With multibody parts, the various split parts are listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies. Yes, you totally can. This file format is well-known and is a widely used way to exchange CAD data between platforms. by mike miller Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:59 am, Unread post I believe SWX is about 1000m (not sure about the detail). That may be the item causing the problem. This same issue also happens when you try to save an embedded image in an email (Outlook 2010). With your top level assembly open, left click on a sub-assembly that you would like to save as a part and chose Open Subassembly. As an Amazon Associate Solidsmack.com earns commission from qualifying purchases. I'm trying to save a solidworks drawing file using macros and adding a prefix to the PDF. Close this window and log in. Per this post, I tried resaving my document templates, which actually stops the error until I restart SolidWorks. ; Select Consume cut bodies to copy cut-list items from multibody parts to resulting parts. Select All: Toggles the selection of all bodies to save. FEA will calculate contact of the pin in the hole, stresses and deflections. This should be on a local machine rather than on the network. Are Windows Explorer toolbar buttons missing in your SOLIDWORKS PDM Vault View? Copyright 1998-2023 engineering.com, Inc. All rights reserved.Unauthorized reproduction or linking forbidden without expressed written permission. Rename one or more folders that contain the file so that they have shorter names. by RichGergely Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:33 pm, Unread post The new part is linked to the original file, and Save Bodies is a feature that shows up in the feature tree and can be edited. in the FeatureManager design tree under. He that finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for [Christ's] sake will find it. -required/) and then convert the assembly into STL for each part. The sketch geometry would be geometrically invalid if the sketch were solved. The part contains two solid bodies located far away from origin. You need to quit swearing when typing in file names. Thank you for your comments. You can use decimals in file names (now), but I'm still leery of what Windows will do with my file if I do that--since we used to be constrained to an 8.3 decimal file format a while back--and I don't trust Windows any more than absolutely necessary (yeah, paranoid). I might be wrong, but as its an inbuilt feature of SaveFileDialog and SaveFileDialog validates the filename for invalid characters possibly you might have to create a Custom SaveFileDialog for this . Use the form below to send your comments and suggestions about this topic directly to our documentation team. 3. SOLIDWORKS PDM Failed to Create Local View Registry Error, SOLIDWORKS PDM Error: Could not copy the file. To do this, use one of the following methods: Rename the file so that it has a shorter name. The file name I need to save it as is: As a workaround (I need to name stuff like that all the time) I convert to decimal. There are 3 default templates: Part, Assemblies and Drawings. If a restart doesn't fix this issue, then go to Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations > Symbol Library File. It happen when i used savebodies after did sheetmetal "failed to save document" , "split feature failed"others feature are normally.I have been fixing for 3 days and anything didn't change, When study in class it doesn't has any problem but the same file from class can't save on my pc, i'm sure that my solidwork has somethings not right. Ok is there an other way to do this. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You can split one or more solid or surface bodies. by Frederick_Law Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:40 pm, Unread post The first is that when I try to pick a file name for the part, I get an error saying C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS (2)\.sldprt The above file name is invalid.. We have detected you are using a browser version older than Internet Explorer 7. by mbiasotti Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:44 pm, Unread post How to Save the Assembly as a Part and Maintain Mate References Now in SOLIDWORKS 2018 a new option called Preserve Geometry References has been added to the Save As dialog box when saving an assembly as a part file. Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. A new pc problem: recently discovered im unable to view hundreds of my image files; when i click "preview" on any, this message apears: "The above file name is invalid", but im also unable to change the file name ("change file name" is no longer in the drop-down menu), and when i want to save an image, when i input any file name, the same "The . If you're already in the Import Diagnostics wizard, you can right-click on the problematic face within the list of problematic faces and choose "Delete". For the invalid sketch color, select Sketch, Invalid Geometry in System Colors. Save with new name. 2020 SolidSmack.com, SolidWorks 2008 SP2.0 Approved for Consumption. If you change the split feature geometry, no new derived parts are created. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this. 1) Check the location of the SolidWorks journal file. Already a member? This allows each body to be saved as a separate part. 'Save Bodies' lets you know that bodies have been saved, because there will be a Saved bodies feature in the tree, but the only way to know which bodies have been saved is to look in the feature. If you selected Consume cut bodies under Resulting Bodies, the solid body displayed in the graphics area is the original solid body minus the new parts. You Can Draw in Perspective Inside SOLIDWORKS? Filename is wrong when saving a Solidworks part with "Generate automatic file names" not set when saving a SolidWorks file to SmarTeam with the option "Generate automatic file names" not active, the file of the Part is not correct as shown in the attached avi - file - some as "DocWFindInBmp" Scenario: - Define the options as shown in the avi - Naming Conventions. They will have to get used to the file naming. Select the documents to save. Web Help Content Version: SOLIDWORKS 2022 SP05 and our 1995-2023Dassault Systmes. To hide the navigation pane, click Hide Folders. You can create separate part files, and form an assembly from the new parts. You can select a new location and file name for each part. If this problematic data is found, replace it using the Search/Find & Replace . Deepak Gupta SOLIDWORKS Consultant/Blogger Lucas Posts: 227 Answers: 2 Search 'Split and Save Bodies' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. Click, All of the saved bodies appear in the graphics area and are listed in the FeatureManager design tree under. 1. For the SolidWorks user, it ranks at the top of the Infuriating things that make me hate my job list, and on the CAD Admin side of things, its one of the most common errors to deal with. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. For more information, please see our You can also create an assembly from the split parts. I'll also add that this file has been able to save bodies before and it's successfully saving the bodies that were there before I made a recent change. 06 May 2009, [{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS2S3T","label":"ENOVIA SmarTeam V5"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"518","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}], HD80625: FILENAME IS WRONG WHEN SAVING A SOLIDWORKS PART WITH "GENERATE AUTOMATIC FILE NAMES" NOT SET. - send my part file to my friend ,he can't too but he can do it by his own file. Bodies must have identical material properties to be instanced in this way. Search results are not available at this time. 10:39, I've seen this issue also (and regularly) and agree with. If I remember correctly, if you run in administration mode it won't happen. ago Is it just me or is the SolidWorks website a dumpster fire. Cause: The file/key name was invalid., Posts related to 'SOLIDWORKS PDM Error: Could not create folder. So I have a multibody part that I'd like to save out all of the bodies as their own part files. You can also click Auto-assign Names to select and name all bodies. This means you can save a file named MyBook.doc and the file name will be displayed in the correct case. To resolve the problem, go to Tools > Options > Hole Wizard/Toolbox. In this situation, a user will receive the message "Could not create folder. Offset every error-free face on one side of the part by 0mm and then use the Delete Body command on the original solid or surface. He combines industry experience with a thorough understanding of SOLIDWORKS products to assist customers in being successful. The software updates the existing derived parts, preserving parent-child relations. Recently with my SW2014 SP4 when doing a Save Bodies and then Save As the body/s names I have been receiving the following error dialog "C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\Corp\SolidWorks2014\Solidworks\.asm The above file name is invalid" So your file would be something like "250 x 049 SS-12", understanding that numbers refer to thousandths of inches. Click Edit, select a color, then click OK. Use Search/Find, and search for: PRESENTATION_STYLE_ASSIGNMENT. I have a part file that has 5 solid bodies in it that were created using the split part command. To show the navigation pane, click Browse Folders. The software automatically names all bodies. If you delete the split feature in the original part, the new parts still exist, but the status of the external reference in the new parts is dangling. Just make sure that new features in the tree are above the save bodies command. The new parts are derived; they contain a reference to the parent part. Not sure why it happens. To set the color for these items, click Tools > Options > System Options > Colors . The original part contains all its original features plus a new feature called Split. Sometimes, you'll be notified that something needs rebuilt. This enables you to save the bodies from a split part to a different folder or with different names to the same folder. Identical bodies, for example weldment structural members, are saved as a single part. Join your peers on the Internet's largest technical engineering professional community.It's easy to join and it's free. - send my part file to my teacher ,he can save my file without any problem. Select the bodies to save in the graphics area, or under, If the multibody part is a weldment or contains multiple instances of identical bodies such as patterned bodies, click, Derive resulting parts from similar bodies of cut lists, Assignment of Split or Saved Bodies Features. ; To create an assembly, under Create Assembly, click Browse, select a folder to save . 1995-2023 Dassault Systmes. Cause: The file/key name was invalid." when executing the PDM Template. When study in class it doesn't has any problem but the same file from class can't save on my pc. Double-click the body name under File, type a name for the new part in the dialog box, then click Save. You can also save solid bodies after you split the model using the Save Bodies feature. I was able to let the program give the parts their default names and save them as Body1, Body2, etc. Convert bodies into assembly using save bodies options ( https://gupta9665.wordpress.com/2010/11 . The callouts display the default path, file names, and location of the multibody part. save bodies "above name is invalid" MB By Mark Biasotti 10/17/14 This question has a validated answer. Low-Volume Rapid Injection Molding With 3D Printed Molds, Industry Perspective: Education and Metal 3D Printing. In lieu of that, here are some ways that can often times help you get around that wonderfully obscure message. In SolidWorks 2007 and up, this will bring up the Pack and Go interface. The information below details how to insert SOLIDWORKS system defined properties (SW-File Name, SW-Author, etc.) Move the file to a folder with a shorter path name. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. File name. To see the original solid body, move the rollback bar in the FeatureManager design tree above the split feature or suppress the split feature. Exporting Custom Properties. If you change the geometry of the original part, the new parts also change. This is because the folder for the solid body in the feature tree is not visible until there is more than one body in the part. This is a simple SOLIDWORKS macro to export files to the .3MF format and update the body names within the file. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. |Get a Quote The code works with adding everything after the it pulls the name of the file from solidworks, but it can't seem to add the prefix. Editing the PDM Template and removing . Specifies a path to the folder where you want to save the document. To change a component file name: In an assembly, in the FeatureManager design tree, do one of the following for the component whose file name you want to change: Click-pause-click the component. The assembly is created with multiple instances of this part. After it loads everything, select Copy Files. Although Windows NT file names are case-aware, they are not case-sensitive. by christian chu Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:08 pm, Unread post Get a hold of your VAR who sold you SolidWorks and theyll be able to provide an impressive set of questions and the proper assistance. : File: After you split the bodies, they are listed in the FeatureManager design tree under Solid Bodies.Double-click the body name under File, type a name for the new part in the dialog box, then click Save. I don't use the feature for other reasons now but I'm pretty sure that was a fix so it didn't happen. I roll up the progress bar to just before the Save Bodies so I can see the bodies, then edit, then roll it back down and save the original file. Each new part contains a single feature named Stock-
- n ->. The first is that when I try to pick a file name for the part, I get an error saying C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS (2)\.sldprt The above file name is invalid.. 110 29 r/SolidWorks Join 23 days ago 2. Per this post, I tried resaving my document templates, which actually stops the error until I restart SolidWorks. When we create a Save Bodies feature, if there is a body selected to save as a new part, you will see the option "Copy custom properties to new parts" appearing in the Properties Manager: image) once a while while saving solid bodies to external files (no matter what name I tried) - "Shutdown and reopen SW" would solve the issue. Matt. All rights reserved. Exporting a STEP file out of SOLIDWORKS is easy. I've been able to do this fine in the past, but now I'm running into a couple issues. Address bar. 2) Under Tools->Options->System Options->Backups, set Save Auto recover info every n changes to a higher value. Jeff Mowrywww.industrialdesignhaus.comReason trumps all. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. & gt ; System Options & gt ; Colors he can do it by his own file save out of. Is found, replace it using the split feature geometry, no new derived parts the. Plus a new location and file name will be displayed in the correct case all rights reserved.Unauthorized reproduction or forbidden. Browse Folders and regularly ) and agree with case-aware, they are not case-sensitive Error until restart... Founder at Aimsift Inc., and Search for: PRESENTATION_STYLE_ASSIGNMENT PDM Template display the default path, file names case-aware... Invalid sketch color, then click OK. use Search/Find, and location of the in. The existing derived parts are derived ; they contain a reference to the folder where want... As their own part files properties to be saved as a single part of our platform Edit, select,... 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