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SetCookie('SWScreenWidth', screen.width); .gb-mystart-btn, } The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, gender/sex (including gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy-related medical conditions) sexual orientation, mental/physical disability, immigration status, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (not union related), a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance. #gb-footer-links .gb-footer-link:nth-child(2n) { } text-decoration: none; } "name" : "facebook", $('div.sw-mystart-button.manage a').keydown(function (e) { stroke-miterlimit: 10; if(!mOption) { $('iframe#youtube-video').attr('tabindex', '-1'); font-size: 14px; 1055 Freeman Avenue, Long Beach, California 90804 (562) 438-9934 Phone | (562) 439-8156 Fax. 8:15 Arrival . var screenHeight = $(window).height() - $('nav').height(); } else { var csMonth = ""; if (e.keyCode == 37) { //key left line-height: 1.2; On Jan 1, 2023 pricing increases to $35. margin-bottom: 10px; $(this).parent('li') } 1946 YEARBOOK-GREENVILLE HIGH School-Greenville, Ohio - $17.72. .sp.two h1.ui-article-title a { min-height: 88px; } top: auto; } } -ms-flex-align: end; position: absolute; #sw-myaccount .sw-myaccount-chevron:before { Submissions must be received by March 24th, 2023. /* GroupBegin Tab Block */ $('#sw-mystart-search').remove(); width: 100%; clear: both; #hp-scroller .hp-headline-controls { opacity: 1; #hp-slideshow-outer.using-large-mmr-false { if($('#hp-scroller .ui-widget.app').hasClass('open')) { $('.rs-gallery-desc').removeClass('no-content'); -ms-flex-pack: distribute; ul.sw-channel-list li.sw-channel-item { display: none; .headlines .ui-article-title a:hover, .video-svgs .play, padding-top: 20px; // GET SCREEN DIMENSIONS .gb-social-item a { } padding-right: 15px; /* TOTAL GUTTER WIDTH x .66666 */ -ms-flex-line-pack: center; We look forward to seeing you at one or all of our many school events throughout the year. ul.sw-channel-list li.sw-channel-item:last-child ul.sw-channel-dropdown { hideChannelMenu(); + settings.menuHoverClass).removeClass(settings.menuHoverClass); .using-large-mmr-true #hp-slideshow #hp-gallery-desc-wrapper { if(tagline.trim() != "") { if(false){ var settings = { Blank Rotating Schedule. // ADD READ FULL STORY BUTTON TO EACH HEADLINE openNavCallback(e, this); if(!$("#sw-content-container40.region.ui-hp .rs-gallery-container").length) { background: #282f38; z-index: 600; if(false) { } }); top: auto; padding: 15px; left: 0; $('#video-btn span').text('Play Video'); $(this).parent('li').next('li').find('a').first().focus(); } }); -webkit-box-flex: 1; width: 6px; } $("div.sp.column.one .ui-widget-header").append("

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All rights reserved. Vision Statement: .cs-btn span, /* GroupEnd */ return window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("body"), ":before").getPropertyValue("content").replace(/"|'/g, "");/*"*/ #audio-btn { -webkit-box-pack: end; $(".sp.column.one").csAppAccordion({ The new virtual backpack allows the Des Moines Public School District to distribute school and community information electronically to parents, staff, and students. Elementary School. input.ui-txt-general.medium, textarea.ui-txt-general.medium, input.ui-txt-heading.medium { #hp-slideshow #hp-gallery-desc-wrapper .rs-gallery-desc .rs-title h1 { line-height: 1.5; width: auto; .cs-acsb { } #gb-social-media { #sw-content-layout8 #sw-content-container3, Online Auction -Spring 2023; Events; Yearbook 2022-2023 Cover Design Contest; Yearbook 2022-2023; Calendar; School Rewards. max-width: 270px; "background-attachment" : "fixed", #hp-image-link-desc { } height : 'auto', February 5, 2023. if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { // USE CHANNEL NAME FOR PAGELIST NAV HEADER IF ONE IS NOT PRESENT .global-icon:last-child { .region.clearleft { .gb-footer-number { }, } return false; display: block; float: left; $(this).addClass("open"); $(".sw-calendar-block-date", this).wrapInner(''); You can access the online application form and complete it. $('.gb-header.left').addClass('cs-fw'); }); #gb-footer-links .gb-footer-link { box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); Willard School | CMS | CCHS | Community Ed, 185 Powder Mill Road Tour Our Schools, Enroll & Make PUSD Your First Choice in Education! } text-align: center; "link5" : { $(v).addClass('cs-fc cs-aic'); csIsMyViewPage = ($("#pw-body").length) ? Journalism: Tribal Spirit News Magazine Team, National Art Honor Society & WHS Art Club. } #hp-content-lower .ui-widget-detail, .gb-mystart-search-btn { } position: relative; font: bold 100px verdana; $('#hp-slideshow').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); $('#hp-image-links-outer').remove(); hideMyStartBarMenu(); Mission Statement: first = $(this).parent().first().children(), text-align: left; Find Your Schools Digital . color: #333; padding: 15px 20px; //add an ALL DAY label if no time was given Our mission at Willard High School is to provide an environment where all of our students, their families, and our community feel valued and welcomed. height: 40px; /* GroupEnd */ margin: 10px 0 0; /* GroupEnd */ #gb-global-icons { For more information, visit the HRT Student Freedom Pass site. color: #FFF; min-height: 39px; Translate Language. top: 100%; .cs-aib { display: block; #hp-slideshow #hp-gallery-controls .rs-gallery-control.back:hover, #sw-search-input::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */ font-weight: bold; } $('#hp-image-links-outer').show(); margin-bottom: 15px; display: -webkit-box; width: 139px; Deluxe Package. margin: 0; ul.sw-channel-dropdown li a, } if($('#' + id).hasClass('open')) { display: block; "link4" : { } -ms-flex-direction: row; #gb-social-media-outer { text-align: center; /* MedaiBegin Standard *//* GroupBegin Mystart */ transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; } color: #333; body:before { var nextSVG = '', letter-spacing: 2px; "svg" : "" #gb-footer-links .gb-footer-link:nth-child(2n) { "text" : "Early Childhood", $(this).find('.sw-calendar-block-date').attr('aria-label', eventDay+""+eventMonth+" "+eventDate); background: #335905; /*dark green*/ Search Only Willard Middle School (Aldie, VA), Welcome to Willard Newsletter for Rising 6th Graders, Wildcat Chat | What's Happening at Willard? -webkit-justify-content: space-between; It enrolls 831 students in grades 1st through 12th. /* GroupEnd */ letter-spacing: .5px; btn.removeClass('inner').focus(); } else { Monday After School Clubs, STUDENT HOLIDAY (County-wide Staff Development), Blue Ridge District: Ian SerotkinDulles District: Jeff MorseMember At Large: Denise Corbo. #gb-logo img { "mainControls" : "yes", $('#gb-schoolwires-footer').append($('#gb-social-media-outer')); #sw-content-layout8 #sw-content-container3, } else if(false) { } else if(c == KeyCodes.down || c == KeyCodes.right) { position: relative; "svg" : "" #sw-content-layout9 #sw-content-container3, $(".sw-dropdown",this).slideUp(300, "swing").attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); var siteNameTwo = $.trim("Intermediate School"); "allLoaded": function(){ } right: 30px; } } display: flex; .ui-column-one-half.region { } text-decoration: none; float: left; #hp-image-links .hp-image-link img { } } }, }); 419-935-5341 . border: none; #hp-content-outer .ui-widget.app .ui-widget-header:after { div.sw-special-mode-bar { left: 0; .gb-social-item.pinterest a { position: absolute; display: block; .hp.column.three { } overflow: hidden; $("nav").css("height", "auto"); $("#gb-channel-list-outer").animate({ La instruccin rigurosa fue nuestro enfoque escolar durante el ao pasado, sin embargo, debido a la pandemia, tuvimos que enfocarnos ante todo en la estabilidad socio-emocional de nuestros estudiantes. color: #333; } } color: #999; position: relative; color: #FFF; Learning Today. border-top: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2); margin: 0; } margin: 0px; right: auto; } } padding: 25px 0; text-decoration: none; Google Map. .first().focus(); You may find everything from elementary school to high school all in one location! } 1088 Norton Road, Berlin, CT 06037. $(this).parents('div').find('.sw-mystart-nav').last().focus(); $('#gb-district a, #gb-schools button, #gb-account button, #gb-translate button').attr('tabindex', '-1'); font-size: 14px; $(this).find('ul.sw-dropdown').css('display', 'block').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).last().focus(); } Francis Joseph Reitz High School is a public high school on the west side of Evansville, Indiana, United States.It was founded in 1918 in honor of Francis Joseph Reitz, and is the second oldest high school still in use today in the city.It is a member of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation.It is also known by the IHSAA as Evansville Reitz High School and locally known as simply Reitz .