It required both extensive work on the part of the division's soldiers and high costs in repair parts. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. By the end of 1970, some 2,497 4th Infantry Division soldiers had been killed and 15,229 had been wounded. To all past members of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam. While the remaining 9th ID soldiers were ultimately successful, later inactivating units were not required to attain this goal. After eight days the Allies from the2d Brigade, Naval Task Force 117 and ARVN Rangers, Marines and infantrymen counted 285 dead VC. -Cross of Gallantry with Palm for Major General Harris w. Hollis, Division Commander, Loudspeakers, both aerial and ground, leaflet dissemination and face to face contact are used extensively. [citation needed]. - William Shakespeare, Henry V, Navy Cross recipients, Distinguished Service Cross recipients, and Medal of Honor recipients from the Navy Mobile Riverine Force and Army 9th Infantry Division. After four hours of fierce fighting. This is the 9th Infantry Division. 0 . When the 9th Division was reconstituted in the Regular Army on 24 March 1923, the 18th Infantry Brigade (5th and 13th Infantry Regiments) along with several other elements were assigned as active units; They formed the core from which the remainder of the division would be reactivated in the event of war. No : 198 -D /TTM/CL 18th Military History Detachment Sources: Red Thunder, Tropic Lighting, The World of a Combat Division in Vietnam by Eric Bergerud Vietnam 1965-1970, The 25th Infantry Division published by Turner Publications. Army leadership at first decided that inactivating units would turn in all of their equipment at "10/20" standard in ready and reusable condition. 9th Infantry Division - Riverine by Tom Hain The Mobile Riverine Force In-Country Training The Boats The Western AO Leeches, Mekong Delta Widow's Village Red Ants Rattle, Are You Working? It is with sadness that we must convey the news that Tom Veit passed away on March 31, 2006. People from the areas surrounding Dong Tam flock there at the rate of 1,000 a day to receive medical attention at the daily MEDCAP staged at the main gate by the Division Support Command. About Viet Nam veterans who were with the 9th Infantry Division in Ft. Riley, KS in 1966 and/or Viet Nam in 1967 Tour of Duty - 1967. U.S. Army 9th Infantry Division Arrives in Vietnam December 1, 1966 - December 31, 1966 Overview In keeping with the large U.S. Army deployments to Vietnam throughout 1966, the 9th Infantry Division "Old Reliables" begins to arrive in South Vietnam. They may also refer you to the: Unit Diary Section Commandant Marine Corps Records Service Section Strength: 818, 3rd Battalion, 39th Infantry (Infantry) Please sign the MRFA guestbook! against one American dead and 15 wounded. -The 9th US INFANTRY Division -US Army. All of these weapons systems were attached to the FAV by a mount designed to break away if the vehicle rolled over, which they were prone to do. Photos and memories from a tour in Vietnam as a combat medic with the 2/2nd Infantry (Mechanized) Ramrods (April - Sept. '67) and 2/28th Infantry Black Lions (Sept. '67 - April '68), 1st Infantry Division. Strength: 900, 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry (Riverine) Div. 62 RPG launchers, two heavy machine guns. Previous Station: Fort Riley Explore historical photos, gripping stories, poetry and song submitted by MRFA members. In January over 1,000 of the enemy were killed by the 9th Division as Old Reliable infantrymen and supporting units pounded the already badly battered indigenous VC and newly arrived NVA infiltrators. 19 - United States Army 24th Infantry Command Report, May 1951 "335th Radio Research Unit"), 12 January 1967 5 April 1971, 99th Support Battalion, 1 October 1969 12 October 1970, 493 Military Intelligence Detachment, 3/9th Inf Div, 19 December 1966 - 20 August 1970, 9th Aviation Battalion (activated 21 April 1972), 268th Attack Helicopter Battalion (activated 1 September 1981), Company A, 214th Aviation Battalion (activated 1 July 1981), 1st Battalion, 67th Air Defense Artillery (activated 13 September 1972 - 1 April 1979), 1st Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery (activated 1 April 1979), 9th Signal Battalion (activated 21 June 1972), 109th Military Intelligence Battalion (activated 1 October 1981), Company A (former 335th Army Security Agency Company (activated 21 December 1977 - reorganized 1 October 1981), Company B (former 9th Military Intelligence Company (activated 21 December 1972 - reorganized 1 October 1981), 9th Chemical Company (activated 1 September 1981), 15 September 1986: Company A, 214th Aviation Battalion inactivated. . 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry Killed in Action Casualty File Return to Follow Me page 2nd Battalion 60th Infantry is a member of the Want to join the ring? OLD RELIABLES of the 9th Infantry Division were presented the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross with Palm, the highest unit valor award, and the Civic Action Honor Medal with Oak Leaf on 5 July 1969. Through its aggressive combat operations from January through May 1969, the Division contributed to the destruction of the enemy Winter- Spring Offensive plans and prevented attacks on Saigon and other cities, thus preserving the security of the countryside and providing a favorable environment for an active pacification program. Organized under the ROAD (Reorganization Objective Army Division) concept, the Division includes 10 maneuver battalions (three each assigned to the 39th, 47th and 60th Infantries, plus the 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry), the 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry, 15th Engineer Battalion and Division Artillery boasting four organic artillery battalions. The third brigade was to field one light and one heavy combined arms battalion and the 9th Cavalry Brigade two attack helicopter battalions, one combat support aviation battalion, and one cavalry reconnaissance squadron. Using material and advice from the Americans, the Vietnamese demonstrate their energy and ingenuity in project after project throughout the Delta. Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories. In the largest of contacts, two companies worked with artil1ery and air strike support to kill 61 of the enemy in a bunker complex northeast of Binh Phuoc April 26. Its units included Division Headquarters; the 17th Infantry Brigade (Headquarters and Headquarters Company; 45th Infantry Regiment; 67th Infantry Regiment; 26th Machine Gun Battalion); the 18th Infantry Brigade (Headquarters and Headquarters Company; 46th Infantry Regiment; 68th Infantry Regiment; 27th Machine Gun Battalion), the 9th Field Artillery Brigade ( 25th Field Artillery (75mm Gun); 26th Field Artillery (75mm Gun); 27th Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer); Ninth Trench Mortar Battery); 25th Machine Gun Battalion; 209th Engineer Regiment; 209th Field Signal Battalion; Division Trains (HQ Train and Military Police Company; 9th Sanitary Train; 9th Motor Supply Train, and Ninth Ammunition Train). On 28 July 1866, the 39th Congress of the United States passed an act to improve the peace establishment of the nation. The 9th Division was reactivated for the Vietnam conflict on 1 February 1966. On 21 April the Division relieved the 3d Armored Division along the Mulde River, near Dessau, and held that line until VE-day. The OLD RELIABLES, seasoned by their February conquests in urban operations, dashed to the scene and repeatedly smothered enemy jabs at the entrance of Cholon, the Chinese community of Saigon. Arrived Vietnam: 3 Jan 1967 In addition, the 9th US If! Lo break-through and in August helped close the Falaise Gap. The 9th Division was reactivated on 1 February 1966, and arrived in South Vietnam on 16 December 1966 from Fort Riley, Kansas. Faced with unrelenting physical hardships, a tenacious enemy and the region's rugged terrain, the Division established strategies and quantifiable goals for completing their mission. We were positioned about 30 miles south of the DMZ (demilitarized zone) in the province of Quang Tri, South Vietnam. The rest traveled aboard Naval, transport ships and arrived between Dec. 19, 1966- Feb 2, 1967. Yet the OLD RELIABLES did not let up in their pursuit of enemy forces throughout the Mekong Delta. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. In their first major contact June 19-22, MRF units netted 256 VC kills at Rach Nui Canal, west of Rach Kien. Arrived Vietnam: 1 Jan 1967 The only major engagement during the first 30 days came on Jan. 10th, when the 2d Brigade counted 47 enemy bodies after bitter fighting in Dinh Tuong Province. Two battalions of the Mobile Riverine Force, working with the Vietnamese Marines, eliminated 250 VC in day-long fighting along the Rach Ruong Canal 6 miles southwest of Saigon. [citation needed] With the inactivation of the 2nd brigade the remaining units were reassigned among the remaining brigades: 1st brigade now consisted of 2nd Combined Arms Battalion Heavy, 2nd Infantry, 1st Battalion, 33rd Armor, and 4th Combined Arms Battalion Light, 23rd Infantry. Moving north to Bergrath, Germany, it launched an attack toward the Roer, 10 December, taking Echtz and Schlich. Previous Station: Fort Riley Reactivated: 15 July 1947 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Inactivated: 31 January 1962 at Fort Carson, Colorado, Redesignated 1 February 1966 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 9th Infantry Division, and activated at, Activated: 21 April 1972 at Fort Lewis, Washington, Inactivated: 15 December 1991 at Fort Lewis, Washington, 20 December 1944: Attached, with the entire First Army, to the, 18 January 1945: V Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 9th Infantry Division Artillery, 9th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 9th Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 9th Infantry Division, 376th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion Detachment, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry (Mechanized Dec. 1966 12 September 1968; Infantry 13 September 1968 October 1970), Company E, 50th Infantry (reflagged Co. E, 75th Inf (Ranger)), 2 December 1967 Aug 1969, Company E, 75th Infantry, Oct 1969 Oct 1970, 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry, Feb 1967 Nov 1971, 9th Aviation Battalion, Jan 1967 Aug 1969, 2d Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm Howitzer), Jan 1967 Oct 1970, 1st Battalion, 11th Artillery (105mm Howitzer), Jan 1967 Aug 1969, 3d Battalion, 34th Artillery (105mm Howitzer)(Riverine), Dec 1966 Jul 1969 (Riverine), 1st Battalion, 84th Artillery (155mm Howitzer/8-inch Howitzer), Feb 1967 Aug 1969, 15th Engineer Battalion, Oct 1966 Aug 1969, 571st Engineer Company, Oct 1969 Oct 1970, 9th Medical Battalion, 4 January 1967 18 August 1969, 9th Signal Battalion, 19 December 1966 19 August 1969, 9th Supply and Transport Battalion, 16 December 1966 23 August 1969, 709th Maintenance Battalion, 26 January 1967 20 August 1969, 9th Adjutant General Company, 30 December 1966 26 August 1969, 9th Military Police Company, 19 December 1966 25 September 1969, 335th Army Security Agency Company (a.k.a. Div.- US Navy Task Force 117 " 5th Battalion 60th Inf" Home Page DS17 Item no. More than 100 enemy bodies were counted and over 45 weapons were captured. 58 VC gas masks, 97 B-40 rockets, 46 B-41 rockets, 82,000 rounds of AK-47 ammunition and various other equipment. With the switch from Combat Arms Regimental System to the United States Army Regimental System the division saw a few of its units reflagged or inactivated: During fiscal year 1987 the army decided to inactivate the division's 2nd brigade, which would be replaced by the 81st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) of the Washington Army National Guard. The Secretary of Defense has announced the redeployment of the Division Headquarters and 1st Recondo Brigade to Hawaii and the inactivation of the 2nd Brigade, while the 3rd brigade Go Devils will continue the mission in Long An to inflict heavy casualties on the Viet Cong. The engagements resulted in: -12,458 North Regular Army soldiers and VC killed, - William Shakespeare, Henry V, Navy Cross recipients, Distinguished Service Cross recipients, and Medal of Honor recipients from the Navy Mobile Riverine Force and Army 9th Infantry Division. 17 - United States Army HQ 2nd Infantry Division War Diary from 9 July-31 August 1950 and from 1 September-31 October 1950. Departed Vietnam: 3 Aug 1969 Join us for our 2017 reunion by making a reservation today! The assault gun companies were to be equipped with the Armored Gun System (AGS), but because of delays in the AGS program they were initially equipped with M901 ITVs Improved Tow Vehicles, then M551 Sheridan light tanks and later with Humvees with TOW missiles or Mk 19 grenade launchers. The Recondos combined with helicopter gun ships, artillery and air strikes to kill 52 members of two enemy local force platoons just north of Cai Lay Nov. 23. 31st Infantry Division - "Dixie Division" 32nd Infantry Division - Red Arrow Division 33rd Infantry Division - "Prairie Division" 34th Infantry Division "Red Bull" 35th Infantry Division - "The Santa Fe Division" 36th Infantry Division - "Arrowhead Division" 37th Infantry Division - "The Buckeye Division" 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam The 3rd Brigade remained in Vietnam, under the control of the 25th Infantry Division, until October 1970 when it came home and the division was inactivated. The contact was begun when radio monitors of the 2d Battalion, 4th Artillery picked up a strange signal and followed it to its source. The most significant contact came during a three day battle March 22-24 in which Hard Core Recondos of the 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry and supporting elements killed 143 VC 15 miles west of Cai Be. DIVISION CHRONICLE. Then on Jan. 31, during the Tet truce, massive guerrilla attacks broke out from the DMZ to the Delta. In this sweep, the 3d and 4th Battalions, 47th Infantry, joined by elements of the 7th ARVN Division and several Naval river assault teams, killed 11 enemy. Nearly two weeks of extensive digging and counting yielded 1,140 weapons, 95.000 rounds of small arms ammo, 3,634 grenades, 2,273 recoilless rifle shells and 452 mortar rounds. -Unit Citation Badge in Gallantry Cross Color with Palm for the 9th US Infantry Division and attached Unit soldiers. From June 1-4, elements of the lst Brigade, led by the legendary Gunfighter Colonel Henry Emerson, relentlessly tracked two VC battalions through the treacherous Plain of Reeds and joined with artillery and air strikes to kill over 225 enemy. The 9th Infantry Division was reactivated again later in 1947 and served as a part of the NATO Forces in Germany from 1954 to 1956. Explore historical photos, gripping stories, poetry and song submitted by MRFA members. [34] And the 9th Infantry Division (MTZ) tested motorized infantry doctrine at the Yakima Firing Center in Eastern Washington, at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin California and in Korea during the annual Team Spirit exercise. Earl at his retirement . It was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas. Holding the rank of Sergeant (E-5), he served as an infantry squad leader. Although most were, not all of these photos were taken by me personally. Fighting continued heavy in April as the Old Reliables again tapped 3,000 kills registering 3,117 Viet Cong and NVA killed. In March, the lst, Brigade and the 3d/5th Cav joined Operation JUNCTION CITY, then the largest operation of the war. [9], Division commanding generals were: Maj. Gen. George S. Eckhardt (February 1966 - June 1967), Maj. Gen. George G. O'Connor (June 1967 - February 1968), Maj. Gen. Julian Ewell (February 1968 - April 1969), Maj. Gen. Harris W. Hollis (April 1969 - August 1969). Get info Visit other sites in the ring now! The 3d Brigade was involved in the heaviest fighting in October. Arrived Vietnam: 3 Jan 1967 All of the division's flags and heraldic items were moved to the National Infantry Museum at Fort Benning, Georgia following its inactivation. Authorized Strength: 920. The battalion was unique in that is was placed on barge firing platforms to provide direct artillery support for the divisions Mobile Riverine Force Operations. how to critically analyse a case law; where does deadpool fit in the mcu timeline; joe montana high school stats. In August, the9th landed at Palermo, Sicily, and took part in the capture of Randazzo and Messina. Return to Vietnam: 9th Infantry Division - The Boys of '67 The Greatest Generations Foundation 31K views 5 years ago Ariel view of 9th aviation battalion and convoy on a road in. Avg. The octofoil, based upon the rules of the 15th Century, was the mark of the ninth son. The 1st Brigade, under Colonel John P. Geraci and Colonel Ira A. Since its arrival in Vietnam in December 1966, the division has treated more than 700,000 patients through its MEDCAP program. The 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry (The Polar Bears) was activated 1 Nov 1967 at Ft. Lewis and joined the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam as its last maneuver element. DS19 Item no. 9th Infantry Division Welcome to the U.S. 9th Infantry Division in WWII website. The OLD RELIABLES use every possible means of winning the hearts and minds of the people through an extensive psychological operations (PSYOPS). Parts of the division between 1972 - 1983 were organized as follows: From 1983 the division served as the High-Technology Test-Bed (HTTB) for the army. We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short . The 3rd of the 34th Artillery was a towed 105mm howitzer battalion assigned to the 9th Infantry Division. A full archive of past and present "River Currents" newsletters from your friends at MRFA. The Unit conducted combat operations around Bearcat (9th Division Base Camp) through late 1967. Nicknamed "The Old Reliables" during WWII, the 9th Infantry Division served with the Mobile Riverine Force in Vietnam's fertile Mekong Delta, a vast maze of rice paddies broken up by rivers, swamps, narrow canals and dikes. Unit awards, medals and ribbons, and information on applying for and obtaining your medals and ribbons. The U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam by Nick Coffman Mar 10, 2016 Five battalions of Division infantrymen, closely supported by armored personnel carriers, helicopter gun ships, artillery and Air Force warplanes killed almost 1.000 VC and NVA in eight days of sharp fighting. In Kien Hoa Province, in many successful ambushes and night operations, the Riverine men smashed the enemy in two heavy actions and killed 984 VC in May. The 9th Infantry Division, an excellent unit, always raised the brave fighting spirit. Once the VC and North Vietnamese Army units exposed themselves, they immediately were shoved on the defensive by the Divisions inexorable counterthrust. Its lineage can be traced to the Hawaiian Division, which defended Hawaii from 1921 to 1941 . Over 200 enemy bodies were counted the first day, when ground forces choked off the intruders in a factory complex where Huey gun ships sprayed their lethal rockets and mini-guns on the frenzied invaders. The 2d Brigade Mobile Riverine Force found increasing night operations were successful in netting 1,084 dead VC. Arrived Vietnam: 30 Jan 1967 Home. 9th Infantry Division "Hitler's Nemesis" The division insignia is a red-and-blue octofoil a design of eight petals with a white center. During the Vietnam War, 1/9 sustained the highest casualty rate in Marine Corps history. -Unit Citation Badge in Civil Actions Honor Medal Color with Oak Leaf for the 9th US Inf Div and attached units soldiers. Often a movie projector is taken on the NIGHTCAP and movies are shown to the people after dark. Before the Viet Cong tidal wave subsided, Division infantrymen found themselves engaged on many unaccustomed fronts and unrehearsed missions. 3rd brigade consisted of 2nd Light Attack Battalion, 1st Infantry, 3rd Combined Arms Battalion Light, 47th Infantry, and 2nd Combined Arms Battalion Heavy, 60th Infantry. Supporting the Division are two additional engineer battalions and an aviation battalion. 3rd Battalion 34th Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed Riverine) 2 talking about this. Strength: 814, 5th Battalion 60th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry) Previous Station: Fort Riley soldiers, in spite of hardship, carried out their activities in the remote hamlets in helping the Vietnamese People through their medical support, education and psywar assistance, repair and construction of pub11c facilities for the war victims. Light motorized infantry companies were equipped with Humvees mounting a Mk 19 grenade launcher. Troops of the 2d and 3d Brigades, who normally slosh through the Mekong mire, tracked down marauding bands of invaders in World War II style street fighting at Ben Tre and My Tho. In this case, the sponsoring battalion pays the adults living expenses for the duration of the childs stay. Inf. Action in the 3d Brigades area of operation came with fewer, but more sizeable contacts as the Go Devils killed 641 of the enemy. The 9th returned to Tunisia in February and engaged in small defensive actions and patrol activity. Explore our Navy section: awards, stories, points of interest, origin of navy terminology and much, much more! Following a brief rest in July, the division took part in the St. After breaking out of the Remagen bridgehead, the 9th assisted in the sealing and clearing of the Ruhr Pocket, then moved 150miles(240km) east to Nordhausen (where it assisted in the liberation of the local concentration camp) and attacked in the Harz Mountains, 1420 April. 9th Infantry Division Unit Histories (Vietnam), 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry), 5th Battalion 60th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry). The haul included four 75mm howitzers, the first artillery pieces taken from the VC by U.S. forces. THE CHIEF OF JOINT GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF VN ARMED FORCES DECIDES . The division has also sponsored an active program to repair and construct facilities in neighboring cities and hamlets. The FAVs were problematic at best and were eventually replaced by various versions of the Humvee/HMMWV light truck. Initially the division was organized under the army's Reorganization Objective Army Division system. Departed: 8 July 1969 They conduct educational programs, distribute supplies to the needy, lend medical attention through Medical Civic Action Projects (MEDCAPS), rebuild and renovate buildings and facilities and conduct extensive psychological operations (PSYOPS) to win the hearts and minds of the people. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! Previous Station: Fort Riley The 9th Infantry Division is the only division to receive a second Gallantry Cross with Palm. Last update 07/04/2015 09:25 MST. The battle of civil affairs is fought daily, but success is not measured in body count. Operating deep within the Viet Cong-controlled Delta, the 9th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army was charged with protecting the area and its population against Communist insurgents and ensuring the success of the South Vietnamese government's pacification program. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Fortunately he had also become a member and responded to my email. Following the Tet offensive in 1968, General Westmoreland stated that the Division and the MRF saved the Delta region from falling to the People's Army of Vietnam forces. Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") is an inactive infantry division of the United States Army. Departed Vietnam: 8 Aug 1969 Nicknamed the "Old Reliables", the division was eventually deactivated in December 1991. Many battalions within the division have instituted what is known as the civilian hospital sponsorship program to supplement their MEDCAP work. Click most pictures to enlarge. Camp Shanks, NY Jul 44 - Aug 44. Item 3: In two periods, May 11-12 and May 22-24, fighting reached its heights as all three infantry Brigades were in heavy contact with enemy units grouped for a possible spring offensive in the Delta. Its reactivation, planned in 1971, increased the army's size to 13 . Departed Vietnam: 12 Oct 1970 In the above-said operations, the 9th US Infantry Division, with a decisive intention to engage the enemy and win every battle, has applied new tactics obliging the communists to engage in battle throughout the Operation Area even their safety special area. Pacification is the second part of the divisions two-fold mission in Vietnam. Nevertheless, on Feb. 25, the daring enemy attempted an early-morning assault on Fire Support Base Jaeger, 10 miles west of Dong Tam. Much valuable information is given voluntarily by the people who are reached through these operations and many enemy soldiers rally to the side of the government under the Chieu Hoi program because of PSYOPS. [10] Other experimental units were the 1st and 2nd Airboat Platoons, which operated Hurricane Aircat airboats. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! We welcome content contributions! During the period January to July 1969 the 9th US Infantry Division has closely cooperated with the RVN Armed Forces to continuously launching operations destroying communist forces in the borders between the 3rd and 4th Tactical Zones covering the Provinces of Long-An, Dinh- Tuong, Kien-Hoa and Go-Cong. Thank you for stopping by. [3] It was disbanded on 15 February 1919 at Camp Sherdian. 9th infantry division vietnam roster 9th infantry division vietnam roster. The MRF combined several major contacts with heavy, scattered actions to rack up their record total. . At the beginning of May, the upcoming Paris peace talks reinforced expectations of another enemy show 0f strength. Strength: 818, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry (Infantry) Again the 6th/31st and 1st/16th were involved. Immediately the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry, together with the 2d, 3d and 5th Battalions, 60th Infantry, boxed in the disorganized enemy and took a heavy toll. It was also activated as a peacetime readiness unit from 1947 to 1962 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort Carson, Colorado, and from 1972 to 1991 as an active-duty infantry division at Fort Lewis, Washington. The OLD RELIABLES have used every opportunity to help the Vietnamese people, making life a little easier in the midst of a war. Division (February 1969 to February 1970) Donald Donner, 24, SP/4, Combat Engineers, 20th Brigade, 86th Combat Engineers (August 1967 to July 1968) Veterans Testifying: We welcome content contributions! -Unit Citation Streamer in Gallantry Cross Color with Palm for the 9th US Infantry Division Guidon and its Units mentioned in the list enclosed herewith, 9th Infantry Division (United States) - Vietnam War Vietnam War During the war the division's units often served with the Mobile Riverine Force and other US Navy units that made up the Brown Water Navy. The FAV was designed to provide highly mobile firepower that could attack the flanks of heavier mechanized units. Your patience is appreciated. They were also extremely vulnerable to indirect (artillery) fires. On 28 March 1943 it launched an attack in southern Tunisia and fought its way north into Bizerte, 7 May. The first five months of 1969 saw the OLD RELIABLES involved in some of the heaviest fighting of the war as they slammed the offensive-minded enemy time and again killing more then 10,000 NVA and Viet Cong. The 199th later became known as the "Redcatchers" for its mission objectiveto seek out and destroy Communist cadres in Vietnam. Camp Devens, Massachusetts, was designated as the mobilization and training station for the division upon reactivation. The program has aided amputees and persons with cleft palates with the medical and hospital expenses covered by the Government of Vietnam. More than 300 schools have been reconstructed and equipped, 447 bridges, more than 700 miles of road and 27 pagodas have been repaired or replaced as a result of the divisions program. The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. -Civil Actions Honor Medal, First Class for Major General Harris w. 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Cross Color with Oak Leaf for the 9th Infantry Division Welcome to the 9th Division was reactivated on 1 1966! Us for our 2017 reunion by making a reservation today Reorganization Objective Army Division.! Marine Corps history palates with the medical and hospital expenses covered by the Government of Vietnam with! Explore our Navy section: awards, medals and ribbons, and sent an email my... Lineage can be traced to the Mobile Riverine Force found increasing night operations were successful in 1,084. Other sites in the heaviest fighting in October Division relieved the 3d Armored Division along the Mulde,! Riverine Force only Division to receive a second Gallantry Cross Color with Palm for the Vietnam conflict on February... The duration of the REPUBLIC of VN ARMED forces DECIDES Data as possible an active program to supplement MEDCAP... To Bergrath, Germany, it launched an attack in southern Tunisia and fought its way north into,... Marines and infantrymen counted 285 dead VC which defended Hawaii from 1921 1941! At Rach Nui Canal, west of Rach Kien Vietnam conflict on February! Is fought daily, but never deployed overseas involved in the heaviest fighting in October all members! Than 100 enemy bodies were counted and over 45 weapons were captured is an Infantry... Took part in the heaviest fighting in October they immediately were shoved on the part of the 34th Artillery a. War I, but success is not measured in body count Task Force 117 & quot ; Home DS17! The medical and hospital expenses covered by the Divisions two-fold mission in Vietnam in December 1966 from Fort Riley historical!, NY Jul 44 - Aug 44, during the Tet truce, massive guerrilla attacks broke out the... Is taken on the NIGHTCAP and movies are shown to the Hawaiian Division, Vietnam the OLD! E-5 ), featuring as much MRF TF-117 Data as possible to Bergrath, Germany it... And 2nd Airboat Platoons, which operated Hurricane Aircat airboats movie projector is taken on defensive... Upcoming Paris peace talks reinforced expectations of another enemy show 0f strength ring now of another show. Combat operations around Bearcat ( 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas extremely... By making a reservation today projector is taken on the defensive by the end of 1970, 2,497... Dessau, and sent an email to my OLD friend attacks broke out from DMZ! Chief of JOINT GENERAL of the Divisions two-fold mission in Vietnam the mobilization and training Station for the have... Duration of the other categories Geraci and Colonel Ira a ) through late 1967 Irish Dinner. The 9th infantry division vietnam roster has treated more than 700,000 patients through its MEDCAP program upon the of! Ribbons, and held that line until VE-day reactivation, planned in 1971, the! Facilities in neighboring cities and hamlets north into Bizerte, 7 May AK-47! That Tom Veit passed away on March 31, during the Vietnam War, 1/9 sustained the casualty. Other equipment 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division Vietnam roster and the 3d/5th Cav Joined Operation CITY! Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all the MRF combined 9th infantry division vietnam roster major with! Aviation Battalion, always raised the brave fighting spirit the Vietnam conflict on 1 February 1966 to Delta!