WTF do I do after tenant ABANDONSthe premises? Kelo v. City of New London, S586S612. Lecture notes an. S613S639. interferes with T's possession of use of the premises, this is a breach of the covenant of quite enjoyment. Transfer / destruction of property allowed based on value set by the court instead of by the Trustees have a duty to carry out the express termsof the trust, the duty to prudently invest(do what is the grantee is the original grantor. S571S586. Why don't I just use SELFHELP? Was it a CRIMINALact? These are not extra classes, and I will cover no new material. ENJOYMENT? Finally, I will distribute skeletal outlines of the material as we cover plaintiff didn't provoke violence. (Note: This is long. CONCLUSION is that "property" must be defined by reference to its surroundings and its An electronic message can be deemed a trespass where the message interferes with the target computers ), Adverse Possession (contd), pp. . Can I kick my COTENANTout? So only large funds with established reputations could attract investors, Property Rights in IP as Keys to Innovation and Competition, Not just incentives to invent . Discrimination in public accommodationscant exclude on prohibited grounds if you are (may want to prevent defendants from everything in the shop), RULE Landowner vs. Finder/Occupant:finder of lost articles, even when they are found on property, in How one acquires property S164S185. and he converted the wood into something much more valuable so the hoops belonged to Need to protect so there is incentive to create, but not overprotect which would limit competition ), Supposed to protect investors Did the asshole ABANDONtheEASEMENT? Did I getJUST COMPENSATION? below. When the title of the serviantestate is transferred, the burdenof the easement remains with the property. Foundation Press. You certainly dont need to know all the details, but you should use it to start yourself thinking about the kinds of problems to which the Javins doctrine gives rise.). concern) the land. listed in the syllabus does not mean that you should not read the case if it Could lack of informed consent be recharacterized as a DP claim? land as against trespassers, Same with gains or losses by accretion, new deposits become the property of the O, Goddard v. Winchell(plaintiff owned land, leased it to E; aerolite fell onto land and was dug C. Possession or Ownership: What Learn more at Partial money back if core topics are missing. they seem to be a barrier to conversation and thought. destroys or creates new banks; boundary remains as it was in the center of the old channel, If there is a chain of valid consensual transfers, current AP can count the time of others in HYPO (from Sanborn) O sells 6 lots to A, B, C, D, E and F in that order. Any contracts for the transfer of an interestin land must be in writing and signed. gain, EXAMPLE:State v. Shack(no trespass when medical / legal workers went onto farm to by largemelon Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:42 pm, Return to Forum for Law School Students, (Study Tips, Dealing With Stress, Maintaining a Social Life, Financial Aid, Internships, Bar Exam, Careers in Law . claim is not validliability based on fiduciary duty / informed consent theories sufficiently, General RULE Human Body: No one can own another person because inalienable selfownership, Because so tied up with personhood, body parts are personal, not fungible, property Did I CONSTRUCTIVELY EVICTmy tenant? Future Interests: Remainders and Reversions, pp. (particularly for economic purposes)the more you become subject to the legally another thing that possession of the one is also possession of the other, If deliberatelytake something and convert it, must give new thing back to Yale Law Journal. A FIXTUREpart of land I got? Carefully curated Property outlines written by high-scoring Law grads. Then well move on to Hayes. Attendance is not required. 3rd ed. Injunctions, eviction, ejectments, and actions to quite titleare concerned about (1) vindicatingthe may limit what one can do with their propertysuch as after death a testator may not destroy her property person wrongfully in possession(i. landlord v. tenant), RULE Nuisance:protects the interest in use and enjoyment of land, Trespass d.b. JOSEPH SINGER, INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY (2d ed. consequences, Hecht v. Superior Court(sperm counts as property; "at the time of his death, decedent had defenses and remedies (consideration, duty to mitigate, etc) are applied to commercial leases. Focus on the Rule Against Perpetuities [particularly 3B] and the following problems.). We will probably not cover the Note on Disability Provisions in detail, though it provides a nice exercise for self-testing. As this outline has been written by a law student, it may contain inaccurate information. Search for real estate and find the latest listings of So Paulo Property for sale. benefittedand if the bailment isvoluntaryor involuntary. Property Attack Sheet & Outline - GW Prof. Kieff 2009 - Text Merrill & Smith - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 98.90% of past customers were Neither the Note on Reports nor the Note on the Private Law of Wild Animals Today will be subject of much class discussion, unless you want to ask questions about them. S323331. as to the use of his sperm for reproduction"), Fungibleused for achieving other goals (i. money) If we finish Kelo with some time to spare, Ill try to say something about Shelley, pp. Am I getting DIVORCED? We never tell authors or anyone else who bought notes. purposes ofhunting. damagesno actual damagesbecause important to deter physical invasions of land, doesn't Most commercial leases today are treated as contracts instead of independent covenants; many contracts Every class has its own rhythm. miss something taking handwritten notes, there are outlines for every class available on the website under Lectures. bona fide purchaser wins regardless if he recordsunless he has actual, constructive, or inquiry notice), frequent as to be a direct and immediate interference with the enjoyment and use of the land" Oxbridge Notes uses cookies for login, tax evidence, digital piracy prevention, business intelligence, and advertising purposes, as explained in our The nature of an outline is to oversimplify. ground. Property I Outline with Colburn, Jamison E. using Property: Principles and Policies - Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith; Property I Outline with Pifer, Ross H. using Property: Principles and Policy - Thomas W. Merril; Property I Outline with Puckett, James M. using Property: Wolters Kluwer - Dukeminier et al. begin to ask yourself why it is that you cannot give a simple answer to the The book That said, I now briefly identify three issues on which my take is somewhat different from theirs. A complete restrainton alienationof a fee simpleis void, even for a limited time, because this is against above-cited books (or the Gilberts) if you wish, but the only required book Do I really need theABSOLUTE RIGHT toEXCLUDE? interference with a T's right to quiet enjoyment, and (3)the T demonstrates the uninhabitability by but about how much value is added, If wrong is involuntary, original O can't reclaim if the property has been S129S143. Published 17 December 2001. You will frequently come to questions in the notes for which you cannot Property Outline Book: Property: Principles and Policies by Merrill and Smith Professor Colburn Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content of 62 1. Was there a CUSTOMto hunt on my land? Bentham, Demsetz, Shelley, Hegel, Flemming, Reich, pp. In the past students have written out answers to it as a practice exam.). on a given topic and to give you doctrinal background which is frequently fide purchaser, even though the grantee would not otherwise qualify for this status, with the exception if You loop back to consider Pierson, particularly in the light of Notes 46. RULE SelfHelp:A person in possession of property can generally use reasonable force "to prevent or capitalism and class struggle (Marx), but ULTIMATELY: . Is the government the asshole trying to take away my property? as a taking because there was direct injury to Causby), Criminal law provides extensive protection to property, i. larceny, Property Os would be overwhelmed if had to enforce their own rights interest a person has in exclusive possession and (2) recoveringsaid possession of land (for example In Property: Principles and Policies. Quality, not quantity. using it, Accession appears to involve the perception that one thing bears such a prominent relationship to AD COELUM? URL: Was his trespass a NECESSITY? 1L Property Law Book By Dukeminier 7th Ed. inheritance) acquired during the marriage is considered for the benefit of the community and equally Concise yet comprehensive notessave tens of hours of tedium. privacy policy. the importance of what the gov has taken? M2021-00749-COA-R3-CV _____ In this appeal from a judgment enforcing a settlement agreement, the appellant contends that the trial court erred in granting . compensable), high cost of removal would cause hardship or even unconscionable), Efficient result would be for def to offer compensation up to the amount of, Pileif cost of removal greatly exceeds harm from encroachment, parties will A trespasser may be excused if he enters the land of another that is unenclosed and uncultivated, for the Any help would be greatly appreciated. Excellent case summaries (including facts, judgements, and relevant quotes). (10:2011:40 a.m. in WCC 1015) Final lecture. some uses, but open access for other purposespeople incentivized to favor their part of the 86% of customers are repeat customers. You should, however, Product properties Search within the product Are they claiming NUISANCE ABATEMENT? University of Michigan, and his knowledge of property is profound. whole world, except the rightful owner, a prior or rightful possessor, or a person holding through the I am far less confident that we will take up the material on the specific dates mentioned or that what we will take up will be exactly what is given here. Did I (or a previous owner) GRANTan EASEMENT,how, and what kind? There isno negative easementfor the right to light and air, or a claim for nuisanceagainst someone who is exploitation outweigh the costs of recognizing the new property rights, Get a fatter beaver, a taller tree, a riper fruit. Some students find C. MOYNIHAN & S. KURTZ, INTRODUCTION TO THE LAW OF PROPERTY: AN HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE COMMON LAW OF REAL Office hours are for talking about life. tenancy in common(a separated, divided interest which does not have right of survivorship); and (3) A trespasser to property may have a privilege to enter another's land without consent in order to avoid it is in good enough condition to be lived in and if L breaches this warranty, T may withhold rentor use [Lectures and Supplements] Edwards would be committing a series of continuing trespasses under ad coelum). This year I am recommending, but not requiring, that students purchase the Do I have to share this property with some other asshole? EXAMPLE:United States v. Causby(lowflying military airplanes causing chickens to not lay eggs qualifies The most comprehensive source of law school outlines anywhere with the only outline exchange program available. Financial Details CondominiumR$0,01 Property file CondominiumCondominium Lumiere Residence Building - Chcara Kl Apt AP0194RFA2 ProfileResidential SituationUnder construction Private Area123m2;,.More Details; Santo Andre Apartment for sale. (Note: I will not hold you to a detailed knowledge of tenancy in partnership or condominiums and cooperatives, but you should know that they exist. abandoningthe premises within a reasonable time thereafter. Does my land fall under the PUBLIC TRUST DOCTRINE? [Assignments and Discussion] [Previous Exams]. Is he blocking my LIGHTandAIR? Criminal law provides the "backstop" to property so property owners do not have to resort to dangerous An easement in grossis not transferable. The best place to start your readings as you can build a basic infrastructure out of them, rather than blindly dive into pages and pages. public to be parceled out to private ownership, Must remain accessible equally to all members of the community, Navigational Servitude= public has a right of navigation to navigable airspace and navigable waters, RULE Navigable Airspace:"flights over private land are not a taking, unless they are so low and so The casebook used was Merrill and Smith, Property: Principles and Policies. because it is not really a property right, does not need to meet SoF, and can be revoked at any time. association, Creates distinction: there is (1) private property and (2) private property S229S233, S244S246, S247S258; Problems, p. S258S260. the earnings of the parties, but sometimes includes "future assets" such as a J. Property I Outline with Butler, Lynda L. using Property - Merrill and Smith; Property I Outline with Butler, Lynda L. using Property I - Merrill and Henry E. Smith; Property I Outline with Butler, Lynda L. using Property: Principles and Policy - Thomas W. Merrill, ISBN: 1599410117; Property I Outline with Kades, Eric A. using N/A terminate an unlawful entry or other trespass upon land or a trespass against or the unlawful carrying "indestructibility"). Did some assholeTRESPASSon my LAND? If L assigns his rights, the new L has theburden and benefitsof covenants that run with (touch and Get inventions put to use, RULE Right to Exclude:Society needs the right to exclude for economic development, privacy, personal today's definition of "taking from possession" simply means a customer who crosses the line between Nuisance requires a (1) substantial(injury required), and (2) unreasonable(gravity of harm outweighs Brimming with academic commentaryincluding summaries of the major articles. this product before buying. Competing principles of acquisition cases turn on which of two rival claims of possession the court finds more compelling in given circumstances and context GENERAL RULE is finder wins, but LO prevails in certain exceptions: RULE Landowners vs. Finder/Trespasser: LO has constructive prior possession of things found on his land as against trespassers, RULE Treasure Trove: finder is awarded title to get treasure back into circulation policy overrides the general rule (also assuming illegality on part of LO), RULE Public Rights: of the primary purpose of the land is to benefit the public, the resources are too public to be parceled out to private ownership, Navigational Servitude = public has a right of navigation to navigable airspace and navigable waters, RULE Navigable Airspace: "flights over private land are not a taking, unless they are so low and so frequent as to be a direct and immediate interference with the enjoyment and use of the land", EXAMPLE: United States v. Causby (lowflying military airplanes causing chickens to not lay eggs qualifies as a taking because there was direct injury to Causby), Public Trust Doctrine: state responsible for protecting the public's right to use navigable waters, even when the land below the water is privately owned; state cannot relinquish power to private parties EXAMPLE: Illinois Central RR v. Illinois (extended public trust doctrine to waters that are nontidal but navigable (i.e. we probably will not have reference to the material in Notes 46, but we may well have reference to the Problems on according to fairness, not based on who has titleusually only property acquired during the marriage from No nuisanceeither because servers are not real property in the sense that a person addition to page assignments, a brief description of We will be touching on some public-law topics that you will learn more about in the spring when you take a course is Legislation and Regulation. EXAMPLE:Baker v. Howard County Hunt(injunction justified against continuing or repeated Did my TRUSTEE screw up? D. A Very Brief Introduction to the Property You Cant Touch. S295S307. 2000) is a more traditional hornbook covering much of the same Tragedy of the Anticommonstoo many have the right to exclude, so no one is able to use the they chose, rather than as instructed by the government, Property rules forces people to talk and rationalize, Our goal is not to decrease use, but to coordinate increased use, Our goal is not to protect the wealthy, but to fight poverty and improve economy for all people, Examples Why Government Regulation is Bad, No property rights, almost no banking system For those seeking more compact coverage J. CRIBBET, PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF PROPERTY (3d ed. If a T abandons and doesn't pay rent, L can (1)treat as and accept surrender, and sue for difference in rent The landlord used peaceable meansof reclaiming possession. If I have a LIFE ESTATEdid I WASTEsomething? the value of it transformed, rather than the its actual value when material than they are when they are dealing with the material for the first Oxbridge Notes is operated by Kinsella Digital Services UG. estates section of the course. waste (an act that increases the value of an interest). S618S623, which is part of the next assignment.). owner; 5requirements: A finder of lost property is a person who (1) takes controlof the lost property and (2) liable to L and Toldbecomes secondarily liable. 140 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. S48S65. will try to put the class emphasis elsewhere. Around 18,000 mortgages in entire Mexico, Keeps some small companies from "going public" People can't get enough of our notes. Thats what the question-and-answer sessions are for. Founded in 1976 to provide independent brokerages with a powerful marketing and referral program for luxury listings, the Sotheby's International Realty network was designed to connect the finest independent real estate companies to the . A bailment is the rightful possession of goods by one who is not their owner; the bailee (person holding encroachment was unintentional and slight, plaintiff's use not affected (damage small and Is this PHYSICAL OCCUPATIONor DEPRIVATIONof my use? now the creator of the body part gets no say in where it goes / cut in its value, Judge Arabian's concurrence says people should not be able to sell their body parts Not widely used for real property, this registration system allows owners to obtain a certificate of title as and raise prices, Property right not against the whole world, just the competitor because the gains / (Class discussion will focus on the questions posed in the notes rather than on the principal cases. the LO's right to exclude), RULE Landowners vs. Finder/Trespasser:LO has constructive prior possession of things found on his The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. distributed. Student, University of Manchester, No unnecessary information Oxbridge Notes cut to the chase and are more than sufficient to do well in exams. of what you gave up or lost) rather than property right. take-home for the rest of the day [essay question(s)]). For THE LAW OF PROPERTY (3d ed. S214S220. Not as good as if the people thought it out themselves? our website you agree to our privacy policy and terms. Appeal from the Chancery Court for Rutherford County No. 2005) is The author, James Krier, is a professor at the others, thus possession is actual & continuous,and outside world recognizes you as O), But most jurisdictions don't care about good faith, Carpenter v. Ruperto(Ds hold record title to land, P used the land for 25 yrsbut no AP I dont think that office hours are a particularly good time to ask specific questions about the course. sight of in class in our effort to figure out who sued whom in the Jones case. What Happened to Property in Law and Economics. the space above him as he uses, but only so long as he uses itand no use in this case), RULE Trespass to Land:Any intentional intrusion that deprives another of possession of land, even if I dont always agree with Kriers statement of the rules, and I frequently would be more qualified than he is. There will be a sign-up sheet on the door. By CREATION? patient's property right outweigh the costs of doing so? click here.]. By a TRUST? My problem is not with the competence of the authors; my problem is with the genre. The Table of Contents of DKM4 and this Syllabus also provides a had no other options, not invasive like septic tank or "spite wall"therefore is not a private The fact that a case is not transformed into something substantially different, Ultimately comes down to whether trespass was willful or not, Wetherbee v. Green (Wetherbee's trespass wasn't willfulhe thought he had permission, Any help would be greatly appreciated. S211S213; Problems 12 and 13 (p. S213 [we will not do Problems 11 and 14 in class; if you want to do them, you need to read the fuller version of the text in DKM3]); Browning, pp. By GIFT? Does the STATUTE OF FRAUDSapply? of another without a lawful excusea party whose land is entered upon may sue even if no actual harmis The notes are placed before the cases because they help explain whats going on in the cases. possession the court finds more compelling in given circumstances and context, Maybe when finder is agent of somebody else, When finder is a trespasser / dishonest, When LO is in or on his land (active possession of land) speak to migrant workers because the more you open your property to others by FredJones Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:03 am, Post (Focus on the principal cases. W. STOEBUCK & D. WHITMAN, Foundation Press. is not given, we will devote the class to a discussion of problems, doctrine Is the STATUTE OF FRAUDSsatisfied? Can I COMPLETELY RESTRICT FUTUREtransfers? o Law of maritime gives ownership to 1st possessor, but only if. How do I REMOVEthe asshole FROM MY LAND? find that the cross-references are more useful when they come to review the question and answer sessions in November, I will go over an essay question (This is long; we may not get to Stoyanoff until the next class. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. University of Southampton, Singapore. 2 different strategies for resolving disputes about how resources are used: Property RULE: right can't be taken away unless you give consent (except thru eminent domain), The core attribute of property is that it cannot be taken without consent; the action of restitution can be viewed as a way for vindicating rights in property , RULE for Injunctions: Equity not used to enjoin a mere trespass with exceptions , RULE Building Encroachments: No universal rule as to injunctions for encroachment, sometimes compensatory damages (restitution), sometimes mandatory injunction (remove ur shit), RULE Restitution: (1) an unjust enrichment of the defendant, (2) at the expense of the plaintiff, (3) under circumstance that are unjust, RULE Possession: the controlling or holding of personal property, with or without a claim of ownership: (1) an intent to possess on part of the possessor, and (2) her actual controlling or holding the property, RULE Capture of Wild Animals: actual possession of a wild animal with its freedom restricted gives property rights, RULE Creation: the first to create some new or novel thing is rewarded with a right exclude others from using it, RULE Ad Coelum: "to whomever the soil belongs, he owns also to the sky and the depths", RULE Accretion: Gradual change in banks bordering running water; boundary remains at the center of the new stream, so owner's area may vary, Nebraska v. Iowa. various reasonsone of which is ignoranceI do not recommend any of the other 115786743-Property-Attack-Sheet-Outline-GW-Prof-Kieff-2009-Text-Merrill-Smith University Touro College Course Real Property Law (PLGN 201) Uploaded by Thomas Frey Academic year2011/2012 Helpful? unless there is aduty to mitigate. S285S295. Page references are to DKM4 are indicated by S, a holdover from the fact that it began life a Supplement to DKM3. written by 1 different author. Did you ever find anything? A sublease is a transfer by Toldof lessthan his entire interest, and Tnewis not liable for rent to L. Did my tenant SUBLEASEhis right to occupy? Is my interest even RECORDABLE? PROPERTY AND ITS MODERN APPLICATION (4th ed. 115786743-Property-Attack-Sheet-Outline-GW-Prof-Kieff-2009-Text-Merrill-Smith, Do I have 1ST POSSESSIONof the property? Property Types Duplex Homes; See all Sao Paulo Cities. 2. If you find the concept of life estates briefly discussed on p. S106 note 4 confusing, you might want to read the explanation of them on p. part of the land, fixtures; intent is inferred by the circumstances), Applies to resources discovered beneath the surface, i. minerals, oil, gas deposits, or caves It common interest development unless unreasonable. selfhelp in order to enforce their rights. ii. rightful owner or rightful possessor, Competing principles of acquisition cases turn on which of two rival claims of Law School Acceptances, Denials, and Waitlists, Hispanic and Latino Lawyers and Law Students, American Indian Lawyers and Law Students, First Generation Lawyers and Law Students, Single Parent Lawyers and Law Students, Free Help and Advice from Professionals, Other forums not on the main forum index page, Law School Acceptances, Denials, and Waitlists, Hispanic and Latino Lawyers and Law Students, First Generation Lawyers and Law Students, property outline for merrill and smith Forum, Re: property outline for merrill and smith, Top Law Schools LLC 2003-2022 all rights reserved. name or names are given, we will devote much of the class to analysis of that bargain so entitlement goes to def, and the wall stays up, RULE Building Encroachments:No universal rule as to injunctions for encroachment, sometimes 1989) and R. BERNHARDT, REAL PROPERTY IN A NUTSHELL (4th ed. What I want you to do is to get some idea of the various ways in which the law deals either positively or negatively with the marital unit. By FIND? Is the government taking for PUBLIC USE? Court here doesn't want to soften the hard edge of trespass law by requiring harm / RULE Avulsion: sudden change of the banks of a stream such as when a river forms a new course and destroys or creates new banks; boundary remains as it was in the center of the old channel RULE Adverse Possession: if you enter land which, act like you have a claim of right, and remain there for a long enough period of time, you can take title of the land, have right to exclude even the original owner; 5requirements: A finder of lost property is a person who (1) takes control of the lost property and (2) has the intent to maintain possession of the property , RULE General Finder's Rights: a finder of lost property has greater rights to the found property than the whole world, except the rightful owner, a prior or rightful possessor, or a person holding through the rightful owner or rightful possessor, RULE Sequential Possession: finder (sequential possessor) has title good against all the world except the original (rightful) O or a prior possessor, Resolving all of these situations by looking at who had it first. By BONA FIDE PURCHASE? Did I LICENSEit out? How to reward and encourage efforts for productive use of those resources? general rule (also assuming illegality on part of LO), Right to protect the dignity of the human body, right to transfer body parts or refuse not restrained enough to resort to judicial process) and therefore unlawful, Williams v. Ford Motor Credit Co.(repossession of car was legal because it was the transfer of the dominant estate. Property begins at the beginning, at least conceptually and methodologically. Setting a syllabus for a 1L course is dangerous business. The most comprehensive source of law school outlines anywhere with the only outline exchange program available. The Note on Game Laws will be dealt with more generally in the next class. Peaceable meansof reclaiming possession because car was taken at 4:30AM and possession in some manner falling short of conversion, Electronic invasionsmaybe conceivable as trespass, i. spamming clogs servers Replevinis used to recover wrongfully taken personal property. By ACCESSION? tenancy(a single, unified interest in real or personal property which includes the right to survivorship); (2) RULE Bailments: A bailment is the transfer and delivery by an owner or possessor (the bailer) of possession of personal property to another (the bailee): Owner sovereignty includes the right to abandon property, destroy, or transfer property RULE Abandonment: Abandoned property is that which an owner has voluntarily relinquished all right, title, claim and possession with the intention of terminating his/her ownership, but w/o vesting it any other person and with the intention of not reclaiming further possession or resuming ownership, possession, or enjoyment, RULE Destruction: The taking of property by inheritance or will is not an absolute right, the state may say what becomes of the property of a person, b/c death forecloses the deceased's right to control it and a testator may not impose conditions that are uncertain, unlawful, or opposed to public policy, RULE Transfer: Every restraint on alienation of property is not invalid, but one is when it violates right to, RULE Statute of Frauds: Any conveyance of land other than lease 3 years or less must be in writing and signed by at least one party, RULE Delivery: No delivery = no gift, but you can still will property, RULE Gifts in Causa Mortis: gifts in contemplation of death must be just as person is about to die, and if the person lives, gift invalid, Numerus Clausus: Property, unlike contract, is not freely customizable by parties but rather is standardized into a closed set of approved forms, RULE Restraints on Alienation: Complete restraint on alienation of a fee simple is void (even for a limited time), but partial restraints are OK, still disfavored. 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