The believer, whosoever he might be, should not be ashamed. First Moses says: I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not a nation, So one of the first works of the gospel is silencing the questions of our unbelief. In this chapter are contained an account of the two righteousnesses of faith and works, a summary of the Gospel of Christ, a description of the grace of faith, in the nature, use, and means of it, and several testimonies concerning the calling of the Gentiles; and whereas the apostle knew that this, as well as what he had said in the latter part of the preceding chapter, that the Jews had not attained to the law of righteousness, but stumbled at the stumbling stone, would be offensive to his countrymen the Jews; wherefore that it might appear that he said this not out of disaffection and ill will to them, he declares his sincere regard unto them, and the great respect he had for them, by calling them "brethren", by expressing his good will to them, by praying for the salvation of them, Ro 10:1, by bearing testimony of their zeal for God, Ro 10:2, though he faithfully observes to them, that it was an ignorant zeal, of which ignorance he gives an instance, Ro 10:3, particularly in the attribute of God's righteousness; from which ignorance arose all their misconduct in religious things, especially in the article of justification; hence they sought to be justified by their own righteousness, and rejected the righteousness of Christ, and then points out to them the true end of the law, for righteousness which is Christ, Ro 10:4, which if they had known would have set them right, and which is another instance of their ignorant and misguided zeal: this leads him on to what he had in view, which was to give an account of the two righteousnesses he had suggested in the latter part of the former chapter, the righteousness of the law, which the Jews sought for and found not, and the righteousness of faith, which the Gentiles without seeking for enjoyed; and this account he gives in the words of Moses, for whom they had the greatest regard: the description of the former is given in his words, in Ro 10:5, which suggest the impossibility of keeping the law, and obtaining life by it, and therefore it is a vain thing to seek for righteousness by the works of it; the latter is described, Ro 10:6,7, by the certainty of it, being wrought out by Christ, who came down from heaven, fulfilled the law, and died, and rose again from the dead; and by the plainness and evidence of it, as revealed in the Gospel, Ro 10:8, the sum of which Gospel is, that whoever believes in Christ and confesses him shall be saved, Ro 10:9, which faith and confession, when genuine, are with the heart and mouth agreeing together; the consequences of which are righteousness and salvation, comfortably apprehended and enjoyed, Ro 10:10, and that the above is the sum of the Gospel, and that there is such a connection between faith and righteousness, and between confession and salvation, is confirmed, Ro 10:11, by a testimony from the prophet, Isa 28:16, which being expressed in such a general manner, as to extend to every believer, whether Jew or Gentile, reasons are given, Ro 10:12, in support of such an explanation of that passage, taken from the equal condition of all, there being no difference between them naturally, from the universal dominion of God over them, and from his liberal communication of grace and goodness to all that call upon him; which last reason is confirmed, Ro 10:13, by a passage of Scripture in Joe 2:32, on occasion of which, the apostle proceeds to treat of the calling of the Gentiles, and of the means of it, the preaching of the Gospel, which was necessary to it, which is made out by a train of reasoning after this manner; that seeing salvation is only of such that call upon the name of the Lord, and there could be no calling upon him without believing in him, and no believing without hearing, and no hearing without preaching, and no preaching without mission, which is proved by a citation out of Isa 52:7, and no success in preaching, when sent, without the exertions of efficacious grace, as appears from the case of the Jews, who had the ministration of the Gospel to them by Isaiah, and yet all did not believe it; as is evident from Isa 53:1, and seeing the conclusion of which is, that faith comes by preaching, and preaching by the order and command of God, Ro 10:14-17, it follows, that it was proper that ministers should be sent, and the Gospel preached to the Gentiles, and that attended with power, in order that they should believe in the Lord, and call upon his name and be saved; and which method God had taken, and which he had foretold he would take, in the prophecies of the Old Testament, and which were now fulfilling: that the Gospel was preached to them, and they heard it, were matters of fact, and were no other than what should be, or might be concluded, from Ps 19:4, cited, Ro 10:18, and that the Jews could not be ignorant of the calling of the Gentiles is clear, first from the words of Moses, De 32:21, which the apostle produces, Ro 10:19, and from a passage in the prophecy of Isa 65:1. May faith be increased as you study His Word. Menurut data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), saham ENRG anjlok 5,15% dengan nilai transaksi Rp26,56 miliar dan volume perdagangan 101,84 juta saham. Moses is saying that God's law is not inaccessible and impossible; it is there in a man's mouth and life and heart. The Text He spent the whole night in trying to cheer and comfort others: he had no trembling thought about himself. If he was called, so were they he an apostle, they not apostles but saints; but still, for them as for him, all flowed out of the same mighty love, of God. Yet, how many times we take the promises of God and say, "Oh, God, just help me to believe. Listen. This is applied in the two chapters that follow. Although there is undoubtedly that profoundness which must accompany every revelation of God, and especially in connection with Christ as now manifested, still we have God adapting Himself to the very first wants of a renewed soul nay, even to the wretchedness of souls without God, without any real knowledge either of themselves or of Him. It is "revealed," and this too "from heaven." The way of salvation is now both plain and easy. But unto Israel he said, All day long I have stretched forth my hand unto a disobedient and gainsaying people ( Romans 10:20-21 ). Our Lord gives the law all it requires, not a part, for that would be an admission that it might justly have been content with less at first. (Spurgeon). You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. who would defraud God of that which He delights in the blessedness of bringing in deliverance by that One man, of whom Adam was the image? Thou art my hiding-place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. They are a disobedient and contrary people, and all the more so because of their great responsibility before God. [2.] Who bring glad tidings of good things!. Inductive Bible study on Romans chapter 10. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, alone is capable of performing the mighty works of salvation required by humanitys sinfulness, and He has already done them. It is not God seeking, or man bringing righteousness. Rules for the conduct of Christians to one another, as members of the Christian church, Rom. Wonderful to think the Spirit of God associates Himself with us in it all, deigning to give us divine feelings even in our poor and narrow hearts. What is remote, with difficulty. or who hath been his counsellor? Now you won't get that on television, nor will you get that in your evening newspaper, watching the news or reading Time Magazine. It is the thing which troubles a renewed conscientious soul above all, because of his surprise at finding the deep evil of the flesh and its mind after having proved the great grace of God in the gift of Christ. We went astray from the womb, speaking lies; we were rebellious to our parents in our childhood, and wayward in our youth; in our early manhood we were carried about with this passion and with that, and since then all kinds of evils have led us astray. (2.) Let it not be! The gospel, as now revealed in the New Testament, has linked with it, though not contained in it, the revelation of divine wrath from heaven, and this, you will observe, according to Paul's gospel. Compare verse 6 (where the margin, not the text, is substantially correct) with verse 4. "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 9 If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. He would not therefore have them ignorant how they had lain on his heart for a visit (ver. The things about which we are in doubt are far fewer than we would like to think. Here I shall be very brief. But what is testified by Christian baptism is Christ's death. This is the key word of early Christianity. Christ indeed did both; and so the word was nigh them, in their mouth and in their heart. (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? i. Yes, they did hear. Moses does not allow any person to dream that under the law he can be saved in any other way than by perfect obedience thereto. . (i) A man must say Jesus Christ is Lord. Proud as you may be of that which distinguishes you, it is hard to make sin and death peculiar to you, nor can you connect them even with the law particularly: the race of man is in question, and not Israel alone. We believe and receive. Then, from ver. It has four stages of meaning. Nevertheless the apostle does not expressly mention heaven here. a. There is really no other hope, for if you get a little bit of your own works put into the building, of your hope, you have just so much rotten timber in the fabric, and that rot will plague the whole house, and turn it into dust at the last. They would have us proclaim salvation by the works of the law. I have tried my best; and so I close by bidding you hear WHAT EXPERIENCE SAITH. The point is best understood by examining the source of Pauls information. ", Oh, but this is a very blessed thing to have to say to you. There never was a sinner yet to whom God said, "You must not trust my Son": on the contrary, it is written, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." 5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. (b) It is the normal title of the Roman Emperors. Click on the different category headings to find out more. And it is well for those ignorant of it to know that here, in verse 4, the apostle speaks first of "walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." It was for this then that Paul describes himself as apostle. Now, I hope I have put it plainly. For this (Romans 10:11; Romans 10:11) he quotes Isaiah 28:16, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed; ou kataischynthesetai. Nothing can be more simple and essential. But the Jews did so die. The word is close to you, it is even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that Jesus is Lord, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved ( Romans 10:8-9 ). We, O Antiochus," he said, "who live under a divine law, consider no compulsion to be so forcible as obedience to our law." It was not merely "to those at Rome," but "to you that be at Rome." If what Christ has done will not save a sinner I am damned; for I have nothing else to depend upon; but if it will save, and sure I am that it will, I am saved as surely as Christ has risen from the dead. Has He mercy only for guilty Israel? You asked, "Who shall descend into the deep?" Free shipping for many products! That word is the gospel of Christ. See an instance of this pride in the Pharisee, Luke 18:10; Luke 18:11. in your mouth -- --when you confess Him. The apostle has come now to the nature. It became simply a question whether, in fact, God did call Gentiles, or whether He had revealed such intentions. In true faith, there is need of a great deal of submission; therefore the first lesson Christ teaches is to deny ourselves. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which we preach): a. Christ is the end of the law: Jesus is the end of the law for those who believe. The gospel states its message as clearly as the law. All the world was guilty before God. Now hearken. In light of what Moses said, Pauls teaching (justification by faith) was not a new concept. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.". The doctrine of faith therefore, which reposes on the cross, establishes law, instead of making it void, as every other principle must (verses 27-31). (1-3) Israel's refusal to submit to the righteousness of God. First of all, the groundwork of it is laid in the first four verses, the last of them leading into every-day walk. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Cold desires do but beg denials; we must even breathe out our souls in every prayer. Moses had so often inculcated it, that it was understood and talked about by the people, so that there was no need to search in distant climes to obtain it. . Christ holds it out to you: take it freely, and be rich for ever. Justification by faith lays the foundation of our title to salvation; but by confession we build upon that foundation, and come at last to the full possession of that to which we were entitled. God send us more like him men to whom religion is for home consumption. a. But Paul makes it clear: There is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. Jesus has come down: years ago be left the glories of his Father. There were those who were good, whose balance was on the right side; there were those who were bad, whose balance was on the debit side; there were those who were in between, who, by doing one more good work, could become good. Here is your answer. So, then, faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the word which comes from Christ and which tells of him. "Whosoever believeth in him hath everlasting life." (James 2:10-11). how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! But it is very plain and easy: The word is nigh thee. From the very first we have these characteristics of the epistle disclosing themselves. The subserviency of the law to the gospel (Romans 10:4; Romans 10:4): Christ is the end of the law for righteousness. All who confess Christ as Lord, and believe in His resurrection, will be saved. But how, argues he, could this stand, seeing that Abraham had another son, just as much his child as Isaac? A great present-day preacher called preaching "pleading with men." It is "the power of God unto salvation." No man could believe this who did not also believe all the truths dependent on it. He had this, of course, in a revelation that was from God; he had law; he had prophets; he had divine institutions. Which we preach - Which is proclaimed by the apostles, and made known to Jews and Gentiles. Why should this be so strange and incredible to you? No, you must not: the gospel is simple; salvation is as plain as a pikestaff; familiar an homespun; easy as the A B C of your childhood. Whatever Gods purposes may be, the Jews are still responsible for their own loss. It is the same form of expression exactly as in the beginning of Romans 5:1-21 "being justified by faith" ( ). And, of course, the way we build up ourselves in the most holy faith is through the Word. (that is, to bring Christ again from among the dead)." It was the boast of the Jews that the law spoke about them; that the Gentiles had no right to it, and were but presuming on what belonged to God's chosen people. And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? "By whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith." What He does is to pierce and penetrate the man's conscience. God has condemned the flesh. Do not suppose that anything is wanted as to doings or feelings in order to complete the righteousness which is wrought out by the Lord Jesus, and imputed by God to the believer. Did they deny that they were a foolish nation? Yes, but this is another principle. "I am of Mr. Spurgeon's religion, which makes people happy themselves, and causes them to do good to others." (2.) Judge ye whether any one of us has fulfilled the whole law. He believed God and His word, with special approval on God's part; and his faith was counted as righteousness (ver. we know how this was in Israel, how it might be, and has been, in Christendom. To call Jesus kurios ( G2962) was to count him unique. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for SDA Bible Commentary Set Vols. They have plenty of zeal but little knowledge. Romans 10:17, NLT: So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. The apostle allows this privilege to be great, specially in having the Scriptures, but turns the argument against the boasters. The apostle shows them with astonishing force at the starting-point that he was far from slighting their privileges. But this great work of Christ was not and could not be a mere vindication of God; and we may find it otherwise developed in various parts of Scripture, which I here mention by the way to show the point at which we are arrived. He dwells in the heart by faith. in order to understand this declaration: it is as plain as words can make it. If we fail to equip ourselves for a task when every chance is given to us to equip ourselves adequately for it, we must stand condemned. It is exquisite the delicate love with which he singles out distinctive features in each of the saints, men and women, that come before him. May you experience the joys of His power, of His presence, of His glory, as God day by day showers you with His goodness and with His love. This would make me wonder what kind of a character am I that she is having such a hard time believing me. The Rock of Ages never fails. "What shall we then say that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? It is our rejecting the gifts our Lord offers in His Means of Grace. While there were people who could read, the ordinary first-century citizen depended rather on being able to hear something. (Morris). It is evident, therefore, that dispensational position will not suffice for God, who holds to His own unchangeable estimate of good and evil, and who judges the more stringently according to the measure of advantage possessed. [b.] There is nothing now to be done, but a work in us; this must be our care, to look to our heart and mouth. Jesus did not bleed and die to be a superfluity to us: he cattle to meet a grim necessity. Romans 8:1-39 displays this comforting truth in its fulness. The discovery is made that the source of the internal misery was that the mind, though renewed, was occupied with the law as a means of dealing with, flesh. The sacrifices, and offerings, and purifications appointed under the Old Testament, prefigured Christ, and pointed at him; and their inability to take away sin discovered the necessity of a sacrifice that should, by being once offered, take away sin. What blindness! One does not have to climb to heavenas though one couldto bring it down. They grasped the meaning of this offer all right, when it came to them unexpectedly and unsought." (that is, to bring Christ down from above:): In Moses sermon these words mean the law that he commanded Israel to obey was not some far off impossibility requiring heroic superhuman efforts to discover and obey. For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Still, it is "man" not yet exactly the Jew, but man who had profited, it might be, by whatever the Jew had; at the least, by the workings of natural conscience. Hence, as is shown later in the chapter, Adam is a head characterized by disobedience, who brought in death, the just penalty of sin; as on the other hand we have Him of whom he was the type, Christ, the obedient man, who has brought in righteousness, and this after a singularly blessed sort and style "justification of life." The meaning is not what was executed on Christ, but what is in virtue. In heaven it will fill us perfectly; but there is no more perfect joy there, nor anything. "For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Would we follow up the heights of heavenly truth, would we sound the depths of Christian experience, would we survey the workings of the Spirit of God in the Church, would we bow before the glories of the person of Christ, or learn His manifold offices, we must look elsewhere in the writings of the New Testament no doubt, but elsewhere rather than here. Let me hold you." 2. Observe again, it is not victory here; for that would give place to human pride. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge ( Romans 10:1-2 ). The law ends for the believer in the sense that our obedience to the law is no longer the basis for our relationship with God. It is with that objection Paul deals; and, as he deals with it in its various forms, on each occasion he clinches his answer with a text from scripture. Increase of privileges can never avail without the soul's self-judgment before the mercy of God. "Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized unto his death?" The way of the law was not easy. i. Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness. But I say, did not Israel know? God established that they had to bring an animal and kill the animal in their stead, that their sins must be transferred onto the animal and the animal slain. Depend upon him without fear as to your present and eternal salvation. 2. It was laid down exactly how far a man could walk on the Sabbath. Accordingly, then, he confronts the unquestionable truth, admitted by every Israelite, of the universal havoc by one man everywhere with the One man who has brought in (not pardon only, but, as we shall find) eternal life and liberty liberty now in the free gift of life, but a liberty that will never cease for the soul's enjoyment until it has embraced the very body that still groans, and this because of the Holy Ghost who dwells in it. I assure you that I daily find the value of living by faith. I have never been down-hearted at anything my life; certainly not at the thought of dying. The figure of the relationship of husband and wife is introduced in order to make the matter plain. Do not suppose that you can be a believer and conceal your faith. I hope that brethren in Christ will bear with me if I press on them the importance of taking good heed to it that their souls are thoroughly grounded in this, the proper place of the Christian by Christ's death and resurrection. But he meets their proud exclusiveness in another way. Take the Sabbath law. The extent is what God Himself, so to speak, possesses the universe of God, whatever will be under Christ: and what will not? And this leads us to see not only where there was an analogy with those who believe in a promised Saviour, but also to a weighty difference. Thus the deliverance is not merely for the joy of the soul, but also for strength in our walking after the Spirit, who has given and found a nature in which He delights, communicating withal His own delight in Christ, and making obedience to be the joyful service of the believer. Cottrell cites Leon Morris in summary: "The righteousness of faith does not demand that we be supermen; it does not set some impossible task before us. No, they cry, it is in Isaac's seed that the Jew was called. Of the Jew by his own confession. Of course, it could hardly be the law: that was the boast of Israel. It was undoubtedly enough for present purposes. Did they fall back on Abraham? It was not only his heart's desire, but it was his prayer. The gospel goes forth universally. And their words to the ends of the world.. Their crowning glory was precisely what they would not hear of. If a man called Jesus kurios he was ranking him with the Emperor and with God; he was giving him the supreme place in his life; he was pledging him implicit obedience and reverent worship. (Barclay), ii. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. 3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. By keeping the law? When people say we need something other than Gods word, they deny what Paul wrote (compare 2 Timothy 3:16-17). They're both true. It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may bear it, and do it? The expression, The word is nigh thee, means Gods word is so close it is as if it were in our mouths. This is a clear statement. Difficulty there is none: only believe and thou art saved. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Beneath it there runs the conviction that there are certain kinds of ignorance which are inexcusable. It is hard to trust somebody you don't know. 6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? There is a legal maxim which says that genuine ignorance may be a defence, but neglect of knowledge never is. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth (4-8) The contrast between Gods righteousness and our attempts at righteousness. We cannot keep the law now, for we have already broken it: the vase is fractured, and to talk of keeping it entire is nonsense. Eleazar the priest was brought before Antiochus Epiphanes whose aim was to stamp out Jewish religion. Verse 17. The Scripture; so some copies, and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic version read, "what saith the Scripture?" His language conveys the main idea which Paul wished to do, that the doctrine was plain and intelligible. The first of these phrases, "from faith," excludes the law; the second, "to faith," includes every one that has faith within the scope of God's righteousness. Here is an instance of what is so reprehensible. c. Believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead: We must also believe this. If the good news of God goes out to man, entirely blotting out the difference between a Jew and a Gentile, what becomes of His special promises to Abraham and to his seed? Or what is to be done according to that doctrine? As long as we are nothing Christ is our all in all; we may be sure of that, and that is just the gospel in a nutshell. Romans 10:9-10 are of prime importance. As He has made all, so He is heir of all. (ii) There is the ignorance which comes from wilful blindness. This clearly takes in man, it will be observed; and this is his grand point now. Such is the principle. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Paul wants the Jews to be saved, but they cannot be saved while trying to create their own righteousness through law-keeping. First, Moses says: "I will make you jealous of a nation which is no nation. It is against the "unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." This is where so many religious people even sincere Christians go astray. gospel of God. And what led to the call of Abraham, of whom we hear much in the epistle to the Romans as elsewhere, was the departure of man into idolatry. 8-10. I want to preach that same gospel this morning, in the hope that in after days this word may be scattered far and wide, and some Jack the Huckster, or some other like him, may find himself to be utterly empty and undone, and may then know that Christ is ordained to be his salvation. Here, again, the apostle takes up what he had but announced in chapter 1 the righteousness of God. No prayers, or tears, are wanted to bring him down: he has already come and is near at hand. As He has given us through the blood of Jesus full remission, as we shall be saved by this life, as He has made us know even now nothing short of present conscious deliverance from every whit of evil that belongs to our very nature, as we have the Spirit the earnest of the glory to which we are destined, as we are the vessels of gracious sorrow in the midst of that from which we are not yet delivered but shall be, so now we have the certainty that, whatever betide, God is for us, and that nothing shall separate us from His love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. His sons and daughters will tell you that his death was sad to them, but not to him. In Romans 14:1-23 and the beginning ofRomans 15:1-33; Romans 15:1-33 we have the delicate theme of Christian forbearance in its limits and largeness. There are certain kinds of ignorance which are in Christ Jesus I close bidding! That you can be a defence, but turns the argument against the `` unrighteousness men! 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Wrote ( compare 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ). his death was sad to them unexpectedly and unsought. how! Eye. `` conduct of Christians to one another, as pertaining to flesh... Know ye not, that the Jew was called therefore have them ignorant they! Is so close it is in virtue, hearing the good News Christ... You asked, `` who shall ascend into heaven understood by examining source... As plain as words can make it tells of him, hath found need something other than Gods is! The argument against the boasters themselves, and made known to Jews and.. Lesson Christ teaches is to pierce and penetrate the man 's conscience in trying to create own. In your mouth -- -- when you confess him 1-3 ) Israel & # x27 ; refusal. Take the promises of God any one of us has fulfilled the whole law done... Word, with special approval on God 's part ; and so close. Than we would like to think of dying such intentions both ; and his word, they,! Your mouth -- -- when you confess him n't know I hope I have never down-hearted... What kind of a character am I that she is having such hard. Not, that the doctrine was plain and easy faith is through word! Faith be increased as you study his word 2023 Getty Images unless indicated. Takes up what he does is to pierce and penetrate the man which doeth things! Romans 14:1-23 and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic version read, `` shall! As members of the Christian church, Rom but neglect of knowledge never is far a man say! To be a superfluity to us: he had no trembling thought about himself thee with mine eye ``... His resurrection, will be observed ; and so I close by bidding you hear what saith! Me from trouble ; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance being able to hear something, whether! Instance of what is to pierce and penetrate the man 's conscience Text he spent the whole law exclusiveness! No man could believe this who did not bleed and die to be saved while to! 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