[Maria Montessori] saw this students were bad. As schools and communities become more diverse, it becomes increasingly important for teachers to be well prepared for teaching and learning in cross-racial, cross-ethnic, and cross-cultural situations. lifelong advocator of children; exhaust all resources before deciding to hold a Were your schools expectations any different? My Relate your philosophy to current trends and theories, as this philosophy should guide your actions as an early childhood educator. Determine your purpose for writing a personal code of ethics. As you educate diverse children, talk about how you'll handle varied personalities, learning styles, special needs, and cultural diversity. List of Religious School Values. Culture shapes not only our values and beliefs, but also our gender roles, family structures, languages, dress, food, etiquette, approaches to disabilities, child-rearing practices, and even our expectations for childrens behavior. I believe that children benefit from practices that are grounded in research. Children are curious from infancy and have a desire to learn from their environment and those around them. For idealists, education is about learning these underlying ideas and concepts so that we can better understand the world around us. chairs and a rug for the children to read and sit on during quiet or free time; Connect with professionals in your community at conferences, networking events, advocacy efforts, leadership opportunities and more! Helping children to see themselves in your pedagogy, curriculum, environment, and materials enables them (and their families) to feel welcomed and valued. philosophy is if the administrators and teachers believe and exemplify this I We utilize existing community resources and serve children with typical peers in natural environments whenever possible. Follow these steps to create a personal code of ethics: 1. I have been awarded my CDA credential by the Council for Professional Recognition. Develop Your Personal Philosophy - Only $3.99. not available to me, such as learning and practicing everyday activities like cleaning And they begin to develop their self-concept (at least in part) from how others see them. I want to make a difference in their lives and prepare them for the road ahead. to ask questions or speak up in class, and I specifically remember her creative Children bring their own set of culturally based expectations, skills, talents, abilities, and values with them into the classroom. Only then can you give every child a fair chance to succeed. "Teaching young children is hard work" (Bredekamp 3). We do not compromise our values by being part of the moment. Outline your plan for involving parents and keeping lines of communication open with family members. The combination of your personal values, beliefs . This can guide your teaching style while also clarifying to parents and educators your individual approach to early childhood education. What we believe as educators will be tor reflects on his/her personal experiences, and how they measure against his or her views, values, and beliefs about what it means to teach and learn. I will observe young children ranging from three to five years old. Also when approaching exceptional circumstances, a teacher needs to At the heart of early childhood education are young children. Security and trust are very important components as well, of my relationship with each child. Establish your personal reasons for developing this code. Educating the Early Childhood Workforce for Equity, Capitalizing on Culture: Engaging Young Learners in Diverse Classrooms, Recognizing that self-awareness, humility, respect, and a willingness to learn are key to becoming a teacher who equitably and effectively supports all children and families, Developing a strong understanding of culture and diversity, Understanding that families are the primary context for childrens development and learning. What kinds of activities and opportunities do you think should be included in the environment to help all children learn to their full potential, regardless of their preferred learning style? thoughts. Her father, who had lost his hearing after suffering . They are beliefs and ideas that are specific to your specific . I seek ways to differentiate instruction and provide different teaching styles to reach students of all abilities and intelligence. Learning context will be widened, while maintaining a focus on the historical, social, geographic, economic and political changes that this subject area have been based on.Social studies refer to these actions as the study of interaction of the individual . work together as one in order to aid in a childs optimal development. For example, White European Americans tend to use implicit commands, such as, Johnny, can you please put the blocks away? Children raised in the White European American culture understand that they are being told to put away the blocks. Our values grow through experience and professional development. Learn about the collaborative initiative to advance a unified early childhood education profession. I believe the environment plays a major role in the success of an early childhood program. That placing emphasis on the social/emotional health of the child is of primary importance in developing a strong self-image as competent and capable human beings. The position statement reminds us that dominant social biases are rooted in the social, political, and economic structures of the United States. We build relationships with families through caring, encouragement and acceptance. Become a leader in your professional association. Articulate and defend your values and beliefs on leadership in the early childhood sector and your own practice as a leader, in line with your philosophy of teaching. Eugene, OR 97402 They also offer tips to help teachers address standards for early learning that are not sensitive to these cultural differences. During early childhood education children develop many different characteristics. this childs sense of work that morals and good values are developed. As a teacher I would use this same philosophy We provide educational services where children can be most successful. In planning my program I would strive for a developmentally appropriate, child-centred atmosphere where children have the opportunity to master new challenges through activities and topics that are meaningful to them, thus building their self-esteem as they develop and learn. My role as a teacher is to be a facilitator and provide enriching activities so that children are supported as they learn about their strengths and work on their weaknesses. As Children bring their own set of culturally based expectations, skills, talents, abilities, and values with them into the classroom. Philosophy of Early Childhood Essay 855 Words April 28th, 2019 - A personal philosophy of Early childhood Education My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a child's growth is developmental Every child is unique in terms of life experiences developmental readiness and cultural heritage As a teacher, I seek to guide children from needing assistance with a task to accomplishing a task independently by providing experiences that are challenging yet attainable for every child. In addition, I reassure you that I will not share the information collected outside of my course and that no identifying information will be shared. Culture also defines personal space, including how much space feels appropriate in the block area, at circle/meeting time, and in the dramatic play area. Gee (2008) suggests that one perspective of culture is of how each person learns ways of being in the world by using interactions, objects, tools, and language and that this is essential to shaping their sense of self. Discover practical tips and innovative ideas for preschool teachers in our award-winning magazine. What do you hope young children will become? and structure; treat each child fairly to ensure that all children feel equally I will respect and follow all the schools policies and procedures in a professional manner. Does this mean we are giving up our values? . Science research has proven that learning and mental development begins right after the child is born. By including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches, you are able to let your reader take a mental peek of your classroom. Equal is not the same as equitable. Its amazing that Value early childhood professionals (including monetarily) on a basis comparable to other educators for their contributions Bridge career opportunities with a common early childhood certification system. But research has shown that this artificial blindness keeps us from recognizing, acknowledging, and appreciating important differences. At the same time, color and culture help children learn about each other and the world. I believe a teacher should be well skilled and knowledgeable about assessments. Early Childhood CARES is affiliated with the College of Education, University of Oregon. I see each child as a unique individual with a great capacity to learn and able to make positive contributions to those around him or her. remained the same. This may assist parents in determining whether your approach to education aligns with their own values and whether the service is a good fit for their child. It is important for teachers to be well-versed in these theories because they shape the trends and standards of early childhood classrooms. Judy Sklar Rasminsky is a freelance writer who specializes in education and health. Children need to feel that their teacher cares for them and is enthusiastic about their learning. Early childhood studies is an established academic subject area benchmarked against the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) to produce a range of undergraduate courses in UK higher education. experiences with what was actually written and described about in the In this way, culture creates diversity. How does this relate to your basic beliefs about young children and learning? Differentiated instruction adapts content, products and processes to meet the diverse learning needs and preferences of students (Thousand, Villa, & Nevin, 2007). Explore jobs in theCareer Center and findhigher education and professional development opportunities. Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood They may not understand the rules, or they may be unable to communicate their needs in the schools language. Stay current on all things related to your professional association, from book releases to policy updates. These laws, whether set at the state or federal level, are important in ensuring children receive a fair and appropriate educational experience. Donate to help NAEYC advance a strong and dynamic early childhood profession and connect educators to cutting-edge resources. Early Childhood Education Journal, v33 n4 p217-222 Feb 2006 This article discusses the importance of helping preservice teachers develop a sense of self-awareness. Communicating Your Philosophy of Early Childhood Education to Staff & Parents. Learn about our work with governments and NGOs around the world to support young children and their teachers. Most importantly, recognizing In early childhood education, lessons should be prepared to meet childrens needs through the use exploratory play, guided discovery, problem solving, and critical thinking. Children who find themselves in an unfamiliar environmentsuch as a classroom that reflects a culture different from their home cultureare likely to feel confused, isolated, alienated, conflicted, and less competent because what theyve learned so far in their home culture simply doesnt apply. Our education and care service philosophies are a living document that reflect the knowledge, beliefs, and values of our educators. My goal as a teacher is to provide children with a rich environment where they feel safe to explore, initiate learning, and feel free to express themselves. colleagues, and administrators. She made me feel comfortable respect all children and their families cultures, ethnicities, race, beliefs, Webster says values are The value that a thing has in itself or for its own sake, or in its own right. Our values are with us and never leave us. and unique learning strategies and games. Yes, our values will change as we experience work and life. Describe how you handle any behavioural difficulties that arise in this part, as well as why you think your method will succeed. For more information, see the authors' website, challengingbehavior.com, and blog, childrenwithchallengingbehavior.com. Our choices create questions about our role as educators and tension about where we fit into our field. This product provides you with invaluable guidance and a wide range of ideas and prompts to get you on the way . It's a declaration of your values, which in turn guides your actions. The combination of your personal values, beliefs and attitudes are the moral principles that guide you in life and affect your behaviour. honest. As educators, we are members of the community. Interestingly, the students thanked me in Provide examples. These core values are the foundation that makes it possible for early childhood educators to move from personal values and beliefs to a shared understanding of the professional values held by everyone in the field. However, in the first grade his teacher held him Reflect: Refine statements of values and beliefs An example of one such course is a two-year early years foundation degree that might be endorsed by the early years sector and provide . Looking back at the history of early childhood education, who or what approaches have the greatest impression on you, and why? The early years of preschooler are one of the first places that the building blocks of learning are established for Early Childhood Education should provide the academic, social, and emotional basics to children. 168. Your culture and the childrens cultures arent the only cultures at work in your classroom. It's a one to two page narrative that conveys your core ideas about being an effective teacher in the context of your discipline. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the childs education process. area would have a big comfy chair for me to read and then small comfortable Also, teachers are trying to find the perfect way to deal with children with different type of behavior. You'll want to make sure you clearly outline how you'll address a variety of demands when writing your philosophy. 10. and then reading about the Montessori Method in my present graduate class. My personal philosophy coincides with her beliefs because it is through brother and I at one point attended two different schools, we werent as close Administrators and colleagues personal The aims of the study were 2-fold: to adapt and pilot a survey of music beliefs and values which might be implemented subsequently nationally in childcare settings; and, secondly, to identify the music beliefs and values held by early childhood and care educators concerning music in children's learning. Search an ECE degree directory, explore professional standards, and join our community of practice. This essay is my personal philosophy statement on early childhood education which represent my views on what should be done in the early childhood sector these include ;to impart fine morals and ideals in the children that I come into contact with, esteem each child and the families culture, beliefs, and race, make sure that the treatment I give to each child is fair to ensure that in each child the feeling of equality is developed, I will also have the community work with the families of the children and the educationists as a team, be a constant advocator of the kids, maintain an environment full of fun, interesting and still. reflected in the growth of each child. Classroom is a mini-society itself and teacher can also learn a lot of things about different culture and beliefs in a classroom from students. Take some time to express your thoughts about the job of an educator. Celebrate young children and their families with hands-on activities encouraging movement and healthy lifestyles through music, food, and art. My beliefs have By joining teachers, families, communities, and administrators together taught the fundamental values of sharing, caring, listening, trusting, and being Idealism. eat, and keeping a clean and orderly classroom. I will celebrate the benefits of diversity with each individual child and enable them to understand and acknowledge differences. Here are some examples of personal philosophies: I believe that each child is an individual and as an educator, I will value and develop each child's strengths, interests, skills, abilities and knowledge to extend their learning. To conclude, a reflection of personal beliefs and values will occur with reference to the contemporary issues of childhood discussed in this essay, and a brief summary of the essay will be provided. What are your thoughts on how youngsters learn best? As a teacher, I seek to form close relationships with each child under my care, and their families. We can choose to make our values about others, or we can blend our values into our experience at the moment. In fact, some languages have no words for I, me, or mine. These family beliefs define what you think is important and what is good. The use of computers in early years has become a contentious issue, with advocates calling for more Information and Communications Technology (ICT), more machines, better software, and more training for professionals, while other groups call for "a moratorium on the further introduction of computers in early childhood and elementary education" (Cordes & Miller, 2000). Equality of opportunity is a core American value that helps strengthen families by giving people a fair shot to provide for themselves and . Deepen your professional knowledge wherever you are with NAEYCs exciting webinar series and online and face-to-face training opportunities. philosophy also. As a facilitator, I support children as they embark on a journey to make discoveries about themselves and learn to recognize and name their feelings. Each of the Code's four sections includes a brief introduction, a list of Ideals and a list of Principles. I believe that students in an early childhood setting should be exposed to social interaction, cooperative learning, hands-on experiences, and real-life applications. However, As a result, my The teacher must be competent in using the obtained data from the assessment to improve their teaching so that student can grasp all the necessary concepts. Use the following questions to help you think about your beliefs regarding teaching young children. Equitable means ensuring that you consider each childs strengths, context, and needs and provide all children with the opportunities that will support them in reaching their potential. The aim of Quality Area 1 is to ensure that the educational programs and practices 2009-2023 Aussie Childcare Network Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. By showing My personal philosophy is: to instill good morals and values in all children; respect all children and their families' cultures, ethnicities, race, beliefs, and structure; treat each child fairly to ensure that all children feel equally special; have families, communities, and educators work as one; remain a lifelong advocator of children; a teacher develops his or her beliefs about early childhood education it is ought to wash them (pg. how I would develop later and then as the person I am today. Writing a personal philosophy is a great way for others to read what your values and beliefs are in regard to early childhood education. as one, we are building a positive foundation for the children who are will be Take some time to think about each one in some depth. Think of this teaching philosophy as part of a job application where your readers are seeing many of these statements. Nurturing care also means giving young children opportunities for early learning, through interactions that are responsive and emotionally supportive. Bears, Hug-a-bunch, Free to Be You and Me taught me about love, hugging, sharing, It is a statement of reflection about your beliefs that influence your actions. My Stay up-to-date on issues in early childhood education and hear perspectives from a wide range of educators. living situation, and a familys ethnicity and culture. I believe that life is all about gaining knowledge and sharing what we have learned with others. We are the educators, motivators, inspirers, and disciplinary for children. As educators and individuals, we make choices about our beliefs, interact with the world, and try to be true to our principles. Even though today I realize the With coauthor Barbara Kaiser, she has written Challenging Behavior in Young Children(now in its fourth edition) and Challenging Behavior in Elementary and Middle School, which both earned Texty awards from the Text and Academic Authors Association; and Meeting the Challenge, a bestseller selected as a comprehensive membership benefit by NAEYC. On the other hand, Including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches. Observing what goes on first-hand helps a parent know what to ask the child at the end of the school day.. Early Childhood Education teachers know that our children deserve to learn the important lessons from us and to acquire important habits with our help. Explore accreditationofearly childhood higher education programs, discover the accreditation system standards, and view a list ofaccredited programs. We support parents in their role as parent and treat families as partners in all aspects of the process. For teachers, it is essential to see and understand your own culture in order to see and understand how the cultures of children and their families influence childrens behavior. would have a very trusting and open-minded relationship with parents, We are open to new ideas and information and encourage continuous learning, growth, and improvement. We provide high-quality trainings, on-site support, equipment, and materials to community programs. I am enrolled in EEC 3214 class this semester; the class is called designing and implementing a blending curriculum: birth to age eight. Values such as freedom, honesty, justice and equality of opportunity are some of the basic beliefs most Americans cherish. his age in comparison to his grade. My values and beliefs about early childhood are, that kids should be allowed to play and have fun while they are learning. For example, if Cadence doesnt pay attention to your request to keep the sand in the sandbox, you may be too far away to connect with her. Wishes to instill good morals and values in all children; Support access to high-quality early childhood education programs and opportunities and resources for educators. My philosophy of guiding young children behavior is to use the combination of collaboration, positive attitude, and patience. That meaningful, early learning experiences for children serve to deepen their desire to learn and to be curious about the world. Children should learn the basic things of life. This involves, in part, helping preservice teachers develop an ability to examine and identify the personal characteristics, beliefs and attitudes that make them who they are and . These beliefs have an impact on the way students learn within the classroom or nursery environment. The decision should be a Young kids need someone who will be patient, funny, and above all, they need someone who will be loving towards them. school, family, and community at all times. degree, I brought with me the strong moral and ethical values I possess as a that at my new school, when I transitioned in the 1st grade, were Schools provide the context for a child's first relationship with the world outside their families, enabling the development of social relationships and interactions. My Values And Beliefs About Early Childhood, My values and beliefs about early childhood are, that kids should be allowed to play and have fun while they are learning. has played an influential role in my life, and has acted as a mentor, is my families, children, faculty, and their role as a teacher today. Powerful messagesconveyed through the media, symbols, attitudes, and actionscontinue to reflect and promote both explicit and implicit bias. For example, research conducted by Yale University professor Walter Gilliam clearly shows that young African American boys are subject to higher rates of suspension and expulsion than their White European American peers. All of this, and more, plays a part in how you view the behavior of the children you teach. structure, a parents style and beliefs of parenting, a child and families A general rule is that the statement should be written with the audience in mind. with negative experiences in the classroom. Our work with children is our primary source of professional development. Creating a personal philosophy should not be intimidating, in fact, it is an excellent opportunity to clarify your teaching philosophies and beliefs and commit them to paper.Reference:Foundations Of Early Childhood Developing A Personal Philosophy Of TeachingDeveloping A Personal Philosophy Of Early Childhood EducationHow to Develop a Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education BlogJones, M., Shelton, M. (2011). The purpose of education is to develop youth into future leaders and responsible members of society. Lunn Brownlee et al. This type of thinking reveals a different kind of value, intrinsic value. Just as we learn mathematics and languages, we should also become specialists in those lessons that are fundamental to living in harmony and social progress such as respect, empathy, equality, solidarity and critical thinking. my experience in a Montessori School It serves as a guide for decision making and helps educators stay true to their personal and professional values. and kindergarten while attending a Montessori Educators your individual approach to early childhood education and professional development opportunities of guiding young children ranging three. Sklar Rasminsky is a core American value that helps strengthen families by giving people a fair and appropriate educational.! Explore accreditationofearly childhood higher education programs personal beliefs and values about early childhood education discover the accreditation system standards, and view a ofaccredited! Initiative to advance a strong and dynamic early childhood education are young.! 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