Although the months of May and June are typically considered to be the finest for planting, the optimal time to sow seeds directly in your garden might vary from place to place depending on the environment. It is important to make sure that the watermelon fruits do not come into contact with the dirt while they are developing. If the watermelon sounds like it gives a little, its ripe. Watermelons are heavy feeders, meaning they need soil that is fertile and has a high nutrient level. However, those wont work as a long-term solution since youll have to take them down when its time for the watermelon blossoms to be pollinated by bees and other insects. The vines need space to spread. If direct seeding,seeds should be sown after the last frosts and when the soil has warmed to at least 18.4C (65F). It is important to us that we deliver seasonally fresh plants to your area. In order for watermelons to reach their full size, they need plenty of food. This is due to the fact that after the watermelon vines have reached their full development, it will be tough to get among the vines to pull weeds. Your county Extension office has information about soil tests. You will need to place a barrier between the watermelons and the earth in order for them to be able to develop to their full potential. Phoenix dactylifera is very easy to grow and maintain. Growing the vines in raised rows, known as hills, ensures good drainage and will hold the suns heat longer. Once pollination occurs, the female flowers will start to develop the fruit. Even in the southern portion of the state, as well as in the heat island that is the Twin Cities, it is more probable that cultivars with fewer days to maturity would produce a crop that is to ones satisfaction. Sowing seeds Watermelon can be direct seeded in areas with a long, warm growing season but in more Northern climates it should be sown indoors and transplanted. When the watermelon seedlings have reached their full size, pluck two from each group and keep just the strongest watermelon plant. Steer clear of fertilizers that double as weed killers and plant food. I cannot speak highly enough of the Watermelon, Bush Sugar Baby 1 Pkt. In general, watermelon plants require between one and two inches of water every week to ensure that the soil remains moist without becoming saturated. Beets. Sugar babies. These planting dates are for Central Alabama. Don't bother with seed starting. Its best to plant watermelons in Florida from December 15 to March 1 in south Florida. Light. Space the hills 4-6 feet apart (1.2 to 1.8 meters). Keep the soil moist around the seeds during the germination period; water close enough so that the water reaches the small roots forming. If you use overhead irrigation, do so earlier in the day so plants can dry before night. If direct seeding outdoors, sow 4 to 6 seeds per hill, eventually thinning to 2 to 3seedlings. Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Best planted at soil temperatures between 21C and 35C. Check catalogs for individual maturity time. *Based on statistics there is a 10% chance that frost will occur before or after these dates. Can you grow carrots in Alabama? If beans, okra, cucumbers, etc., are left to mature fully, the plant will stop producing. When to plant spinach in alabama? It is recommended that each plant has 24 to 30 square feet to produce the best melons. There are four categories of watermelons: picnic, icebox, seedless and yellow flesh. You are mistaken if you believe that it is too late to cultivate watermelons at this point in the season. Sow 3-4 seeds 1 inch deep, 4-5 feet apart. Once this starts to turn brown, your watermelon is ripe; however, if it becomes fully brown and dead, then you may have waited too long. Water well with seaweed emulsion after planting. I would be so thrilled to get some melons hanging like that. Now, for all the usual hot weather veggies like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around August 6. Melons like watermelons require their room. Use the soil that was removed from the hole to create the mound and then sow your seed or transplant there. Plant four to five seeds at a depth of approximately one inch in the center of the hill. If adequate light is provided transplants should be ready in three to four weeks. This will help warm the soil, creating a more welcoming environment for your plants. Watermelon is in the cucurbitaceae family which includes cucumber, muskmelon, squash, pumpkin, gourd, and honeydew. It takes about 70 to 90 days for the plants to mature. Both are needed to set fruit and there are fewer female flowers compared to male, about one female for every seven males. However, germination is much more successful if the grower waits until the soil warms up to the 70 to 95F range. At "John T Lyo" you can pick: Blueberries. How many watermelons do you get per plant? After you have completed harvesting the first crop of watermelon, if you live in a warm area that has a lengthy summer, you have the opportunity to plant a second crop of watermelon. Foliage: large, up to 25cm, bright green, often lobed, generally have a distinct "hand" of veins, coarse texture and a hairy, almost prickly, feel. It's typically a range like 80 to 120 days. All images and content are copyrighted 2021 by Urban Farmer LLC. Plant when the soil temperature has warmed to at least 70F. Arbequina, says Powell, is ideally suited to Alabama because it is cold hardy through zone 7, can handle the heat in the southern part of the state and is self-fruiting, so it does not require cross pollination from another olive variety to produce fruit. They are safe to use around shrubs and perennial plants, but they are lethal to the seeds of annual flowering plants. The female flowers (which have a swollen bulb at the base) will stay on the vine and bearfruit. Lights are very helpful and can be put on a timer to provide 14 to 16 hours of light each day. Cucumbers. In addition to plenty of nutrients, watermelons need a lot of water. Planting in cool soil may lead to poor germination. Can avocados grow in Alabama? The fruit will mature more quickly and taste sweeter if it is exposed to heat and sunlight. The more it turns the riper the melon. What melon is that, In reply to watermelons by kathy taylor (not verified). Keep an eye out for insects. Growing watermelons may take a bit of patience but when you get to sink your teeth into this delicious, juicy fruit, it is all worth it. When to Plant Watermelon in Florida. Successful home gardening comes with carefulplanning and constant attention. Press on it. I thump with 2nd or long finger). This palm can be grown in states like Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oregon and Texas. Use cold frames for tender, cool-season vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Swiss chard, lettuce, mustard, onions, radishes, and turnips. When the seeds begin to germinate, you should trim them down so that each hill only contains two or three plants. All Rights Reserved. Space your mounds to give your plants enough room to spread and grow. The best time to direct seed plant watermelons is when soil temperatures have warmed up to 70 degrees. Use a soil thermometer. A juicy piece of watermelon on a hot summer day is a dream come true. Finally, if you want a really unique type of watermelon, try the Moon and Stars heirloom variety. Thin seedlings to 18 inches (46 cm.) (You can get a head start in cool regions by sowing watermelons indoors 6 weeks before planting out.) If you arent careful, you can find yourself severing vines by accident, or you might even tread on them! This palm tree can also withstand large temperature fluctuations. My zone is 7b. The most successful watermelon cultivars for growing in containers are as follows: Because the vines of ordinary watermelon cultivars may grow to a length of up to 10 feet, it can be challenging to control them when they are grown in pots. Look at the color on the bottom. Freeze or can the surplus if you want to enjoy your garden all year. Learn how to support pollinators in your garden, Watermelon Basket With Honey Lime Dressing, Ordering Garden Seeds (and Getting a Jump on Spring! People also ask,how late can you plant watermelons in alabama? Thin the fruit to three melons per vine, as this will result in more nutrients (and thus sugars) pumped into each melon. Vine borers and cucumber beetles are two pests in particular that you need to keep an eye out for. Unlike other typical garden plants, such as tomatoes and peas, watermelons need specific growing conditions and a lot of time. 1121 Main Street | P.O. Look at the color on the top. It does not matter what kind of plant you intend to cultivate in your containers as long as you place them in a spot where they will be exposed to at least eight hours of direct sunlight each day. Getting ready to plant some melons | Conduct a pH test on your soil to find out its level. The best way to plant watermelon seedlings is to use the hill method. Plant seedlings in the middle to end of June. Space onion plants 6 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. You can also pinch off some blossoms to focus the energy on fewer melons (though its a challenge to kill off a potentialfruit). Plant the seeds of the watermelon in a potting mix that does not include any dirt. Set the seeds into the soil about an inch deep. Light, frequent irrigation helps only during the period of seed germination. It is possible to get the temperature of outside soil up to the required 70 degrees by covering it with black plastic. A granular organic fertilizer should be used as a side dressing once every three weeks, and the plant should be kept well-watered. Sow four to five seeds an inch deep in each mound. Please let us know if you have accessibility needs. Thin to the strongest plant when plants have 3-4 leaves. Tuscaloosa, Alabama is in USDA Hardiness Zones 8a. To control weeds, use a mulch. A hollow sound and a yellow bottom are easy indicators that your watermelon is ready to be picked. Mickey Lee and Sugar Baby are two varieties of icebox or mini-melon that come highly recommended. For more information, contact your county Extension office. This website uses cookies to collect information to improve your browsing experience. Radishes. However, you really should wait until May if you don't want to take any chances. Once the temperature is warmer, its time to get your soil ready. Watermelons require full sunlight in order to thrive. Melons grow on sprawling vines and do not ripen effectively when grown in cramped quarters. This palm tree can also withstand large temperature fluctuations. Straw or even cardboard can serve as effective ground barriers. Here you can find the latest products in different kinds of when to plant watermelons in alabama. If availability of transplants is limited in spring, it's really limited in late July and August, when you need to begin establishing these guys in the garden. In Alabama, the warmer temperatures in late winter and spring can fool gardeners into planting too soon. And now is the ideal time for a fall planting. Plant seeds in rows at least 3 feet (1 m.) apart, as growing collard greens get large and need room to grow. So, what advice would you give someone who gardens in containers? When the vines of the watermelon have reached a length of 6 to 8 inches, add a layer of organic mulch that is between 1 and 2 inches thick all the way around the plant. Watermelons dont continue ripening after they are picked, so harvest time is important. The Arbequina olive is ideally suited to Alabamas climate. Choose types with a shorter number of days till harvest (between 65 and 80), since this will boost the likelihood of successfully gathering more fruit that has matured as a result of exposure to warm weather. Alabama on average has approximately 185 days between the last and first frost. The Arbequina olive is ideally suited to Alabama's climate. It is natural for watermelon leaves to wilt during the warmest portion of the day; but, by the time midnight rolls around, the leaves shouldnt still be wilted. It works with this thump test even in the market. See above and also they tend to develop root rot easily. In the north, only cultivars with short growth cycles, less than ninety days to maturity, are able to yield ripe fruit, and the first fruit to reach maturity may also be the final one. Plant larger seed, such as beans, cucumbers, and peas, about 1 inch deep. The Alabama Watermelon vines grow huge and will cover a large area, so leave a lot of space for them. Plant watermelons at a distance of three to five feet apart in nutrient-dense soil that is well-drained and has a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.8. You can utilize floating row covers in order to keep these pests away from the watermelon plants youve grown. Hardening Off: 7 to 10 days before transplanting. Do watermelons need full sun? The plants can tolerate some partial shade, particularly in hotter climates, but plenty of sun is necessary to develop the sugars in the melons. The soil test will analyze the elements that are already in the soil and give recommendations for any needed elements. Malathion is a good all-around material for aphids and red spider mites and gives someworm control. Early planting will miss some insects, but usually, youll have to use insecticides. Check the tendril. Our free planting guide calculates the best dates for sowing seeds indoors and outdoors, and for transplanting seedlings into the gardenall customized to your location. Growers already know how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium watermelons need, but do not know which elements are already present in the soil. However, they can be grown in the right circumstances. Depending on the variety of watermelon, it can take between 70 and 100 days to go from planting toharvest. Insect Control. Plant the seeds in rows or hills, with the goal of ultimately spacing the young seedlings a few feet away from one another. Plant type: fast-growing herbaceous annual creeping/running "vine". Taking 80 days to mature, this variety is about 10 pounds in weight. When To Plant Watermelons In Alabama? Potatoes. This content printed from the website located at. There must be 6 seeds in each hill. Give cantaloupe plenty of room to grow. This will help to heat up the soil and speed up the growing process. Climate: tropical, sub-tropical; warm and . It is recommended that each plant has 24 to 30 square feet to produce the best melons. To remove the seeds, brush your hand over the seed head, knocking out the seeds. Safer insecticidal soaps will help control aphids and other soft-bodied insects early on. Each summer I take a STRAIGHT straw from a straw broom about 4 to 5 inches long and carry it in my pocket notebook which I use to check ripeness. Because watermelons are huge plants that require space to spread out, they are often grown on gently mounding hills that are spaced between 4 and 6 feet apart. The seedlings are typically planted on mounds (three to a mound) spaced 2 feet apart in rows 6 feet apart. Place it in a location that receives medium to bright indirect light and keep the soil consistently moist for the first 1-2 weeks after separation. The straw will try to turn the length of the melon. The species Cucumis melo is responsible for both forms. Alabama ranges from USDA plant hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados. This helps to expose all portions of the watermelon fruit to the warming rays of the sun, which ultimately results in an improvement in the flavor, sweetness, and quality of the fruit. Place the head in a container to catch loose seeds. However, the soil should be able to drain properly so that it doesnt become waterlogged. 2023 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Always water transplants to settle the soil around roots. Because both the ground and the surrounding air are warm at this point in June, it is the ideal time to plant them. Conduct a soil test before include any compost or fertilizer in order to determine whether or not your watermelon plants require additional nutrients and, if so, in what amounts. If the mild temperatures that have been seen in the late fall and winter in previous years persist, Santa may bring you a watermelon this year as a gift. Tomatoes. However, row covers will need to be removed after the flowers have bloomed in order to ensure that the watermelons are pollinated. For home growers in living zones seven and eight, lower parts of the midwest and parts of the south, your watermelon growing season starts in April. Give the Seeds Space and Cover With Soil: Plant the seeds approximately 1 inch deep (2 cm) and cover the seeds with quality topsoil. (40 seeds), therefore please do not hesitate to get it. Alabama is in 7, 8 and 9 USDA plant hardiness zones. Plant the seeds about half an inch to an inch deep, spacing each set of two or three seeds 18 to 24 inches apart. Instead of characteristic stripes, these melons have tiny yellow spots a few large yellow spots against a dark green skin. Planting The best time to plant watermelon seeds is from late spring to early summer, or when the soil temperature reaches 70 degrees or above. Planting. Using the planting schedules below will help you get the most out of your garden. One may also ask,can you grow watermelons in alabama? By shopping until you drop, in pursuit of anyone who will sell you a suitable tomato transplant in time for fall planting. Select the site carefully, plant at the correct time, use the right amount of fertilizer, use adapted varieties, and control pests. Chemical fungicides may be used to control some common leaf diseases of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cantaloupes. According to the advice of the UC Master Gardeners in Santa Clara County, you should not plant anything until after all risk of frost has gone and the soil temperature has reached at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Please sir may you be clear on me, i should not bather the weeds am a bit confused! Water seeds into the hills after planting. How Many Watermelons per Plant? Carbaryl (Sevin) is another effective material, especially for bean beetles, tomato and corn earworms, cucumber beetles, and pickleworms. Both are needed to set fruit and there are fewer female flowers compared to male, about one female for every seven males. Plant watermelon from late spring to early summer, once soil temperatures reach 70 F or above. The earliest time to plant tomatoes in Alabama is in April, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. New crop in 2009 , we have raw, spiced, roasted, roated and salted for your choice. Because seedless cultivars are more picky about germination and early development, it is important to ensure that the bed is consistently wet and to use a floating row cover to shield it from pests. Wait until about two weeks after the average last frost date for your region to plant warm-season crops. Plant the seeds into raised rows, called hills, so your plants will get good drainage. The main reason for a home garden is to produce high-quality vegetables. You don't want to transplant your seedlings until the threat of frost has passed.. Don't worry about weeds or grass, none of that will bother the melons and the more cover they have the more likely they will grow. . The Alabama (205) 669-9205 Read more. The fruit should then be rotated every few days by a few degrees to ensure even ripening. Amend soil with aged manure, seaweed,and/orcompost before planting. Your basic watermelons mature about 65 to 90 days after you plants the seeds. While there is a small, two-week window to pick your ripe watermelons, there are a few methods you can use to make sure they are perfect and juicy. This will give you a small jump on the growing season. Plant watermelon into 12-inch-tall hills of soil that are spaced at least 6 feet apart. As fruit is ripening, prevent rotting by gently lifting it and putting cardboard or straw between the fruit and thesoil. The biggest thing to remember about watermelon is that they like heat so keep your seedlings inside until the soil is warm enough. Young watermelon plants can also be bought from nurseries. Melons in general thrive in the heat, and watermelons are no exception. To begin with, watermelons need very warm soil, so if your winter is lasting longer than you would like, be sure to start your seedlings inside before transplanting them after the threat of frost has definitely passed. Can you plant tomatoes in July in Alabama? The higher the water content , the riper the melon. Before transplanting, make sure ALL danger of frost has passed as watermelon vines are very tender and sensitive. Plant onions in early spring once the ground is workable. These little beetles might be yellow and black striped or dotted, and they are particularly fond of feeding on new seedlings and flowers. You might use a natural or chemical pesticide, depending on how dire the situation is.4. Find the best dates for planting and transplanting vegetables, herbs, and fruit! Growing Watermelon in a pot and Watch Watermelon grow from Seed to Fruit. Before using a weed control product, get full information on how to use it and what crop it should be used on. Enter your zip code, city, state, or address in the field below to find a Bonnie Plants retailer in your area. Varieties of Watermelon Planting Guide for Home Gardening in Alabama. How Many Watermelons per Plant? Phoenix dactylifera is very easy to grow and maintain. Good dirt with plenty of organic matter, like compost or manure, will start the seeds off right. 5. Plan to transplant seedlings into the garden about 2 weeks after that date or when the soil has warmed to at least 65F (18C). Very sweet, easy to grow, and fit in the fridge easily. By shopping until you drop, in pursuit of anyone who will sell you a suitable tomato transplant in time for fall planting. When to Plant: A fantastic perk of growing vegetables in Alabama is that you can grow something at any of time of year. This will ensure that the watermelons grow to their full potential in terms of sweetness. Compatible with (can grow beside): Sweetcorn, Sunflowers Avoid growing close to: Potatoes For a successful garden, you must control insects. The varieties Sugar Pot and Bush Sugar Baby are your best bets for growing cannabis in a container. After the seedlings sprout leaves, thin them to the best three plants per hill. Not elongated. These planting dates are for Central Alabama. As the plants are not frost hardy at all, 'look at the days to harvest and make sure to get them in, with plenty of time to harvest before . A small part seems to be in a dip and will have problems with light freezes. If you want to get the most out of your watermelons, you should pull any weeds that appear early on and then cover the ground with mulch. If you choose to cultivate a variety that matures to a standard size, you need be prepared to water them a LOT and allow them lots of space to spread out in. In order to germinate, watermelon seeds require warm soil. In central Florida, the watermelon season starts exactly one month later, from mid-January to March 15, while in northern regions of the state, a planting time of February 15 to April 15 is best. In order to create a melon that is fit to eat, watermelons require around one hundred days of warm weather. Healthy watermelon vines produce 2-4 fruits per plant. Water the fertilizer in well. In-ground gardens and raised beds are both excellent options for growing onions. If possible, it is recommended to wait up to five years before growing a crop such as watermelon in the same place as any other crop from the same family. The beginning of March and the beginning of August are the two ideal seasons to plant seeds for watermelons. For more information, contact your county Extension office. Alabama ranges from USDA plant hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados. Those who enjoy eating watermelon will be pleased to hear that. What I have learned growing watermelondon't buy plantlings. The earliest that you can plant watermelon in Zone 7b is April . Watering is very importantfrom planting until fruit begins to form. The number of days will vary depending on cultivar (some mature earlier than others), temperature, and general growing conditions. Watermelons do best in loamy, somewhat-sandy, well-drained soil. Plant seeds about 1/2 inch deep. A hollow sound and a yellow bottom are easy indicators that your watermelon is ready to be picked. Potatoes. Sow watermelon seeds 1" deep, planting 4-6 seeds (or transplanting 2-3 of your strongest seedlings) in mounds that . Avoid Standing Water: Watermelons are native to a desert region, and do not like standing water. Know your area. If you're transplanting watermelon seedlings outside wait until night time temperatures stay above 60 degrees. Insects can cause harm to watermelons, just as they can to most other types of crops. Steer clear of fertilizers that double as weed killers and plant food. Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. When they begin to develop, you will be able to choose which ones appear to have the most potential and remove the others from consideration. (May take big hands and fingers for true results). Seedless watermelons sound like a good idea, but have ruined the watermelon experience. Additional Suggestions for Growing Sweeter Watermelons Modern Farmer recommends that, before planting watermelons, you prepare the planting bed by covering it with four to six inches of composted manure. They only grow to be between 24 and 36 inches in length. The earliest time to plant tomatoes in Alabama is in April, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Don't let the mound dry out, don't move the long vines. While a continental climate is hot enough in the summer to grow watermelons, the winters may be too long to give them enough growing time. Melon seeds do not germinate well in cold soil. Each seed piece must have at least one good bud or eye. Once watermelon vines begin to produce blooms, the important factor in determining whether or not there will be fruit is pollination by bees. Possibly ok, but a risky time to plant watermelon. If you're saving the seeds to plant, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until planting time. Watermelons can be stored uncut for about 10 days. Alabamians are fortunate to have a mild climate that allows harvesting cabbage and kale throughout winter and juicy, giant tomatoes during the long summer. How to Plant Watermelons You can direct sow watermelons in the garden after all danger of frost has passed, or you can start watermelons indoors in paper or peat pots two to four weeks before your last frost date. This watermelon has a crisp, sweet red flesh is seedless with an excellent flavor. It is not suggested to plant in the fall. In such case, your plants are suffering from a lack of water.5. What month do you plant watermelon? They often begin producing male flowers several weeks before the females appear. Please review ourPrivacy Statementfor more information. But you shouldnt believe it indicates the fruits are small because of that fact. They love hot temperatures and warm soil, so should be ok. Space onion plants 6 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. When to Plant: A fantastic perk of growing vegetables in Alabama is that you can grow something at any of time of year. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. Harvest often to get vegetables at the proper stage of maturity. Weed Control. One of the best ways to tell if your watermelon is ripe is by gently knocking on it. Transplant Outdoors: 2 weeks after the last frost date. Planting numerous seeds at once is a good practice to get into in the beginning of the watermelon growing process. Two to three watermelons weighing 10 to 12 pounds are produced by each vine. All rights reserved. Some vines are capable of growing up to 20 feet away from their host plant! It takes a long time for these large melons to ripen, at least 80 days, so you need to really plan ahead. You can also trim side vines, again to promote growth on the melons that are already there. In order for fruit to grow, pollination has to occur via bees or other insects. A more welcoming environment for your choice about soil tests if beans,,! 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Watch watermelon grow from seed to fruit for fall planting for true results ) city, state or... F or above poor germination rows 6 feet apart used to control some leaf... In Alabama, and/orcompost before planting out. so that the watermelons are native to desert... To cultivate watermelons at this point in the right circumstances Extension System bees or other insects of characteristic,. Field below to find a Bonnie plants retailer in your area vary depending cultivar! When to plant warm-season crops or hills, with the goal of ultimately spacing the seedlings! A weed control product, get full information on how to use the hill.... Potential in terms of sweetness jump on the vine and bearfruit get vegetables at proper... Be able to drain properly so that the watermelons are native to a mound ) 2. Ripening after they are safe to use insecticides pollination by bees into the soil that fertile. Melons | Conduct a pH test on your soil ready ripe is by gently knocking on it toharvest... Cucumbers, etc., are left to mature fully, the riper the melon seed, such as tomatoes peas. Off: 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados terms. Hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too for... Sprawling vines and do not come into contact with the goal of ultimately spacing the young seedlings a few to! The flowers have bloomed in order to keep these pests away from their host plant little cold! Heat so keep your seedlings inside until the soil around roots tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and!