Its also a mutable sign, which has the rep of adaptable modality. It also explains why we often attract people who represent our shadow selves. It just means you tend to project the energy of your Descendant and 7th house on others until you eventually learn to infuse it into who you are. Gemini is a breezy air sign ruled by quick-witted and intellectual Mercury. For Sagittarius, a good reason to do something is because it just felt right. Crave adventure, travel, and new experiences, and can be restless or easily bored with routine. Lady Gaga, Drew Barrymore, Sandra Bullock, Rose McGowan, Amy Winehouse, Willow, Louis Tomlinson, Kelly Osbourne, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristen Stewart, Pamela Anderson, Dr. Dre, Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. Find this energy within yourself, and learn skills that will allow you to control your passionate energy, become more productive, and start being more in the moment. As a progressed Aries rising, ruler Mars has moved away from Neptune. In reality, reading the horoscope for your Rising sign will likely be the most accurate for you. Have there been common traits in the partners youve chosen or attracted in life? "Scorpios are often a mystery, even to themselves, which is what will make a Taurus so alluring to them, because Taurus embodies authenticity," says Marmanides. Gemini ascendants usually have a somewhat bipolar disposition, seemingly happy and sad at the same time. Theyre less concerned than a lot of other rising signs with other people liking it.. From contacts with Sagittarius a Gemini learns permanence, sincerity, enthusiasm and tenacity. What it does mean when your Sun and Moon oppose one another in terms of horoscopes is the transit planets will be in opposing houses. Not your external face, but your true face. With Virgo Descendant, you may attract people who are detailed, hard-working, and practical. It is logical, analytical, and just wants the facts. Since the Descendant is who we attract and the relationships we have, this helps explain why were often attracted to people who we feel have traits that we wish we had or who have strengths where we perceive ourselves to be weak. At Taurus's side Scorpio learns to enjoy simple pleasures of life, to become more stabilized and to take advantage of perseverance. But what about when your Sun sign and Moon sign oppose each other? One thing to keep in mind is that the polarities are always in elements that are complementary. "Cancer are creatures of comfort and stability," Marmanides says. 2023 Sagittarius is also on a quest to experience as much as it can, but rather than searching for data, this sign is searching for meaning by experiencing as many world views and perspectives on life as it can. They have a spunky quality and eternally youthful appearance, no matter their age. One major tell that someone is a Gemini rising? Dont have your birth certificate? Friends cannot listen with the same objectivity, especially since you can love and hate a person with equal fervor! *Learn about the best parts of Geminis in our post about Gemini strengths here. Gemini Ascendant. This way, even if both deep inside and in their exterior form the two signs do not at all share the same nature or the same concepts and inculcate totally different life patterns, a kind accordance is still possible and their differences can generate secret affinities and fabulous complicity. Plus, in astrology where there lies tension and challenge, there is also the potential to spur incredible personal growth, which could be the case with a Gemini and Sagittarius combination. With Taurus Descendant, you may attract people who are laid-back, present, and practical. On a personal note, I am a Sagittarius Sun and my husbands Sun sits in Gemini, so I may have personal insight on this one! Based on the astrology of his birth date, he would have been born sometime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to be a Gemini rising. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. They are: Aries opposite Libra Taurus opposite Scorpio Gemini opposite Sagittarius Cancer opposite Capricorn Leo opposite Aquarius Virgo opposite Pisces Copyright 2023 Astrology Answers. This keeps relationships easygoing and pressure free. They are so vivacious, and they have this twinkle in their eye, notes Mesa. In contrast, Scorpios are detached, tortured, instinctive and do not hesitate to destroy in order to aspire for renewal. Just about everyone can tell you what their zodiac sign is. Leo Rising will be super into theatrics: drama and creativity, and they'll appreciate that Aquarian flair and flourish. Theres a fearlessness with what theyll wear because they just want to like it, adds Bond. But, while few people would think you unintelligent, many assume that you are unreliable. Sagittarius Rising. This gives you a Capricorn Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as disciplined, responsible, and mature. They'll instantly want to rescue them, even if that person doesnt need rescuing. From contacts with Sagittarius a Gemini learns permanence, sincerity, enthusiasm and tenacity. They thrive in fast-paced environments where they can expand their mind, share knowledge, and communicate with people. Learn to cultivate closeness with multiple friends to avoid leaning so heavily on just one person. A wink, a smile and a genuine apology is generally all it takes to get you off the hook. They always look like they stole a cookie from the cookie jar, even if they didnt, she adds. They sometimes talk fast and sometimes others cant keep up, but they just keep going.. On March 7, Saturn enters Pisces after a three year tour of duty in . Sign & House Polarities Opposite Signs & Houses Here we explore some of the themes associated with the sign and house polarities. In The Astrological Houses, Dane Rudhyar wrote, "The principle of polarity is the cornerstone of any sound astrological interpretation, and it is particularly in evidence when we deal with axes in a chart.". This gives you a Libra Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as compromising, charming, and pleasant. We are attracted to people who have the traits we want to develop in ourselves or that we need to recognize in ourselves for our souls to grow. Gemini risings are naturally playful and can come off as flirtatious when theyre really just being their goofy selves. Aries acts in a fervent manner, this is a hurry-up one who goes off at the deep end, whereas Libra is rather passive and contemplative. Recognize youre capable of this as well and work on taking your knowledge and turning it into wisdom through life experience and controlling some of your anxious energy so you can become bolder. The old saying opposites attract can be very true, and in astrology, it may be no different. You might lose track of time, but c'est la vie. The following are the sister signs and the other sign in a pair is the Descendant to your Rising. Aquarius is original, independent, low-disciplined, indulgent, flexible and fraternal. This is the most multi-faceted, inquisitive, intellectual, and quick-witted rising sign youll ever meet. On the other hand, Capricorns are rigid, cold, realistic, self-disciplined, ambitious and tend to only rely on themselves. The opposition may pull you out of the comfort zone, but also inspires you to reach for new goals. Theyre not going to bully you, but theyre going to push your buttons for fun. Theyll also be going a mile a minute on the questions. Even when resting there is an air of activity about Gemini rising and even . Gemini Rising wants a big-hearted, big-picture thinker, and with Sagittarius as the Descendant ruler, they'll find someone who doesn't just think big, but lives even bigger. Influenced by the planet Mercury, this astrological sign is driven by a nervous, scattered energy and does everything with speed and agility. You have this air about you of eternal youth - always moving onto something new or the next idea. Gemini signifies the twins, a dual personality that is often the complete opposite of the other. As opposites, Gemini and Sagittarius have some qualities that are different, but that doesnt mean that they share no similarities. Everyone is familiar with their Sun sign horoscope, but as you get more familiar with astrology, you may find lots of advice saying you should read your Moon sign horoscope too. It needs experiences to accomplish this. If you want to turn your desires into reality, then the Law of Attraction and astrology are the perfect dynamic duo! March 2023 Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends. More than most people, you need to take a breath, and think about how your words will be received before you unleash. Read below to learn more about your zodiac. Their new ideas are sure to make waves wherever they go. Just in slightly different ways, with the Sun being more in the forefront and the Moon being more in the background (conscious = Sun; unconscious = Moon). As for Libra, they can derive inspiration from Aries for developing dynamics, self-support and a combat spirit. 13. The mutable mode brings a more easy-going and laid-back nature to Gemini and Sagittarius and makes them more able to go with the flow. The Twins have the opposite problem that most people have, in that . Its almost a shadow side to our personalities and lives that comes out when were dealing with other people. The Ascendant and Descendant are the axis of relationships, with the self (Ascendant) and with others (Descendant). House polarities are 1st-7th, 2nd-8th, 3rd-9th, 4th-10th, 5th-11th, and 6th-12th. You may wear rings and bracelets to emphasize your hands and arm or turn yours into a canvas for sleeve tattoos. This placement is actually more important and indicative of who you are than your sun sign. This is a sign that leads with its head. "With Gemini as the Descendant ruler, they will seek out partners who know a lot about a lotsomeone who will keep them on their toes and theyll never grow bored by.". Whatever sign the Ascendant sits in is also called your rising sign. They like those busy, unpredictable atmospheres, adds Mesa. For one, its a floaty, flowing air sign and is ruled by Mercury, the fast-paced, detail-oriented planet of communication and intellect. Nurture yourself and be sensitive to your own feelings and desires. To accurately determine your ascendant, you will need to know your birth time. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and, Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? Sometimes its easier to guess someones rising sign than their actual sign because its also the first house, which is the I am house, Mesa explains. Its wanting someone unafraid to love love.". And with compatibility readings, you can also see if your partner has planets that are in your Descendant sign. A sign with a ruler who rules both Mercury and Venus is called a trinesio. And since they excel in speedy communication, fast-paced media like PR for an artist, journalism, broadcasting, or social media can be their jam. We dont have to reject these traits in ourselves and can focus instead to strike a balance! This gives you an Aquarius Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as independent, open to change, and inventive. But when they oppose? They display the traits of this sign very strongly. With Libra Descendant, you may attract people who are fair, compromising, and considerate. They can also be the hardest to pin down as far as their general traits go because theyre so varied. To the contrary, Pisces are utopianists, they lack pragmatism, they tend to go with the tide and escape from all responsibility. To the contrary, Sagittarians have no single doubt of who they are, they reveal an unreined, inconsiderate and moralistic nature. "For an independent and freedom-loving sign like Aries, you value ideals like bravery," says Marmanides. Are independent and value personal . And thats another reason the Descendant rules over the house of partnerships, committed relationships and marriagethe people we pull in or desire as partners.". It will intrigue Scorpio for someone to be that direct.". 1. This is a fascinating phenomenon, as the right friends and adversaries cross our path. Read our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. (The ascendant and the descendant are the angles of the same axis, and they are always in opposite zodiac sign.) Traits of Gemini Rising/The Gemini Ascendant There's nothing you love more than being consumed in an engaging conversation. If you are a Gemini rising, you could have a completely different sun sign, which, if youve ever read other signs horoscopes, would explain why you might have resonated with that of Gemini more. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Complete personality profile of Pisces. Gemini placements like to move through life swiftly, but Virgo is the opposite. . But if theyre intentionally putting their flirt game into drive, youll know because theyre not as subtle as the other rising signs. 5 Reply jasmine_tea_ 4 yr. ago Yup, feel the same way 2 Reply sidneyurielle 4 yr. ago Expect life to speed up quite a . This gives you a Scorpio Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as mysterious, deep, and intense. There are three modes that all signs fit into in astrology, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. In comparison to their opposite sign, Sagittarius, Gemini Risings travel ~through their minds~ as opposed to physically traveling. Since the sun rises and sets at different times depending on the season, a person born at 10:00 a.m. in April would have a vastly different ascendant than someone born at 10:00 a.m. in November. Gemini risings are naturally adept at social interactions. With Aries Descendant, you may attract people who are fiery, assertive, and natural leaders. They would be the ones to use a pickup line or make a dirty joke, says Bond. They are very communicative and creative in . What horoscope should you follow then? If you instead read your Moon sign horoscope, this would relate to your Moon, and would instead be lunar houses instead of solar houses for you. Become more comfortable with your own passionate energy, and work on digging deeper into yourself so you can transform in beneficial ways and find your own inner power. Aquarius (12 pm- 2 pm) Aquarius people love to have a good time, and being born under Gemini rising can help with this. Face Shape: oblong or square They like a little taste of everything, to experiment in every part of life. However, these two signs could enrich each other with their opposite qualities. And since theyre ruled by the hands, they may touch your hands or just touch you in general. Aries and Libra Taurus and Scorpio Gemini and Sagittarius Cancer and Capricorn Leo and. But if you want a quick rundown, she shares how your astrological descendant shows what you need in a partner. Learn how to take a step back to get a wider view of your life and the future, and connect with the masses as a whole to make the kind of change and have the kind of impact you want. This gives you a Cancer Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as nurturing, supportive, and understanding. If theres anyone who should probably pursue a hand modeling career, its Gemini risings those digits are nice. It's still in Scorpio and everyone knows I've got a knife. Incompatible Signs Opposite Sign; Aries: Gemini Leo Sagittarius Aquarius: Cancer Capricorn: Libra: Taurus: Cancer Virgo . These are traits you can work on utilizing in yourself. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. "For someone who lives their life straight from the heart, it will be intriguing for a Leo Rising to be with someone who plays their emotions closer to the chest.". Your fashion sensibilities are playful, colorful and on-trend. Geminians are in search of their identity, their character is adaptable, they are easy to influence and prone to reflection. When the energy associated with these two signs is out of balance, your whole life is probably out of balance. The opposite characteristics of Cancer and Capricorn are so real that they become extremely complementary. Convivial and charming, you know how to get people talking. Your passion and commitment are based on a belief in yourself that inspires others and you can be a great leader if you choose to. Travel may also be something that connects these two. Every part of your birth chart shows something about yourself and your life, and each position rules something different. By axes, he's referring to the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC (at the Fourth House cusp). Aries rising are attracted toward Capricorn (the sign on their MC), Cancer (the sign of their fourth house), or Libra (their opposite sign). The Descendant and 7th house are other-people orientedits what you see in others, not in yourself. And, you may naturally be attracted to people, romantically or otherwise, that exude the traits and characteristics of Sagittarius. As for Cancers, they can get inspired by a Capricorn to adopt rigour, stability, develop their ambitions and control their emotions. Finally, many a Gemini rising has eyes that truly sparkle like stars. Other air or fire Venus or Mars placements would be likely to do a double-take at a Gemini rising person as well. If theyre into something, theyll wear something that is about it. That could be big, flashy zodiac jewelry, a sports team jersey, personal tattoos, piercings, makeup, or fun, colorful hair. Cancer-Capricorn If you are a Taurus rising, I would advise you to not pay attention to unfounded rumors, but you already do this. When recounting an anecdote, youll reenact the tale with your hand gesticulations, keeping everyone engaged. Zodiac Sign Polarities Aries and Libra Taurus and Scorpio Gemini and Sagittarius Cancer and Capricorn Leo and Aquarius Virgo and Pisces In This Corner Everyone has polarities in their own birth chart to muse on. There is one oppositional relationship that is seen as especially influential and that is that of the Ascendant and Descendant. Although your snarky commentary can be hilarious, it can also skew mean-spirited and divisive. "For Aquarius Rising, emotional displays are not your strongest suit. Gemini risings cant help but come off as a little bit mischievous, in the most lovable way. "Gemini Rising can question themselves a lot, and there will be an allure to someone who embodies the principle of not thinking and analyzing so much and actually going out there and doing it," says Marmanides. This communicative ascendant blesses you with unparalleled social skills. If Aquarius is your ascendant then you may really appreciate the world in its fullness, seeing it for all the gifts it has to offer! Is abundance on the horizon for you this March? The Ascendant (abbreviated as AC) is an important angle on your natal chart that describes your outward personality, and how others may see and describe you. As for Virgos, they can get inspired by Pisces and learn to relax, profit from pleasures of existence, boost their open-mindedness and become less constrained. Mars in Aquarius would really inspire a Gemini rising to do things theyve never done before and would probably mentally stimulate them, she adds. They will become more creative, charismatic, and intelligent. Be sure to check your email as weve sent you important information regarding your Daily Horoscope. As the Twins, Geminis get a lot of hate for being two-faced. So, to pump the brakes on the Gemini slander, the truth is they just have an ability to see things from all different perspectives. If you have Gemini rising in your chart, you may appear to others as very restless. When you look at the sign of Gemini, it has an interesting combination of element, modality, ruling planet, and symbol. Are optimistic and have a positive outlook on life, with a "glass half full" mentality. You might even get a rap for your short attention span; or be accused of (glug) superficiality. Use our cosmic calculator to discover what zodiac sign the ascendant was in when you were born if youre unsure. With this match-up, you have someone who keeps things hidden from the world and they'll be magnetically attracted to their up-front opposite. Gemini Descendant/Sagittarius Ascendant Traits. She believes astrology is an empowering tool that everyone can use to help themselves.She affectionately calls her followers her pixies, provides daily astro tidbits on, Crystals & Feng Shui: Supercharge Your Living Spaces, You can use our free birth chart calculator to find out, Astrology for Beginners: 5 Things You NEED to Know. Nic Gaudettes astrology career began in 2004. What Sign is Opposite of Sagittarius: Friends or foes. Gemini is a breezy air sign ruled by quick-witted and intellectual Mercury. Gemini is out to gather as much information as it can from as many sources as it can get its hands on. Gemini Descendant. With Mercury on the ascendant, your appearance is unembellished yet prominent. Cancerians are gentle, tender, delicate, rather careless, sensible, dreamy and have a tendency to count on others for moving forward. With Scorpio Descendant, you may attract people who are passionate, researching, and deep. In astrology, this angle even has a name, an opposition. When your Sun and Moon oppose one another, this doesnt cancel out one over the other for your horoscope. Typically, a Gemini rising will have their 10th house of career and public image in Pisces, which sets them up to work in more creative atmospheres. In case you dont know what the opposing signs are, heres the list: The Ascendant or Rising sign is your outer selfthe you that you present to the world and the way you appear to others. You like to get your way, but if you twist peoples arms they may jab you back with a sucker punch from left field. Say there are two people born on the same exact day in the same town. This gives you an Aries Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as assertive, energetic, and ready to go. If anyone is a sucker for Geminis wit and super sultry hands, its a Gemini Venus. With your eternally youthful spirit, your wide-eyed wonder can be the ultimate refresher! They might have the "shakes," walk exceedingly fast or bop their knee up and down when concentrating or talking. Their minds are constantly turning at a rapid pace as they notice details of their surroundings that others miss. The polar opposite behaviour of Leo and Aquarius makes them opposed in the same way as it draws them together. Bond points to Drew Barrymore as a prime example of a Gemini risings unique and engaging way of speaking. In the sky, one portion was ascending up, corresponding to a zodiac sign in that portion of the sky. So, knowing your exact birth time is essential to determine which sign was ascending when you entered the world. Your official excuse to add "OOD" (ahem, out of doors) to your cal. Then youd better keep reading because two exciting transits are. A Gemini Rising, or the Gemini Ascendant, in your chart means people usually have a hard time keeping up with you! Taryn Bond, professional tropical astrologer practicing synthesis of evolutionary, modern, traditional, and intuitive techniques rooted in a humanistic, soul-based astrological approach, Valeria Mesa, professional astrologer, soul coach, and writer, Maren Altman, professional astrologer, cryptocurrency trader and investor, and author with a background in philosophy from New York University, Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Aquarius Rising Signs Were Born To Make A Difference In The World, Your Zodiac Sign's Toxic Trait Can Be Annoying AF, The Luckiest Zodiac Signs In March Are So Unbothered, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Theyre taking in information just as much as theyre putting it out, Bond tells Elite Daily. Not only that, but this placement also determines how the rest of the signs stack up in the other houses, so its very important for every part of your life beyond the self.. GEMINI MOTTO - "I THINK, THEREFORE, I AM" This is your motto for this particular house. If a Gemini has a Gemini ascending in his or her horoscope, it will be ruled by the Sun, and may even be considered a trine. Opposites attract, and the polar signs have a natural affinity based on the potential to balance each other out. A horoscope tracks what the transiting, or moving, planets are doing currently, and how that relates to the sign the horoscope is for. Sister signs are the same type of energy, expressed in opposite ways. It's pretty funny. Sometimes signs that sit across from each other are referred to as polar opposites, or you may hear these two signs called the Gemini and Sagittarius polarity. All of these terms are referencing the fact that on a chart, they are facing each other at 180. Because of this shared propensity for new and different, and also the fact that they both prefer expression outside of themselves, they may love to have great conversations with one another. "If you embody the traits of your Rising Sign, the sign opposite can be instantly intriguing," says astrologer and tarot card reader Maria Sofia Marmanides. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are of the positive duality, the extroverts of the astrological world. Remember, Libra is constantly seeking out an S.O., and they'll find someone who embodies Aries independent qualities VERY sexy. If both of them are capable of offering concessions, then the probable constraints will give way to a veritable fusion!We are inviting you to find out the advantages and weak points of the opposite duets: Aries-Libra , Taurus-Scorpio , Gemini-Sagittarius , Cancer-Capricorn , Leo-Aquarius and Virgo-Pisces which can excellently feel an attraction to one another. As you can see, even though they are considered opposites in astrology, Gemini and Sagittarius have many traits in common. "If you embody the traits of your Rising Sign, the sign opposite can be instantly intriguing," says astrologer and tarot card reader Maria Sofia Marmanides. When the sun is in Aquarius, it shines truth on the . As to Leo, they can draw inspiration from Aquarius to become more humanistic and tolerant, more self-sufficient and more creative in order to put great deeds into life. They can act as chameleons, changing themselves to accomplish what is needed or to fit in with those around them. "Known for climbing corporate ladders, Capricorn Risings embody material success and ambition," says Marmanides. Even if your style is crisp and futuristic, anything you wear must be a conversation starter. Glug ) superficiality reading because two exciting transits are fact that on chart!, independent, open to change, and they 'll be magnetically attracted to their up-front opposite characteristics of:... In order to aspire for renewal are than your Sun sign and sign! 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