Navigating the challenges and joys of ministry life. "Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him." He just couldnt figure it out. Those who are far from You will perish; You destroy all who are unfaithful to You. (ESV). It's remarkable how inefficient these actions are. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Two of the words refer to the people he had been tracking. Ps 26:7-8) in dramatic transformation of the psalmists despairing doubt (vv. In v. 2, he says, "But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my steps nearly went astray." Still, in v. 15, he stops to consider the impact his next steps will have: "If I had said, 'I will speak thus,' I would have betrayed your children." Furthermore, Psalm 73:28 echoes the theme of refuge from Psalm 2:12, which, as we have noted in our exegesis of Psalms 34 and 91, is a prominent theme in the Psalter. How can that be? Please see below for details. Thats like Asaph here. Lying Asaph might have looked at Hugh Hefner and said, Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure, and washed my hands in innocence. Why obey God if you can blatantly disobey His word like Hugh Hefner did, and seem to be blessed like that? For this reason they do not fear divine retribution. One of the best known memoirs of the Holocaust is Night by Elie Wiesel. Psalms 73:20. In language that recalls Psalm 24:4 (pure heart) and Psalm 26:6 (washed my hands in innocence), the poet asserts that his protestation of innocence in the lament ritual was completely in vain. However, a bad illustration can distract and confuse if the listener. He also announces the reason for his reaffirmation of faith: to tell of all of your works (Ps 26:7). June 08, 2017 The Psalms are in the Bible to give a us a full range of ways to approach God. Betcha no one got up that morning thinking they would have whale guts on them by noon! by Carl Bosma. He said these people mock at God (:8). He took his doubts and confusion to God in prayer. They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors.. 6. In the Psalm Asaph recounts a time of wavering faith and growing doubts. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. In Psalm 73 a man named Asaph expresses a frustration that many have shared. Jobs questioning and doubt is a case in point. Then he asked in 13:24 Why do You hide Your face and consider me Your enemy? We arent told exactly what Asaph experienced, but we are told that when he went to the place of worship his heart and his perspective were changed. v1 I am sure that God is good to (the people of) Israel, to the people whose hearts are clean. Look at v. 3: "For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked." In the midst of suffering believers often feel cheated and begin to question and doubt God's goodness. The admission that his feet almost slipped suggests that perhaps the law of God was not in his heart (Ps 37:30). Verses 4-5 of the first part detail why the wicked enjoy shalom. He was used more by Satan than perhaps anyone else in his lifetime. John Piper Sep 11, 2018. A sermon on Psalm 73 should also highlight that there is something very unique about going to church that defies the limits of human wisdom. These subdivisions will be used in our exposition. It begins with an emphatic causal statement (ki-hinneh) (vs. 26a): because, look, those who are far away from you will perish.49 The fact that this emphatic statement begins with the conjunction because (k) suggests that verse 27 stands in sharp contrast to verses 23-26. Laziness One of the best known memoirs of the Holocaust is Night by Elie Wiesel. On January 17, 2004, a 66-ton whale died and was beached on the southwestern coast of Taiwan, near the city of Tainan. The Argument of Psalm 1. And is there knowledge with the Most High? He says these people are basically spitting at God and getting away with it! In light of the verses that follow, good could be taken to refer to material goods (cf. Some of us today, if we are honest, might say that we are troubled by some questions is our lives just like Asaph was. Under these circumstances, Psalm 73 helps believers to be honest with God. The NIV and the NRSV translate this verse in the past tense and read it with the preceding verse. They help us put words to our doubts and frustrations, but at the same time they give us reminders of the help and hope we have in God. In v. 12-14, Asaph's envy had so taken his heart that he was fed up with living a godly life. Consider this godly guidance when you get a raw deal. But in worship we see from God's infinite perspective. (LogOut/ The opening statement that God is good to Israel, for example, recalls Psalm 34:8. This wonderful psalm may be best understood by the . Psalm 25:8 Bubbles On The Border. Apparently he ignored the sound advice from Proverbs 23:17 (Do not let your heart envy sinners but always continue in the fear of the Lord). He says, there are wicked people in the world, whom you would THINK God would be punishing, but instead they are not only not being punished, they are succeeding; they are prospering. Blessed be the Lord for evermore. Listen to his words in v. 16-17: "When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny." *Indicated Required Field See ourPrivacy Policy. Scholars disagree concerning the compositional structure of Psalm 73.8 Nevertheless, rhetorical and stylistic analysis shows that the poem has been skillfully constructed. Psalm 50:1-5 A psalm of Asaph. Sometimes questioning and doubt is due to sin. Why pray, when I pray these same prayer requests day after day, but it doesnt seem like they are being answered? They have no trouble; they succeed at everything they do; they are so well off they are bulging with fatness; and are at ease and have increased in wealth. He is married to Leeanne and is the father of Joey and Craig. 8-Week Series for Lent. The author of Psalm 73, Asaph, was almost like Elie Wiesel. Ever been gossiped about? Why do violence-endorsing rap singers, arrogant executives, and God-mocking people get their own TV shows? Thats the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus in Luke 16, isnt it? This psalm is a brutally honest confessional, from the heart of Asaph to the God he felt had given him a rip off. Sep 11, 2018. (Exodus 20:17). To help listeners who are struggling with unsettling doubts in their faith, therefore, a sermon should lead the audience step by step through the poets train of thought. But based on its strong affirmations of trust (Psalms 73:1; Psalms 73:17-20; Psalms 73:23-28), it can also be classified as a psalm of trust." [Note: Bullock, p. I would urge you to follow his example, tracing the results your words and actions have on your family, friends, lost acquaintances, and church. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A Southern Baptist pastor for almost 35 years, I currently serve as Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Angleton, Texas, and post my weekly sermons on this site, as well as a brief overview for Sunday School teachers of the weekly Lifeway "Explore the Bible" lesson. Relationship To God, Great Expectations, Denomination: Verses 17b-19 show us that Asaph was now seeing things differently. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Psalm 73-Smith, Terry L. "A Crisis in Faith: An Exegesis of Psalm 73," Restoration Quarterly 17.3 (1974) 162 . If it is, then just eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die. If this life is all there is, then it may not be worth it to serve God, because there are people who sin, and cheat, and steal, and seem to get away with it while people who obey God sometimes suffer. It was a truly encouraging sermon about how our perspectives on the world can become skeweduntil we enter the sanctuary of the Lord and see from his perspective, all the way to the very end. But Peter answered and said to Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Psalm 73 is a favorite for many Jewish and Christian believers because the words of this precious psalm ring true to their experience. 2 From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance. Surely You place them on slippery ground; You cast them down to ruin. This psalm is a brutally honest confessional, from the heart of Asaph to the God he felt had given him a rip off. They are not in trouble as other men, nor are they plagued like mankind. Asaph paused to realize that his decisions will have ripple effects on others. He ceased being concerned about the sin of the successful and starting focusing instead on the success of the sinful. Cars, people, and local shops were splattered with whale entrails. If we are to defeat envy, we need to change our focus. He kept his faith, but I lost mine. Scripture: Psalm 73:25-26. heard sermons, made prayers, received sacraments, given alms, avoided sins, resisted temptations, withstood lusts, appeared for Christ and his cause and servants in vain": yea, his heart . How to Live with God as Your Portion By Kristine Brown . To have faith; to know that what we can see right now, is not the end of the story. This great discovery, in turn, leads the speaker to reaffirm his faith in God, I have made Adonai, the LORD,56my refuge. In so doing, he picks up the important theme from Psalm 2:12, Oh the happiness of those who take refuge in him., However, he not only declares that he has made the Lord his refuge. And that lead him to the fourth word we need to see in v. 3: envy. D. The book of Job and Psalm 37 deal with the same problem, but in this life; Psalm 73 deals with it in light of Matthew 25. Armed with a new perspective about God and this world, Asaph also sees himself clearly. It has all turned around, so suddenly. "It was oppressive to me," he said. Why is God blessing them instead of judging them?". You can sense this music director's relief when he comes to worship. Hah." They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors!. When I read that story I wrote an article and sent it to the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger, which basically said that because Whitney Hand knows Jesus as her Lord & Savior, that that wasnt the end of the story for her. We dont know why; its not our place to guess or even speculate. He was, I believe, a godly man during the time of his personal struggle. He said in :3, For I was envious of the arrogant He said the wicked in his land seemed to prosper, and he was jealous of them. Moreover, it helps them transition from radical doubt to a robust reaffirmation of faith. Numbers 11:4-35, Psalm 73:1-28, Tags: They do not need God. (1 John 2:17) God completely controls their destiny, not them. The Man Who Almost Gave Up His Faith (Psalm 73sermon), Lifeway Explore the Bible: John 12:1-11, "Why Wasn't This Sold? Anger/Bitterness (Tie) The answer is that these verses serve as a rhetorical foil for the passionate protest that follows in verses 13-14. The negative moral evaluation and economic critique of verse 6 is intensified in the second part (vv. From a canonical perspective Walter Brueggemann4 and J. Clinton McCann5 have argued that Psalm 73 stands at the theological center of the Psalter. Such a condition is contrary to the basic belief that God rewards the good with good. Before you bail out on God, Asaph wants you to sit with him and learn from his experiences. You live by lust, power, greed, and deceit, and you become a celebrity. Study Psalm 73 using Charles H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. He said in Job 10:18, Why then have You brought me out of the womb? In other words, his suffering was so great, why would God allow him to be born if he was going to have to go through all of that? a. As Psalms 1-2 introduces Book I of the Psalter, so Psalm 73 functions as the thematic introduction of Book III (Ps 73-89),1 a collection of psalms that is dominated by communal lament psalms.2 In this position Psalm 73 intentionally echoes important themes from Psalms 1-2. Psalm 73 begins the third book of the Psalterthe collection of some of Israel's prized hymns, ballads, and congregational hymns. His big concern is immediate gratification. Baptist, So there I am. That spoke to a need in my life, or a question on my heart. And I am grateful that God speaks to us through His word! Who did something unfair to you at work? They scoff and speak with malice; loftily they threate Youll only regret it if you do. BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY: "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever," ( Psalm 73:26). When you did the right thing, but got the back of the hand anyway. I just know that suddenly, Asaph started paying attention, and his confusion deepened. In fact, in their boldness they lay claim to heaven and earth (vs. 9). In addition to the important connections between Psalm 73 and Psalms 1 and 2, Psalm 73 also shares important themes with Psalm 34. 1. I want answers, God." 173.] There he was reminded of God's attributes, character and power. In fact, in rather strong language, he acknowledges that he behaved as a brute beast38 with God. As he frankly admits in verse 3, his doubt was caused by his envy of the prosperity (shalom) of the boasting wicked. Someone once said they felt like the Psalms were all just about this guy who was groaning and complaining all the time but it helps to understand that the Psalms are the record of people like you and me, who dont understand the hard things that are happening to them, and they have brought these prayers to God, and they are just being honest with Him. You are currently impersonating {{}}. Thats the message were going to hear the next 3 Wednesday nights, in the video. They enjoy their sin for a time, perhaps from a human perspective for a lifetime. One of the sweetest, finest men I have ever known is in Norwalk hospital. Because they live at ease, therefore, according to verse 6, they are proud21 and violent. Because ONE SECOND after they died, it all changed suddenly, didnt it? It literally means peace with God such that your life is fulfilled, tranquil, and complete. However, in verse 28a, which is introduced with the final emphatic phrase but, as for me (weani), good is defined, not in terms of property or prosperity, but Gods presence: But, as for me, the nearness of God (is) good to me!55 What a sharp contrast this new perception forms with the emphatic I in verse 2! How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of . 1. They are free from common human burdens; they are not plagued by human ills. In either case, questioning and doubts are not virtues, as some have suggested.60 Ultimately, the truth is that continuous questioning and doubt destroys human relationships. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It IS going to end better it will probably end better even in this life, and it will certainly end better for her heaven. But on the other hand, HE, who was trying to obey God and do what is right, has been stricken all day long, and chastened every morning.. Glorification also refers to our elevation to an exalted state in eternity. Because in His great might He had created Auschwitz, Birkenau, Buna, and so many factories of death? 2 But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling, My steps had almost slipped. But from the perspective of eternity, from the point of view in worship, there is a quick ride to the bottom. A sermon should underscore, to borrow from the title of Robert Davidson excellent commentary, the vitality of worship. According to verse 16, human rationality could not explain the perplexing problem of why good things happen to bad people and why bad things happen to good people.62 Only the communal experience (vs. 15) in the sanctuary of God provided the necessary perspective to resolve the psalmists crisis of faith (vs. 17). If you'll allow me to paraphrase it, it goes like this: "So this is how life really works! This service acknowledges the seeming inequities of life and the doubts that arise yet declares strength, hope and protection in God our Sovereign Lord. They aren't accomplishing anything. The repetition of the verb to tell (sfr) from verse 15 in verse 28c shows that the psalmists speech has now changed dramatically from self-pity (vv. He can handle it! Wiesel was a devout Jew before his experience in the Nazi death camps, but his time there destroyed his faith. And their end will be terrible. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. So what good is it to be a believer? Psalm 24 Back On The Farm. They make sure the cameras are clicking and the interviewers are there to fawn over them. I have typed this psalm as a psalm of wisdom because it deals with a common problem found in wisdom literature, the prosperity of the wicked. Asaph said as I looked around in the world, there were some things that bothered me. He could see both God's judgment of sin as well as God's solution offered to sinners. How the Psalms Speak to All of Our Emotions Dane C. Ortlund. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. WHERE YOU STAND DETERMINES WHAT YOU SEE!. It should just end better. This slippery slope leads to utter ruin. Maybe he was sitting at the doctor's office one day and started thumbing through a magazine that featured celebrity homes. This is what a lot of these Psalms are about. 3. What Asaph Knew. What do you do when with your theology clashes with reality? Their eyes swell out through fatness; their hearts overflow with follies. He wrestles with the tension of holding onto God's goodness and sovereignty while dealing the tragedies he was experiencing. You can also fit this outline into . In Job 29-31, this broken man struggles with the raw deal he received. Verse 17 marks a pivotal transition to a new understanding. The challenge for the liturgist and preacher is to incorporate a critical reassessment of our culture in a pastorally sensitive manner. An important step in this process is the recognition of the psalmists strident critique of the economic underpinnings of society in verses 4-11. He found God again. He says, Im glad I never said what I was thinking about it not being worth it to serve God. Be like the disciples in John 6, when Jesus had told the crowds that had been following Him some difficult things about what it meant to believe, and everyone was leaving Him. "God is good to the pure in heart'? Psalm 25:1-12 God Of New Beginnings. That may also have been the reason that occasioned his doubt. In v. 4-12, he breaks down what he had observed. Reorientation with Respect to Gods Presence (vv. We can also affirm the future because God's Presence companions us. Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Psalm 73. read more, Scripture: 2-3; vv. Bring your troubles, bring your questions, bring your doubts to God. Asaph looked at the lifestyles, the cars, the clothing, the houses they lived in, the company they kept, and thought to himself: "They're getting everything God promised to His covenant people! We know where history is going. How do you hold to the conviction that God is good when life stinks? He gives the soul (1) security; (2) happiness; (3) support in the hour of death. History will not see the wicked ultimately prosper. You examples are superb. Scripture: Psalms 73:24. Why? And for all eternity, we will know that was worth it all, in the end, to serve God, no matter what we suffered here on this earth. Sometimes it changes suddenly during our lives here on earth like it did for Harvey Weinstein. o ^Like Psalms 37 and 49, this psalm is a wisdom psalm, designed to instruct the . As long as Asaph tried to reason his way out of his troubled perception apart from God, he would hit his head against the wall. Consequently, the way of the wicked looks like a viable alternative way to live.24. Asaph confessed his self-pitying, self-centered bent. This statement represents his settled conviction after the trouble he recounts in the Psalm. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. It refers first of all to God. There isn't a product on the other side of these prayerful actions. It isn't a Psalm about a dramatic event but rather about an internal struggle and a moment of revelation, an Epiphany. He's on the edge of throwing in the towel. They are arrogant and wicked, he said. As we start in verse one, he's going to tell us about his experience looking around the world and also his beliefs. Let's look at Psalm 1 together for a few minutes. Asaph takes his raw deal to the right place and finds out that he didn't have it bad after all. Well have you ever watched your dog? (Nik Ripken, the author of the video were going to watch the next several Wednesday nights, was like that. ", Can you connect with any of these feelings? When he had all those questions that were nagging him, he didnt run away from the house of God, he went TO the sanctuary of God. God is waiting to talk with you. Yet over the years they bring steadfastness . It's not difficult for that to happen, by the way. What troubled the psalmist is that their lifestyle works.23. View a worship service outline based on this passage, Introduction to Psalm 73: Seeing Clearly in the Sanctuary by Carl Bosma. Don't keep those emotions cooped up inside you, building layers of resentment and hardship between you and God. But it WILL change suddenly and even more dramatically, the moment they enter eternity. Elmer A. Martens. You have yours; I have mine; Asaph said he had his and he said he almost gave up because of them. v2 But (this is what happened) to me. Sooner womens coach Sherri Coale was dejected at the press conference after the game. 3 Our God approaches, and he is not silent. Why We Need the Psalms of Lament Dane C. Ortlund. 23-26). Psalms 73. surely in vain I have kept my hands pure like Asaph here in Psalm 73, It seemed to many people like he was just continuing to sin and get away with it. This is especially true of Psalm 73. Verse 25-26. At least that seems to be the meaning of the emphatic summary conclusion of the lengthy description of the wicked in verse 12, which echoes verse 3 and, together with it, frames verses 4-11: Look (hinneh) at the wicked always at ease, they increase their wealth. 13-14) into exuberant trust also underscores the need for careful liturgical planning. Maybe Lazarus was tempted to give up HIS faith. Sermon. CONCLUSION: And yet Hugh Hefner lived in a $200 million mansion, and lived to the ripe old age of 91! For all the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning" ( Psalms 73:13-14 ). Video for Psalm 73: The title of this psalm ( A Psalm of Asaph) tells us that it was written by the great singer and musician of David and Solomon's era ( 1 Chronicles 15:17-19, 16:5-7, 25:6 ). 2. Summary: To the ancient writers the word glory meant praise, splendor, brightness, majesty, honor and dignity. He goes on to describe their situation: He wrote, Why, but why should I bless Him? Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. That poor man was carried away to eternal comfort, but the rich man found himself in agony in this flame. It is just as Psalm 73 says: You cast them down to destruction, How they are destroyed in a moment. Battling the Unbelief of Despondency. He was watching how the ungodly were getting along. God is NOT insane; it IS worth it to serve Him, literally no matter what the cost. Therefore, the speaker claims in verse 10 (the Hebrew text is difficult) that the wicked enjoy popularity and attract a crowd of people. In the worst times of your life, dont make the mistake of turning away from the only One who can help you! Moreover, the shift in addressee in verses 15-28 indicates that Psalm 73 may be divided into two equal halves of 14 verses each: verses 1-14 and 15-28.9Furthermore, the repetition of key words marks the important segments of the poem as well as its flow. (Psalm 41:9), Listen, the real Bible not just the feel good parts of the Bible that get quoted in a lot of our devotionals the real Bible is FULL of these REAL, honest, hard questions that Gods people have brought before Him. But he didnt get away with it, did he? All he could only see their immediate pleasure. In light of the prosperity of the wicked, the poet concludes that his attempt to lead a moral life has been absolutely in vain: Surely, in vain I have kept my heart pure and washed my hands in innocence. Morning by morning (Ps 101:8), when one would expect a gracious word from God, he is chastised. Posted in Sermon Illustrations, Sermons | Tagged Asaph, Bible Reading, church, . Lloyd Stilley is pastor of First Baptist Church, Gulf Shores, Alabama. Message. With an eternal perspective, everything looks different. He's Where the Joy Is by Tara-Leigh Cobble, Black Church Leadership & Family Conference. In view of the cross-references to Psalm 24 in Psalm 73, it is suggested that the entry psalm be used in the liturgy. Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources "THE PLACE OF UNDERSTANDING" Intro: I know a dear dedicated couple, tithe faithfully, serving God as active laymen in church, their first baby was born horribly deformed. Because God has showed me that things are going to end differently than they are right now. You guide me with Your counsel,and afterward You will take me into glory. Sexual Lust (Tie) Listen to his confession in v. He didn't pretend everything was okay. Or maybe he does business with an ungodly person in town who seems to have the Midas touch. We're sorry, an error occurred. The speakers extensive description of the wicked in verses 4-12 suggests that he was a careful observer and that he has been intensely occupied with the problem.19 His detailed description consists of two parts, verses 4-6 and 7-11. Her senior year she was having a great season, when in the first half of a game, she blew out her knee again, ending her career at OU. Consider this godly guidance when you get a raw deal. Dt 32:4). Sermon Notes Introduction to Psalm 73: "Seeing Clearly in the Sanctuary" by Carl Bosma. Sermon: When You Get a Raw Deal - Psalm 73. Because He had had thousands of children burned in His pits? First, he say in :17 It WAS troublesome in my sight, UNTIL I came into the sanctuary of God.. Therefore pride is their necklace; violence covers them as a garment. He brought his confusion under the truth of God. However, the Hebrew verbs of verse 17 are not in the past tense. For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. Psalm 25: Guidance From Above. In every fiber I rebelled. I don't know how it started. So why am I serving God? And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen ( Psalm 72:18-19, ending Book 2). It suggests that the affirmation of faith in verse 1 posed a serious problem for the speaker. As we will see shortly, this is a man who is resting in God's goodness. Like Asaph, come into the sanctuary of God.. Moreover, it is important to remind them that the essence of faith is not our grasp of God but Gods sure grasp of us61 through the nailed hands of his crucified Son. (John 3:16 sermon), "The Message of the Cross" (I Cor. Envy blinded his vision. The centrality of the worship experience (cf. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Put yourself in the position so that God can speak to you. Free Access to Sermons on Relational Vs Personal, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Relational Vs Personal, and Preaching Slides on Relational Vs Personal. God allowed Satan to test Job. The Prayers of The Psalms. Survey respondents noted that temptations But Asaph is in trouble. If he had publicly told of his envious musings, he would have betrayed a generation of Gods children. On the contrary, in verse 16 he reports that when he tried to understand the problem concerning the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous, when he tried to develop a theodicy, it became a burden (vs. 5) in his eyes. Because, according to verse 14, while the arrogant wicked are not plagued (vs. 5), the speaker is plagued constantly. Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! Thats a good word for some of us. God wants to do that for you. 2-3) While Asaph had once been confident in God, his faith is now faltering. In addition, as he looked around he saw those who had no regard for God living in prosperity and apparent happiness. On either translation, it is the entry into Gods sanctuary that permits insight into the fate of the wicked. Or: I have always tried to do the right thing, and not drink, or smoke, or do drugs, but I have all these health problems; while people I know who dont care, but go and do whatever they want are totally healthy and able-bodied. It wasnt right. There is no record that God ever rebuffs Job for being honest. God, I was like an animal. God is the Christian's inheritance as the light of his intellect. Two weeks later, on January 29, authorities decided to truck the dead whale to a laboratory where they could do an autopsy. 27-28) summarize the psalmists spiritual journey and especially the new vision that he gained in verses 18-20 and verses 23-26 in terms of the spatial image of far and near. This summary functions as the psalmists great reaffirmation of faith.