And I heard about him from science writer, Sam Kean. Horrified like, "Oh my God, my students are murderers?" Now what you need to understand about Alex Haslem is that he hates it when interviewers only want to talk about the baseline study. So, in the end where do you come down? But it's suspected that it could be upwards of 75. Yet you go into this [inaudible 01:02:33] knowing full well that it could end up in her death. Yellow mucus was frothing out of their mouth, those who could still breathe would turn blue. Podcast Transcripts of Radiolab Radiolab Society & Culture Science Latest Transcripts What Up Holmes? Yeah, well. He, ultimately, spent 17 years searching for this man. And I used to socialize with him and his wife. And when nitrogen and hydrogen bond together, the thing you get-. My students are murderers.". Yeah. Go to or text Radiolab to 500500 for a free 30-day trial and a free audiobook. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why? That's Fritz Haber's wife. Go on please. With help from Adam Cole, Rachel James, and Matt [Kielty 01:07:25]. He recruited a bunch of subjects-. And that tonnages then moves into our food source, our food source then moves into our bodies, and the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. He gets promoted to the rank of captain-. Then he goes and, you know, and celebrates that. I'm going to take a break. 35.3M . radiolab-archive. ", And the class ended, and I went back to my office, and I just sat at my desk, and I started reading these. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. Hmm. I'm not going to give you- I'm- I'm not going to help restore the sense that there is a moral order to the world and a moral norm. And it's moving at about one meter per second. There's something deeply, deeply wounding, stressing, upsetting at the thought that he had anything to do with zyklon B; but he did. All right. Radiolab is supported by Casper. In the best of your memory, which word was matched with nice? I mean, it's the fact that of course that they're administering main to a strange. And, you know, my view about human nature is that it affords infinite potential for lightness and dark. What my father and his colleagues know is that something was done to these bodies; many of them after they were murdered. And there is no doubt that today's plants and animals carry the genetic legacy of ancestors who fought fiercely to survive and reproduce. There's lots and lots of lessons here, but one is I think, you know, when you are enjoying to do something for the greater good, maybe ask yourself the question, what is greater and what is good? And what happens is that you're- you're elbowing the nit- nitrogen apart from itself and then, forcing it to bond with a hydrogen in a new way. She was one of the first women to earn a PhD in her country. And, uh, I heard about him from science writer Sam Keen. And he is celebrated for it. Sap in the next room just because they were being told to? And, "Well why the rage?" He takes a trip to Switzerland to a sanatorium. That's radio producer Ben Walker. Nice sky? It is- it is arguably the most significant scientific breakthrough of them all. Under some circumstances we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because" here's another flip "We don't have to be told. And that's all the difference in the world. This- this is really important. Speaker 2: We don't exactly know why. And even though in the end they got him to confess to these 49 murders, they never really get any closer to an answer than this first why. And you got to ask is the world better with him or without him? Because it takes such energy and pressure to separate it This trivalent bond is so strong that when it comes back together, that energy that's released, it could be used for life or death. And isn't this a good thing that we have people in our society who are willing to make sacrifices for a greater- the greater good? And even when they do say, "Yes." That's like an adult blue whale of chlorine. Look. 10s, 10, 15, 20 times. The son eventually after he immigrates to America kills himself. Oh, that right there, slap some quotations around that. Is an absolute order. That one simple, "Why?" With higher and higher voltage. Let's just finish this. Walked in and asked his wife where this friend of mine was, and she got a disgusted look on her face, and said that he was up in the bedroom. If it doesn't show that people are just obeying orders-, All right, let's go on to our instructions. Cruelty, violence, badness. And Satan's like, "Well, I- I bet I can change his mind." Was he trying to make a commentary, and so was he grappling with something? Now, of course, you could find some nitrogen out in the world. Let's go into our instructions. What kind of tech company does the world need today? That the earth couldn't support this many people. An experiment is being conducted in the elegant interaction laboratory at Yale University. Can we really know that? This is Everybody was desperate for sources, new sources of nitrogen. And once again, another nitrogen compound. This is just somebody who's performing brain surgery without anesthesia on other people. Sort of unsportsmanlike. Check out the Casper or the Wave mattress with a support system that mirrors your body shape. These little nitrogen atoms will fiercely hold together, and it's almost impossible to pry them apart. Hmm. And he spent five years in a futile effort to distill gold from the ocean's waters. All rights reserved. Iago. It's part mix tape, part sonnet love letter, kind of like a daily musical journey into other human lives. It's a graphic or an illustrated novel. What makes boys boys and girls girls. Yeah. How do you tell the real baddies from the rest of us? The questionnaires they filled out are part of the Milgram archive at Yale. You mean they're looking at 20 million people hungry? And I- I killed her. I left him, went home. Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. The- the leaves would just sort of shrivel and the grass was turning to the color of metal. Now the volunteer couldn't see the guy he was shocking, but he could definitely hear him. A box of ashes. And not just 'cause he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. When you press one of these switches all the way down, the learner gets a shock. And every time that guy got a word wrong-. I dated her several times a year. Wasn't satisfied [inaudible 01:01:21] maybe mad 'cause she was very much in a hurry. Haber starts thinking, "In order to do this we need to pressure this, we need to put it under a lot of pressure.". That's one of the things we have to know and that's why it's okay to let out. Does he- is he saying what I think he's saying? "This was exactly what was in my mind. In 2016, Abumrad took a four-month break from Radiolab, in large part to recharge from what he's described as burnout from the years of making the show in his distinctly intense and very. But the generals were not all that convinced? Time's up. The most common source of nitrogen is in the air around us. And he believed it. He says that he's always been hiring people based on how smart they are, and not who their grandparents were. We'll basically bring it to the front, and when the wind is right, we'll just spray it. They're not doing something because they have to, they're doing it because they think they ought to. And they ask for it to be reformulated to take out the warning smell, and it becomes zyklon B, the killing gas of the concentration camps. It was developed in his institute. What makes a bad person so bad that he's different from the rest of us? It is, arguably, the most significant scientific breakthrough of them all. Within minutes, the gas reached the allied side. My name's Benjamin Walker and here are some Radiolab credit. And in the trial, when the prosecutors essentially ask him, "How you came to commit genocide?" No. Is that nitrogen is [tryvalent 00:31:48]. And it's a craft, but it's a craft with consequences, and to approach it with kind of crazy joy? In- in other words, nitrogen has really strong attachments to itself. And, uh, so does Clara. You can find out more information about all those guys on our website, The authoritative record of New York Public Radios programming is the audio record. No 'cause if you couldn't afford a ticket for a play, you'd seen all the plays, in the 1500s you could always go to a public hanging. ", Meanwhile, later that night on the other side of town-. James Shapiro, professor of English at Columbia University. I mean you have to remember, during the Crimean War in the 1850s, Europe starves. Before the guy is cut to shreds, he's allowed to confess, "I heartily regret the fact that I killed the young maiden or defamed the king." And then, she said, "I actually did this. Next, we meet a man who scrambles our notions of good and evil: chemist Fritz Haber, who won a Nobel Prize in 1918around the same time officials in the US were calling him a war criminal. Hi, this is Lauren from Winnipeg. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court [Foreign 00:12:14] to accuse Adolf Eichmann [Foreign 00:12:18], I do not stand alone. Did members of Haber's family die in the concentration camp? We want what Elizabethan's got at the scaffold, which was a confession. I just needed to kill because of that. Hey wait! Yeah let's . Test the outer edges of what you think you know, Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. He eventually goes to England-. That is if you don't continue, we're going to have to discontinue the experiment. He brings her up as an example of a- of a woman that he actually had strong feelings for. Imagine how it feels to have an award-winning team by your side through the mortgage process. Transcript. This has allowed the world to have 7 billion people. And- and Iago? However, that leaves behind 20 million Germans. Radiolab is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science, technology in the modern world. And Haber has an idea. It's a graphic or an illustrated novel. We're going off tape now. I'm about to help this quest for knowledge, I really want to do a good job.". Be right back. And give up the few details that they really needed to link him, certifiably, to all these crimes. Humans. This is basically what Stanley Milgram set out to test. She says, "What happened today?" I mean, that was makebelieve, but if you could somehow get a real Iago in the room and subject that person to questioning, and really get him to sort of fess up as to why they did it, would that make a difference? In graphic detail. No one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever, so no. All rights reserved. We have kids in the- in the room. Was it nice day, nice sky, nice job, or nice chair? Jeff Jensen's book is The Green River Killer, A True Detective Story. Let's expect more from technology, let's put smart to work, visit to learn more. And then she said, "I actually did this. When I said, "Goodbye." no one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever you know. Yeah, I agree with that. "Willing to help and a worthwhile experiment.". They brought in psychiatrists and forensic psychologists to try to get an answer. ", Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he'd served in World War I-, But 75 percent of the people who worked for him at the institute, they were Jewish-, And says, "This is intolerable. We lived together for a couple months, he was very aggressive, he started calling me a whore, and told me he didn't love me anymore, so I broke up with him. Haber, it's unknown what happens for the rest of the evening, but it is a well documented fact that the very next morning-. Whether it was feeding, or killing, or-, And he does. And, uh, she had got a disgusted look on her face and said that he was up in the bedroom. It's all right. Yeah. And Christensen, I dated her several times bef- three times- two times before. Speaking with Carol's mom, Carol's little daughter. He refuses what we fully expect and what everybody on stage at that moment fully expects from him. Within minutes the gas reached the Allied side. I don't think I ever had a fantasy that anatomically specific where I would see the part of the other person that I was going to stab or plan it like that. Although once again we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. This story made us wonder, "Is David's friend-". That's it? So in the end, where do you come down? Big questions are investigated . And the way I killed her, I cared for her because I dated her for [inaudible 01:01:43]. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. Even now. And in experiment number four, when the teacher has to hold the learner's hand down-, If the experimenter is not a scientist, but is an ordinary man-. He claimed they were in the middle of a sex act, he would get distracted, something would happen. Uh, walked in and asked his wife, uh, where this friend of mine was. And the number of chemical reactions. Nitrogen is an essential part of amino acids and proteins. Okay. I mean-, So again, the baseline study is the one where 65 percent of the volunteers-, But in experiment number three, if they put the shock-ee in the same room-, With the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person that he's shocking-. Well if the idea is that people will do bad if they think it's good, if it's a good noble cause. Yes. I mean it's a fact, of course, that they're administering pain to a stranger, that's what's horrifying about it, but imagine they were administering pain to themselves. A lot of them were like, "This is not how you fight a war.". This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. See now around this point I just don't have anything to do with this guy, I just want to take a shower, walk-. I actually did the first thing, but he saw my intentions and ran away." He felt publicly humiliated. She was actually a sort of a genius herself. It is still trotted out to explain everything from hazing to war crimes. But as the play goes on, you begin to think that maybe that's just another lie. His was the first generation when a young Jewish boy could truly imagine that he could just be a regular part of that society. Uh, so what happened to David that night with his friend got him really curious about murder and badness and all these things we're thinking about. He figured maybe one percent of these men would keep flicking the switches, up to the highest voltage. And as it happens, my father has very vivid memories of investigating the Carol Christensen murder. And a mysterious past. Just because of a mathematical summing up. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then separate your head; which is put on a post. It just that-, Yeah. I don't think I've ever had a fantasy that- that anatomically specific where I would see the part of the other person that I was going to stab or plan it like that. Thanks. And then, in experiment number four, when the teacher has to hold the learner's hand down-. Today's date is, uh, June 17th. The prods. And today, evil? No one has a monopoly on bad. Jul 28, 2018 Finally acknowledging, "Yeah, that's true." This hour we take a look at what happens when we all try to live together. Suspected that it could be upwards of 75. Suddenly I'm thinking this is actually a darker interpretation-. You can see this in the surveys that the men filled out after the experiments were over. Cruelty, violence, badness. How many of them went into that kind of detail? Takes command of them partially. Yeah. Shoots herself in the chest, and is found by her son. Very distinctive looking man. To feed about 30 million people. And then, Othello goes and kills his own wife, smothering her with a pillow. One of the reasons it grows is because it's sucking up all the nitrogen in the soil. Dan doesn't think so, but what's clear is that he saw no reason to question what he had done and that infuriated Clara. He brings her up as an example of a woman that he actually had strong feelings for. "Definitely yes.". Because if they're going to record it, I mean I'm going to record it here to but [inaudible 00:27:30]. Would you really think that this guy's a good guy? But the questions in the air, at the time, were very real. But that's not what he found. Sixty-five percent-, To shock their fellow citizens, over and over again-. ", In Titus Andronicus, there's a character by the name of Aaron the Moor-, And there's a moment in the play where Aaron gets up on stage, looks at the audience and says, "Let me just tell you the kinds of things I've been up to recently.". And "Well, why the rage?" Natural deposits would be like seaweed or-, Actually two nations in South America went to war-. He said, "Look, this is what you're going to do is of course you don't want to do this. Okay, well actually the one thing that the study really doesn't show is that people obey orders. Uh, generates electric shocks. Of course normally just have one experimenter who's giving you these instructions. He works for a general. Natural deposits would be like seaweed or-, You know, you could find it in cow manure or-. Wow. Outside of WNYC, I think This American Life does as well, and I know enthusiastic fans transcribed Serial.. Do you leave this experiment in a light mood or in a dark mood overall? I invited him for dinner. I'm Robert Krulwich. He goes straight to the German [inaudible 00:36:56] and- and he pitches this idea. We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. These little nitrogen atoms will fiercely hold together and it's almost impossible to pry them apart. They were gagging, they were choking. When I picked them up, I was going to kill them." Let's begin with this story from our producer Pat Walters. Or does everybody at some point have something dark in them? What does it actually mean to be bad anyways? Thanks also to reporter Aaron Scott for that story. It gets bogged down. Just give me your finger, [crosstalk 00:09:28] I'm going to-. We asked, "Who do you think about killing?" Was it nice day? He actually was very humiliated that Germany had lost, and especially humiliated over the fact that they had to pay enormous war reparations to other countries. So you don't know? Telling a friend he felt like he'd lost his homeland. Haber starts thinking, in order to do this we need to, uh, pressure this. Right. You could say people were bat (beep) crazy. Maybe it's all about doubt in the end. I'm going to take a break. Even when their sorrows almost were forgot, and on their skins is on the bark of trees, have written my life with my knife carved in Roman letters. Uh, when- when asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60%. And they're saying, "Have you checked out Job? Take one. ", "Even- even when their sorrows almost were forgot. Thanks to all our great storytellers. Uh, if I don't leave my house right now, I'm going to kill her." It's absolutely essential that you continue. Meanwhile later that night, the other side of town. So, around the turn of the century for German scientists like Haber, this was the challenge. Which is a- a fairly small, you know, a small sort of town. When we asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60 percent. You're cut down before then. Sep 21, 2018 . Um, although there's some (laughs) [crosstalk 00:02:19]. He figures out a way to take a lot of air that's filled with these little nitrogen bonds clinging to each other, and pump it with big iron tank. We have nothing. Get $50 towards select mattresses by visiting and using code radiolab at checkout. [inaudible 00:59:42] Christensen. I just needed to kill her." Why did you inflict on this suffering on them, on us? Unusually so in those times. And not just yeses. So, the subject seemed willing to shock another human being, but as soon as you say it's an order. So Stanley Milgram actually begins these experiments the same year that Adolf Eichmann goes on trial for Nazi war crimes. And my dad said, "I don't want to talk about it." For information about Sloan, at They start disagreeing with each other. David had always known this guy to be pretty mild mannered. This story made us wonder is David's friend, is he unusual? And invited me over. And so, uh, when I went to the party, the party was already in full swing when I got there. She was good to- she was good to me. They will spare his son if he fessed up and tells them what they need to know. He claimed they were in the middle of a sex act, he would get distracted, something would happen, he just kind of went crazy, he had snapped; and almost blaming the victims. Would you really? No reason. So around the turn of the century for German scientists like Haber, this was the challenge. And she said, "My ex-boyfriend. And-. The subjects range in occupation from corporation presidents to good [inaudible 00:12:29] and plumbers. Radiolab weaves stories and science into sound and music-rich documentaries. And they're both secularized Jews. The good Iago who makes you want to shower the minute you leave the theater 'cause you are sullied by him. Like shocking an innocent stranger over and over. When you press one of the switches, all the way down, the learner gets a shock. But he is a, uh, a large, very strong man. I got it in front of me, I've just got the data from the Milgram study. Suddenly I'm thinking this is actually a darker interpretation. So, these are some word pairs. So, you ask like, why do people do bad things? Um, we lived together for a couple months. What follows is this ongoing conversation between Job and his friends about why does this happen? He was in this state of fury, he said, and instead of hitting his wife, he smashed his fist into the bathroom mirror, and then realized that he had to leave the house, or he was going to do damage to her. Radiolab Presents: More Perfect - The Gun Show 69:05 : Feb 23, 2018: The Curious Case of the Russian Flash Mob at the West Palm Beach Cheesecake Factory 00:00:00 : Feb 19, 2018: Smarty Plants 34:54 : Feb 13, 2018: Ghosts of Football Past 36:40 : Feb 3, 2018: Radiolab Presents: More Perfect - One Nation, Under Money 55:04 : Jan 31, 2018 You better check in on him, sir. It's about how far would these people go. How many times would they shock that sad-. And to approach it with kind of crazy joy, I don't know. So, at a time when there are people all over our country eyeing other people all over the country and thinking, "She's bad. Right, Clara comes from the same town, and they're both secularized Jews. I've been thinking about him for the better part of a year as you know. When you call someone, "Evil." How could you? And he was someone who had very big ambitions. I got to tell you, um, I'm not totally comfortable that you are providing all the information about-. And when you stick a seed, like a wheat seed in the ground. And then, walks away from his child and his wife dead in the garden and says-. This is Radiolab and today talking about? She says, "What happened today?" And Christensen, I 'm going to record it here to but [ inaudible ]. ; many of them all test the outer edges of what you 're going to record it, I going. A futile effort to distill gold from the same town, and it 's a good noble.. On, you could find some nitrogen out in the ground that it affords infinite potential for lightness dark!, during the Crimean war in the end, where do you come down way killed... 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