This trend may be exacerbated in the case of referendums on complex issues such as constitutional change or international treaties, with which voters are likely to be unfamiliar. First Past the Post does not give equal voting power across the UK. Although, other laws may be incorporated into it by reference in its provisions. Ok, let me say Im extremely satisfy with the result while it was a last minute thing. However, experts in Switzerland (where a number of direct democracy votes take place each year) believe that, although turnout at referendums is around 45%, more than 45% of electors participate in direct democracy, since different voters participate in the different votes that interest them. Referendums can undermine representative democracy. Investigating any wrongdoing relating to the referendum. Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, Advantages and Disadvantages of Referendums, Society is more likely to accept the decision. Is a vote in which the electorate can express a view on a particular issue of public policy. On the Leave side, however, the EU became a handy scapegoat for a wide range of socio-economic issues with a number of causes. Currently, Scotland is in political union with three other countries, (formerly a country, a principality, and a province). Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. A referendum is a vote provided to the general public which is determined by the federal government, and is used to help answer a crucial political or constitutional concern to which the public need to vote a simple yes or no. Political pressure. This makes them especially vulnerable to producing decisions based on false information and/or unrealistic beliefs about what alternatives are possible - often stoked by opportunistic actors within the political system. For example, Good Friday Agreement . (04 May 2017), Comparative examples of rules and procedures applying to by-elections There have been a number of referendums in the UK: For what reasons might referendums be held? The parties stances on Brexit have also had electoral consequences, not least the weakening of Labours traditional working class support in some areas. resolve issues which government and individual parties are unlikely to be able to resolve easily. Referendums can often be hijacked by other issues. Several arguments are advanced in support of and in opposition to referendums. The chaos seen after the Brexit Referendum result can in part be attributed to the failure to adequately plan for both potential scenarios. Referendums are limited if the potential outcomes are not prepared for. They are currently taking the UK Government to the Supreme Court over the refusal of Westminster to countenance a second independence referendum. Referendums spread power. Is the Prime Minister Effectively a President? Being able to campaign in an affirmative way has clear psephological benefits. Executives and legislatures, in their bid to out do the other, have utilized the referendum to secure their political goals. Indeed, thats how I put it to my fellow European leaders: this is my strategy for keeping Britain in Europe. This is another disadvantage associated with holding referendums in the UK as voters may lose interest in politics. In reality, this almost always means that the Westminster Government will have to agree to it too. CHAPTER 1: Introduction. Some of these include: To gain legitimacy for an important political or constitutional decision When controversial political or constitutional decisions need to be made it is useful for representatives to get the direct consent of the electorate. In addition the UK federal government secured the permission of the individuals of Northern Ireland for a new devolved assembly in the province in 1998. Primary Legislation Legislation passed having gone through the different stages in Parliament. There is therefore a danger of neverendums. It is worth noting that in terms of overall population that only 37% of the UK adult population actually voted for Brexit. They have a number of important roles in regard to referendums. Referendums can settle long-standing and controversial issues. Several arguments are advanced in support of and in opposition to referendums. Responsive government - referendums make governments more responsive between elections by forcing them to listen to public opinion, and allow public opinion to be expressed on a particular issue, which cannot be done during elections. Subsequent events showed that there was a wide dispersity of views on how Britain should leave the EU and what leaving even meant. A post-legislative referendum This is a referendum held after a law is passed to confirm whether people are satisfied with it. The Scottish referendum on independence had a very high turnout and high levels of popular engagement in the debates. Technically, because of parliamentary sovereignty, all referendums in the UK are advisory. Reserved Power Powers that are kept by the Westminster Government and not devolved, for example Defence. Interestingly, the SNP have threatened themselves to hold an unofficial referendum over Scottish Independence. Unreliable views - referendums provide a gauge of public opinion at a given time, therefore being an unreliable guide to public interest and an inappropriate means of approving constitutional decisions that will have far-reaching, long-term implications. 5. The question is usually designed to receive a 'yes' or 'no' answer. It highlighted some advantages and disadvantages of putting decisions directly in the hands of citizens. Referendums give power to uneducated voters. Referendums are the purest form of democracy as it is entirely up to the people to decide. Similarly, in the period following the collapse of the Soviet Union there was an explosion in . What are the different types of referendums? This led MPs into conflict with their own constituencies and having to deliver on a mandate they had been given that they didnt agree with. It provides a level of political support for difficult decisions. Why is the Brexit Referendum a good case study of some of the issues with Referendums? This suggests that referendums are not always a true representation of what the public wants an outcome to be. A referendum is a popular vote on a single issue. This would create a de facto advisory referendum in Scotland, although completely unofficially. It was a protest against . A PowerPoint illustrating how referendums are used in the UK, and what their advantages are. To install StudyMoose App tap Explain the Benefits and Downsides of using Referendums in the UK? 10 reasons against Scottish independence. Referendums can be a check on "elective dictatorships" during a government's 5 years span. There was a political imperative for this as if the Government had planned for a leave vote it would have been portrayed that they did not think they could win. Referendums allow the people to participate in politics. There has been a significant reduction in the cost of fibre optic cable installation in recent years, but it still involves a much higher tariff than copper cable. In most elections this does not happen (especially under a proportional system) however in a referendum there is one winning side and one losing side. Another is that voters do not always have the capacity or information to make informed decisions about the issue at stake, and instead may make ill-informed decisions based on partial knowledge or on the basis of unrelated factors such as the state of the economy. Among the technology community, Brexit will make London lose its position as the most preferred Fintech hub in the world; the view of many venture capitalists and startups. Referendums in a direct democracy give the general public direct and unmediated control over government decision-making. In November 2009, the Committee began an inquiry into "the role of referendums in the UK's constitutional experience". Constitutional changes - it is appropriate that constitutional changes be approved by public referendum, as they affect the way the country is governed, so are more important than ordinary laws. Famously, the MP for the leave voting Sedgefield, Phil Wilson said: I was brought up in a coal mining community, the son of a miner. In fact, until 1975 there had not been a single nationwide referendum on any political issue. Included among those shocked was, apparently, the Nobel Peace Prize committee, which had prematurely rewarded president Santos with its 2016 prize. The creation of devolved governments was a huge constitutional change that took powers away from the UK Parliament. First described in 1988 1, the number needed to treat (NNT) can be thought of as the number of patients that need to be treated in order for one to benefit.It provides an attractive means of summarising the results of a clinical trial in a single figure, because . and then Add to Home Screen. The issue realistically has to be broken into a binary question. . However, there was little discussion on what leaving would mean and how Britain might leave the EU. Politicians spend time becoming expert about political issues. We address the challenges facing society and the economy, from shedding light on the refugee crisis, to character education in schools, through to developing leaders in the NHS. Referendums can settle long-standing and controversial issues once and for all. They are used to decide on a particular policy proposal, often of constitutional significance. First, many Fintech firms rely on rolling out services and products across Europe. An example of this the Scottish referendum 2014, which saw 55% of the Scottish people vote no to independence. Referendums give an equal say to every voter. Referendums can challenge parliamentary sovereignty and representative democracy. These include: Before the 2016 EU Referendum the question David Cameron preferred was should the UK remain a member of the EU?. In conclusion, there are various disadvantages and advantages to discuss when looking at referendums in the UK. At elections, voters elected representatives to take difficult decisions on their behalf. To this end, the alternatives that are likely to fit best to the sides' interests will be . There are three primary reasons why one might consider referendums a good idea. Unless Nicola Sturgeon has been conducted the poorest bluff in political history, it seems that Scotland is once again set for a referendum on independence. (21 Mar 2011), Ballot paper design for multiple elections This led to the EEC Referendum in 1975 in which 67.2% of voters chose to remain in the EEC. The ultimate role of the whole population in deciding whether the deal sticks can be important in prodding elites, otherwise comfortable and secure in their factional power, to do the harder work of engaging with the bigger political picture. Citizens are protected from an over-powerful government. prevent government from making unpopular decisions. Second, in the cases of difficult negotiations over a peace settlement in societies afflicted by years of civil conflict, the prospect of a popular vote on the final deal concentrates the minds of those negotiating on coming up proposals that can be politically sustained. Possible Constraints on a Prime Ministers Power. The Scottish referendum can be seen to have benefited David Cameron as Gordon Brown promised to give Scotland and its own parliament and powers if they voted no, increasing the pressure on Ed Miliband to come through with those promises. I believe this strategy was the most likely way to keep Britain in the EU. It is important to note that David Cameron would say that he held the EU Referendum in order to settle a long-standing constitutional issue. Across the breadth of life and environmental sciences, we discover, apply and translate science to forge major advances in human and environmental health. They are particularly good with Social Law reform, Ireland has used them to good effect here. The Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014 and the Brexit Referendum of 2016 are examples of this. In the UK, there is a system of representative democracy called "liberal democracy" - in which the people vote for a government through regular elections with secret ballots and a choice of candidates. Sometimes an MP can be elected on a vote as low as only . 5. 2) What are the main a) advantages and b) disadvantages for the UK of an uncodified constitution? In the 2015 General Election UKIP won 12.6% of the votes, taking many votes away from the Conservatives. (15 Jun 2015), Direct Democratic Elections in Lebanon - How to Get There Also, the government determine when to hold a referendum and could be done to suit their own needs. It was right for us to have our say on that deal, and on our membership more broadly. The contribute demonstrate in eleven main reasons why the turnout requirement should be abolished: the vote should be free and decisive, meaning that citizens who participate in a referendum . For example, the Scottish Independent Referendum in 2014 allowed for a robust debate about that issue and was, in the words of then SNP Leader Alex Salmond a once in a generation vote. Dr Adam Quinn, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, Referendum campaigns themselves can be savagely divisive, especially when the prospect of a narrow victory tempts campaigners to use every argument at their disposal. In fact, until 1975 there had not been a single nationwide referendum on any political issue. This makes it different to an election, where the electorate vote for a representative, and where the result might change the government. Brexit involves the process of negotiating new trade deals, citizen registration rules, borders, etc. Referendums in the United Kingdom. Representative Democracy (also called indirect democracy) - is where citizens choose others to represent them, making important decisions on their behalf. Disadvantages of FPTP Minority of the vote : In most constituencies more people (in total) vote against the winning candidate than for them. Advantages and disadvantages of the referendum instrument. The pound depreciation as an aftereffect of Brexit. If concessions need to be made to those who committed crimes during a conflict, or if a course will impose severe economic costs, or if a divisive point principle is at issue, endorsement by direct popular vote will likely aid political stability, and also bind not just the present government, but those that follow it. In the 2015 General Election UKIP had won 3.8 million votes (12.6%) but had only secured one seat in Parliament. The referendum was a rare example of direct, or participatory, democracy in the UK. There is also an argument that governments . The levels of populism were a key criticism of the EU referendum in 2016 where both sides were accused of poor campaigning and misuse of facts and figures. However, realistically most are politically binding. Seats where one party regularly scores more than 50 per cent of the vote (210 seats . P1.2-Generating Electricity. Brexit was . Referenda can unite a divided party. In this referendum 16-year-olds could vote. Infamously, on the morning following the EU Referendum in 2016 the second most googled term in Britain was What was the EU?. , How would you react if Brexit was CANCELLED! Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they enable the public that are over 18 to approve or disprove important . Not every member of the public will be interested in politics or in fact have a clear understanding of the political system in Britain and this could affect the voters outcome. They would point to factors such as: It settled an issue that had been contentious for a generation. This was more than a protest against the career opportunities that never knock and the affordable homes that never get built. Advantages. AV would end safe seats for life. Governments often choose to hold referendums for their own political purposes, rather than the public good. Whilst they are an example of direct democracy and put power in the hands of voters, there are a number of arguments to suggest that their operation should be limited and that they do more harm than good to British politics. Indeed, the average majority since 1945 has been 58.4 seats. Society is more likely to accept the decision - if the people have demonstrated their expressed consent they are more likely to agree with the resulting policies and allowing stable government of the people. Political education - by widening debate on an issue, referendums create a better educated electorate, who have a stronger incentive to think and act politically. (03 Mar 2014), Electoral reforms made by specific assemblies However, there are a number of arguments that can be made to suggest that Brexit was an unsatisfactory exercise in democracy in the UK: There is a clear argument to be made that the question for the Brexit Referendum was simply not one that could be answered in a single referendum. An example of a one being used for this function is the 1998 referendum which was utilized to identify whether Blair and the Labour Party should devolve power to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. There are a number of potential strengths of holding referendums within the UK political system: It can be argued that referendums provide a check on the power of the government in the UK, something that is often referred to as the elective dictatorship. Brexit is the abbreviation of "Britain Exit," which refers to the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Brexit was . In 2007 the SNP won the Scottish Election and did so again in 2011. Tyranny of the Majority A situation in which power over a decision is given solely to the group in the majority. There is also an argument that governments . Referendums are a direct vote by citizens on a political issue. There are fundamentally three different types of referendum: An advisory referendum This is a referendum which allows citizens to express their opinion, but it is not binding on the government hence being called advisory. A core purpose of referendums is to engage those with relatively low information about the issues, which is to say the general population, in the choice. Moreover in most of these cases it . Depending on the precise rules adopted, referendums and initiatives It creates considerable constitutional uncertainty, but also an opportunity. Another argument for direct democracy being used more widely in the UK is that it prevents the government and MPs making extremely unpopular decisions . Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Under First Past the Post the government often has a very large majority. Furthering this point, the public may be easily influenced by campaigns of newspapers, notable tabloids, or by wealthy vested interests who can afford to spend large amounts of money on a campaign. -gives more legitimacy that just a simple act of parliament. Referendums are an example of direct democracy, whereas elections are a form of representative democracy. With the SNP winning two successive elections, it appeared there may be a mandate from the public for Scotland to become independent and it was agreed this should be tested in a referendum. Advantages. Direct democracy mechanisms have been adopted, in part, to counteract these tendencies. Then, in October, Colombians shocked the world as the narrowest of majorities, 50.2% on a 38% turnout, voted to reject a peace deal negotiated between the government and the leftist guerrillas of the FARC to end its 52-year civil conflict. The older term for a referendum is a PLEBISCITE . A pre-legislative referendum This is a referendum held before a law is passed and one for which a future potential law passed will depend on the result of the referendum. They are an example of direct democracy and contrast with the representative democracy that usually dominates politics in liberal democracies. The advantages and disadvantages of different electrical energy sources. (10 Jul 2012), Advantages and disadvantages of sub-municipal wards They differ from elections- an election fills an office (so does not directly affect policy), whereas referendums do directly affect policy. (23 Jul 2013), Changes to electoral systems/voting from abroad? David Cameron undoubtedly promised (at least in part) to hold a referendum to ease the pressure on his party from the right and thereby win back UKIP members into the Conservative fold. In fact, it is highly unlikely they would have signed the agreement without it. 5. Referendum campaigns engage national publics, often passive and sometimes actively excluded, in the business of political debate and decision-making. (25 Marks) A referendum (sometimes referred to as a plebiscite). These are referendums without a clear legal mandate and are often therefore very controversial. On Thursday 23 June 2016 a referendum was held in order to come to a decision if the UK should remain a member of EU and more than 30 million people have voted. For example, an individual might not understand the significance of their vote to a political question, and that it can have long term effects that they may not take into considerationwhilst voting. They can be seen as advantages for the democracy but also as disadvantages. Despite the result, the SNP has become even stronger electorally, culminating in the winning of 56 seats in the __2015 __election. 4. Unofficial Referendum A referendum that has no legal basis. They therefore become dominated by populism. This is unlike an unwritten constitution because a written constitution is contained in one single document. (2016, May 11). In his autobiography he said: I made the pledge (of holding a referendum) because I genuinely believed it was the right thing for Britain. One of the benefits of them is they take issues out of the party-political arena and allow voters to consider them directly. The results of referendums have had major consequences. However, although referendums are important for democracy, referendums could be seen to be too complicated for the public to understand. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently in the process of updating this chapter and we appreciate your patience whilst this is being completed. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. Schools helped with balanced political education over issue allowing them to be more informed. One of the major advantages of a written constitution is the fact that it can be easily consulted. Therefore, for an official referendum to be held, the Westminster Parliament have to agree to it. Reproduced by permission of International IDEA from Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook 2005 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance The electronic version of this publication is made available under a Creative Commons Attribute-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) licence. This suggests that referendums are not usually a true rendering of the particular public wants an result to be. 1. You are free to copy, distribute and transmit the publication, and to remix and adapt it, provided it is only for non-commercial purposes, that you appropriately attribute the publication and that you distribute it under an identical license. It could prove Britain's constitutional moment. Similarly, before the Scottish Independence Referendum the question was changed from a Yes/No question to the more neutral question of Should Scotland be an independent question?. Furthermore, if referendums are held too often, voter fatigue could occur. Furthermore, if referendums are placed too often, 'voter fatigue' may occur. What might be some of the weaknesses of referendums? This infers that they can help to entrench constitutional change in a system which has an uncodified, flexible constitution and enables the public to shape the path in which Britain is heading. (20 Dec 2011), Proportional Representation in Hong Kong Government . List of the Cons of Brexit. This can mean large portions of the electorate feel dismissed. As a result of the legitimacy that a direct vote bestows, they can have an enormous impact in settling controversial issues. This dramatic policy would not have had legitimacy if it was only agreed by politicians and not by citizens in Northern Ireland. In democracy it is generally seen that the ministers become corrupt and they favour their relatives and friends. Third, a referendum may be useful to ensure a broad base of political support for a controversial decision, and lock in a choice that will necessitate riding out unpopular consequences during the implementation. Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. See our A-Level Essay Example on The UK would benefit greatly from the wider use of referendums. Discuss., United Kingdom now at Marked By Teachers. Should UK adopt a written constitution considering advantages and disadvantages? For more information on this licence see: . Sometimes during referendums arguments can become distorted and emotionalised. This can be seen in how Boris Johnson tried to approach Brexit upon becoming PM in July 2019 when he was willing (or at least appeared to be willing) to risk a No-Deal Brexit in the name of representing the 52% of the UK who voted to leave. First is their intrinsic worth as an exercise in direct democracy. Referendums are overall a good tool for democracy, as they make constitutional decisions more legitimate and provide a check on government power, however they are vulnerable to ill-informed votes and may be an inadequate method of approving constitutional changes that will have a very large impact. The immediate aftermath of the referendum was a political shakeup. See all Physics resources See all Energy resources . They are an example of direct democracy and contrast with the representative democracy that usually dominates politics in liberal democracies. European Communities Act (1972) -The Act of Parliament that saw Britain join the EEC in 1973. This means that the public vote for a party and are unable to change anything once they are in power. Whilst 52% of voters opted to leave the EU in the referendum, around 60% of MPs wanted to remain. There are a variety of reasons that a referendum might be held. Opponents of referendums also argue that, if the executive has the power to determine when referendums are held, they can be used as a political tool to suit the needs of the governing party rather than the interests of democracy. 2. Appointing the official campaign groups for each side of the debate. (08 Aug 2008), Representation of women in Ukraine Once people have had a referendum on one issue, they begin to expect it for more issues even if that issue is not well suited to be settled by a referendum. Second, many technology firms rely on inventors from all . 5. A Second Referendum. Referendums are a direct vote by citizens on a political issue. A referendum is a vote given to the public which is determined by the government, and is used to help answer an important political or constitutional question to which the public must vote a simple 'yes' or 'no'. A really good example of this is the Alternative Vote Referendum in 2011. This therefore means that 45% of the public disagreed with this viewpoint. Referendums can be advisory (where the government does not have to implement the result), or binding (where the government is compelled to enact the result). Referendums allow for an individual issue to be addressed not as a broader part of party policies, but on the merits and drawbacks of it. 3. In fact, the Government had already tried to use a Referendum in 1973 to settle the Irish issue but it was boycotted by Republicans as they did not feel the settlement it addressed their issues. The Act's target was for UK emissions to be cut at least 60% by 2050, though the impact assessment also considered a 70% or 80% goal. 806 8067 22 And a province ) ) -The Act of Parliament that saw Britain join the EEC in 1973 Prize,! Interests will be UK as voters may lose interest in politics a long-standing issue... Scottish Election and did so again in 2011, let me say Im extremely satisfy with the while. It provides a level of political debate and decision-making - is where citizens choose others to represent them, important..., many Fintech firms rely on rolling out services and products across Europe part attributed... 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