COLLIER My uncle says their daughter, Martha Gilliam Barnett, was 100% Cherokee. In the heart of Appalachia in the southern United States, an isolated, dark skinned people known as the Melungeons, are challenging the accepted version of modern America's earliest history. According to, some common Melungeon last names may include: Bowling (Bolin) Bunch Chavis (Chavez) Collins Epps Evans Fields Francisco Gibson Gill3 Goins Goodman Minor Mise Moore Mullins Osborn (e) Phipps Reeves (Rives, Rieves, Reeves, Reaves) Ridley (Riddle) Rodrigues Stowers Vanover Williams Wise Melungeon people Melungeons are descendants of people of mixed ethnic ancestry who, before the end of the eighteenth century, were discovered living in limited areas of what is now the southeastern United States, notably in the Appalachian Mountains near the point where Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina converge. The Short surname was my maiden name. Hi! My Reeves family always claimed Indian descent. Like Like. Now my Grandfather was George Denham and his father was Edward Denham and mother was Betty Collins. Family still has very unique mix of features listed in connection with Melungeon. the opinions in this page are strictly the author's, based upon Does anyone know anything about Po (Napoleon) Brown from south east Kentucky? If I can help Id be glad to offer more suggestions once you begin your tree. Jordan-Son of Gilbert Gibson. I have been doing a lot of research just using Family Search. She had very dark brown eyes and black hair. BENNETT BERRY BEVERLY BIGGS BOLEN BOLLING BOLTON BOONE BOWLIN Christy, Hi Christy, I am still researching but its slow going. Other researchers have speculated that "Melungeon" derives from the Turkish melun can, (meaning "cursed soul"); the Italian melongena ("eggplant," referring to one with dark skin), or the old English term "malengin" ("guile; deceit"). I, too, have no Native American or black ancestry showing up in my DNA results from, nor any Spanish, Portuguese, or Mediterranean ancestry. 2 Answers. My brother is very fair and red hair. Is Jones her maiden name? ROBERT DEGNEN 5/31/00. One of my great uncles. HYATT, LANGSTON LASIE LAWSON LOCKLEAR LOPES LOWRY Page, Paine, Patterson, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Phipps, Pinder, Polly, Powell, Powers, Pritchard, Pruitt. I hope Im on the right track. My ancestor, John Washington Cooper, left Virginia for Louisiana circa 1830, where he and his children married into old French Creole families. I have been trying to place my Melungeon ancestors as well as my Native ancestry. This is so confusing! Take a look at this website: Not leave North Carolina, Virginia to Thomas and Mary Gibson Italian, Syrian, Nigerian my. He was definitely a minor in 1756 ( deed of gift of Gilbert Gibson ) into Tennessee Virginia... Genealogy somewhere but trying to find some answers 100 % Cherokee and she was lighter skinned than my mother until. Uploaded me DNA from ancestry to Gedmatch Gensis between 1775 and 1782 Washington County, Virginia to and. Stanley, I live in CT. Hello to share ( deed of of! 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